Florida Artist Blacksmith Association

Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2010


Board members in attendance: Jerry Wolfe, Rex Anderson, Charles Pate, Jim Labolito, Ron Childers, Steve Bloom, Ralph Nettles, Mark Stone, Lisa Anne Conner.

Board members absent:Juan Holbrook, Kathy Thomas

Guests:Clyde Payton

1. President Jerry Wolfe called meeting to order 6:07 PM.

2. Call made for additional agenda items:Teaching trailer repair.

3. Call to approve Minutes of 1-21-10 meeting. Amendment was called by the President on item 13a of the 1-21-10 Minutes to change the terminology of fee to Jordan Thomas. The term fee is to be changed to a miscellaneous Expenditure item.

Motion Made by: Rex Anderson

Seconded – Ron Childers

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

Motion to approve minutes as amended:

Motion Made by: Ron Childers

Seconded – Mark Stone

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

4. Old Business:

a)President asked for update of banner project from Jim Labolito. Discussion ensued. Will make samples of different background colors.

b)President asked for update on Shed in Barberville from Rex Anderson. Rex gave details on progress. Asked for shelving for shed.

c)President asked for update 2010 25th anniversary shirts, on 2009 shirt sales. Also brought up brochure time line.

d)President brought up lifetime membership proposal and explained that there had been little to no interest. Recommendationasked for. Recommended to be dropped.

Motion Made by: Rex Anderson

Seconded – Ralph Nettles

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

5. President’s Report:

a)Stated that he has tried to give personal greeting to all new members. Encouraged Regional Trustees and coordinators to be sure to do the same.

b)Brought up membership shrinkage dilemma. Discussed ways to amend this trend.

c)Brought up concern of some about FABA financial audit, which is in arrears.

d)Mentioned ABANA conference in June.

6. Treasurer’s Report:Due to Juan’s absence, President Wolfe went over treasury reports.

Approval tabled until Treasurer present to field questions.

7. 2010 Conference Report: Mark Stone gave update on plans. Ken Durham lined up as Bladesmith, Clay Spencer as Traditional Blacksmith demonstrator. So far, Keith Ivey, Mike Murphy & Scott Purvis lined up as teachers. Dates set and Pioneering Settlement reserved. Mark asked about catering.

8. Scholarship Committee Report: No given due to John Butler’s absence.

9. Budget Approval: President explained his proposed 2010 budget. Feels we might dip into reserves. Questions asked and discussion about 25th anniversary about proposed budget item. Recommendation made to modify item from $1500 to $500. Motion to approve as amended:

Motion Made by: Rex Anderson

Seconded – Mark Stone

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

10. 25th Anniversary planning: Clyde Payton gave the committee names, assignments and an idea of what will be doing but would be premature to give anything more. Objective to honor Charter members.

11. Trustee’s Reports:

NE – Kathy Thomaswas not available for comment.

NW – Ron Childers reported to signing some new members. Sought members in the far West area of his region.

SE – Ralph Nettles gave report on visitors at meetings in his region. Hopes to print out a beginner pamphlet for these membership prospects. Will be teaching tool making at next meeting.

SW – Lisa Anne Conner offered idea of unified Email list. Discussion with Steve Bloom offering ideas to accommodate needs of Regional leaders to send out mass emails in area. Tentative date for Jordan Thomas to demo is Saturday, August 28th.

12. Coordinator Sharing: None present.

13. New Business:

a)Steve Bloom reports that expired members have not been removed from database. 68 people on list which have expired membership. Offers to design program to warning of expiration at one month left on membership; another final notice of expiration with one last Clinker Breaker after expiration. Motion made to accept:

Motion Made by: Mark Stone

Seconded – Charles Pate

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

b)Steve Bloom reports on costs of teaching classes with Clyde Payton inputting an idea of asking members to volunteer to teach classes. Program chair and committee will seek said volunteers.

c)Steve Bloom brought up Boy Scouts of America’s desire to include merit badge training with FABA conference. No Board support shown on this idea. Regional plan will be sought to accommodate this request.

d)Steve Bloom report on Teaching Trailer Repair. Motion to allot $100 for repair materials.

Motion Made by: Rex Anderson

Seconded – Lisa Anne Conner

Passed – Unanimously by those in attendance

Date and place of next quarterly meeting:Conference Call July15, 2010@ 6 PM Teleconference.

President Adjourns meeting at 7:33 PM