THIS SUMMER just went too fast. Our club has been active, joining up new members, hosting a variety of events and getting information out to the public about our wonderful club. The exciting news is: we are just one member away from getting ASCA sanctioned!! Once we become ASCA sanctioned, we will be hosting dog events where registered Australian Shepherds can earn titles. We will then host many events to help everyone have fun with their dogs. So, now is definitely the time to join our exciting club.
AUGUST: was our big kickoff event for the year. Esther Ivey, the President of our club, opened up her property to host a Frisbee/Dog Show Competition.
Elaine Eschtruth headed up the Frisbee Competition, which started at 10:00 with 9 dogs competing.First, second and third place were awarded. All competitors were fabulous.
At noon, Chris Ivey cooked up some scrumptious hamburgers and hotdogs along with chips and drinks for all attending the event.
At 1:00, Esther Ivey hosted the Dog Show. We had a full house for the dog show with judge, Wendi Luce, who teaches Adult and Puppy Obedience Classes a Fur, Fin and Feather in Farmington, NM, officiating. We had 18 participants at the dog show with Junior, Novice and Adult classes. We had a Best in Show title awarded and Grand Champion overall. You can go to our photo gallery to see who won at each event.
Ann Slavin was our photographer for both events, doing a fantastic job getting all the dogs in action. A professional couldn’t have done better.
MEMBERSHIP: We had 2 new members join 4CASA at our August event. Please welcome Steve and Steph Haston of Aztec, NM. We are very excited to have them on board.
SEPTEMBER:Keri Caraher, with DEO Speedwaggin offered to help us get started in Flyball. We will announce a date to meet at her home in Flora Vista, New Mexico on our “upcoming events” page shortly. We would love to get all you folks involved in flyball as it is a fast paced, exciting sport for all dogs. All breeds of dogs are welcome. We hope to start up a flyball team of our own. Once we get the equipment needed, I would like to offer classes to get interested dogs trained and ready to compete.
AVAILABLE:If you have ever considered getting an Australian Shepherd, we have several puppies/adults available right now. Go to the “Kennel Directory” on our webpage. We have 2 beautiful adult male Aussies looking for forever homes and 4 puppies with awesome pedigrees up for sale. One of the adults and all the puppies are registered so you would be able to compete in events and earn titles on your best buddy. Check it out.