84 Mill St. S. L1B 1H2 905-987-4515
Rev. Mary-Jane Hobden, B.A., M. Div.
Joanne McLennan, A.R.C.T, L.T.C.L., Music Director
February 26, 2017 10:30 a.m.
“As followers of Christ, we are called to be a worshipping and learning, receiving and giving community of faith, hope and love.” – Newcastle United Church Mission Statement
* indicates please stand as able and comfortable
Praising God Together
* Processional Hymn: “Immortal, Invisible” # 264
* Lighting the Christ Candle
* Call to Worship: (responsive)
On the mountain top God said,
“This is my Son, my Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”
God also said,
“Listen to him.”
If we have listened, learned and loved then we may hear God say to us,
You are my Beloved, with you I am well pleased,
for you have listened to Jesus and strive to live his Way.
* Prayer of Approach: (unison)
Lord, the days are growing longer, the sun shines more often, and we celebrate your Light among us. May we be attentive in our worship and our daily lives to the light shining into the dark places that we might reflect and multiply that light to all people. May your glory shine through us. Amen.
Our Life and Work
Visioning Committee – Jim Bamford
* Song: “Come Let Us Sing” verses 1-3 # 222
Sharing Time
The Lord’s Prayer – sung VU # 959
Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil
for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and forever.
Song: “Come Let Us Sing” verse 4 # 222
as leaders and young people go out.
Celebrating the Word
Exodus 24:12-18 God calls Moses up the mountain. Pew Bible Pg.62
Psalm 99 God delights in justice. VU Pg. 819
Gospel of Matthew 17:1-9 Jesus is transfigured on the mountain. Pew Bible Pg. 798
Reader: The word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
* Hymn: “Teach Me God to Wonder” # 299
The Offertory:
* Presentation of our gifts and singing verse 4 of # 92
All God’s people, sing in jubilation of the birth that sets us free,
telling of the revelation: Jesus, God’s epiphany.
Celebrate the human story! Word made flesh reveals our glory.
Dedication Prayer: (unison)
Gracious God, these offerings are a symbol of our desire to share your light both near and far. May your blessing multiply their work and the life they bring. Amen.
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Sending Forth
* Closing Hymn: “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” # 651
* Benediction
* “Go Now in Peace” – Besig/Price (words printed inside cover of VU)
Welcome! we enjoy open seating so please, sit where you feel comfortable and meet a new friend. We are happy to have you worship with us this morning. Please sign our guest book, located in the narthex and we invite you to join us again.
“Suddenly there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him.” – Matthew 17: 3
Newcastle United
Greeting you this morning are Jo-Anne and John Smithson. John is Clerk of Session.
Nursery care is provided for little ones to the age of 4 years. The nursery is located in the hall, through the doors on either side of the choir loft. Nate is our care provider this morning.
Our BIBILOS reader is Sue Johnson.
Coffee Plus – Following worship today the Pascoe family, with the help of the Congregational Life Committee, is hosting “Coffee Plus” following the service with a free will donation towards Hope’s San Salvador Mission trip. There will also be a silent auction for an assortment of homemade pies with proceeds going towards the mission!
Thank you to everyone who remembered our local Food Bank this morning. A list of suggested items is posted on the Mission board in the narthex. Special envelopes for monetary donations are found in the pews and narthex.
Faith In Motion
Holy Moly! Our 5-8 year olds are learning about Calling Disciples – Jesus picks some of the least likely people to be his disciples. Key Bible verse is Matthew 4: 19.
Grapple! – young people 9-11 “Texting God” – we explore “What if God says ‘No’”. Point: God knows what I need, based on Matthew 26: 39; 2 Corinthians 12: 1-10.
Teen Bible Study - re:form! In our Bible unit, we dig into “Why should I follow Jesus; can’t I just say I believe in him?” Focus: Matthew 4: 18-20.
2016 Income Tax Receipts have been placed in your family file folder, on the table in the narthex. Please pick up today ando save the church postage. Thank you.
If you would like church envelopes for your donations, please speak with Lorna 905 987 3940 so we are able to issue you a tax receipt.
Hall Assessment - the Visioning Committee asks for your input through completing the survey inserted in your bulletin. Please complete the survey and return to the so-marked box on the tables in the Mill St. entrance or a committee member today.
Bible Study – Wednesday, March 1 at 9:30AM in the hall meeting room. All who are interested are invited to come.
Friday, March 3 - the Stewards host Euchre Night in the hall at 7PM, with doors open at 6:45PM. $5/person includes refreshments. All are welcome.
World Day of Prayer is Friday, March 3, 2PM at Orono United Church.
Sunday, March 5 – the Stewards meet and the Special Gifts Fund Committee meet following the worship service.
Lenten Study – Sunday evenings at 7 pm during Lent (March 5 – April 9, with the exception of April 2). We will be looking at some of the individuals involved in Jesus’ journey toward Jerusalem and the Cross. All are welcome. Please read Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:36-50; John 12:1-8 for our first evening, March 5.
Thursday, March 16 – Messy Church “The Great Surprise! Jesus is Alive” from 10AM-1PM. Join Us as we explore Lent and Easter with hands-on activities and worship. For all ages and abilities. Please sign-up on the sheets posted in the narthex and hall. Thanks for your support of this Outreach event.
Sunday, March 19 – the Stewards host our popular St. Patrick’s Lunch following the worship service.
Spring Fling Variety Show! Sunday, March 26, 2017 – 1PM at Newcastle United Church. Enjoy an afternoon of local entertainment. Invite your family and friends This is a fundraiser for our church! Tickets $10, family $25. Contact the church office 905 987 4515 or email us. Tickets will also be available at the door.
It’s Canada’s 150th,and it is also the sesquicentennial of our church sanctuary. Our young people will be challenging us to do acts of kindness during 2017 to help us celebrate. February challenges - from Clara, Keegan & Family – are posted in the narthex and hall. Check off each Act of Kindness you have done and help yourself to a sticker!