NAME: ______


•Various knowledge and skills acquired through 4-H projects and activities

•Committees worked with and served on

•Offices held (elected and/or appointed)


•Project Variety

•Participation in club, county, district events and contests

•Method demonstrations, talk, exhibits, camps, labs

•Citizenship and public relations activities


•Participation as officer or committee member at club and County levels

•4-H junior or teen leadership, and/or helping others in the club or at County level

•Leadership potential with training and opportunities provided


•Individual community service activities

•Participation in club and/or County level community service activities


•Ability to communicate; to express thoughts, ideas and opinions

•Eye contact and projection of self

•Appropriate attire for interview








HIDALGO COUNTY 4-H Ambassador Application Requirements

  • Application typed, completed and signed by applicant and parent.
  • Submit 2015-2016Recordbook.
  • Recommendation Letter from club manager, adult leader, counselor, teacher etc. (typed and sealed in envelope).
  • Essays completed (minimum 200 words per essay)
  • Essay questions:
  • If selected as a 4-H Ambassador, what parts of the 4-H Program do you think should be promoted?
  • Why do you want to serve as a 4-H Ambassador?
  • Participate in Interview Selection Process.

Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassadors

Head Heart Hands Health

The Ambassador Program gives 4-H members the unique opportunity to apply fundamental 4-H leadership skills to local 4-H clubs, and community outreach projects and initiatives. The Ambassadors also serve as role models to their fellow 4-H members and youth within our local communities.

Age Requirement: Applicants must be at least fourteen (14) years of age by August 31, 2015.

Ambassador Application and Letter of Recommendation: Are due at the County Extension Office byTuesday, May 31, 2016 by 5:00 p.m.

Interviews: Interviews are scheduled for June 14, 2016. A sign-up sheet for specific times will be available when applications are submitted.

Applications are available online at or you may come by the County Extension Office for a copy, as well.

2016-2017 Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Application


(First, Middle, Last)

Cell Phone:______


Home Address:______

City/State/Zip Code:______

Age on 8/31/2016:______

(Applicant must be 14 years or older by 8/31/15)

Date of Birth: ______

Submit (2015-2016) Recordbook:

(Must turn in Recordbook with application)

Number of years enrolled in Hidalgo County 4-H Club(s):______

Have you served as an Ambassador before (Y/N):

If yes, # of years:______

Interest Area (Please rank 1 to 4 in order of interest, 1 being Most Interested and 4 being Least Interested):

___ Livestock ___Public Relations/Social Media ___Community Service ___Special Events/Galas

Please complete the sections below: The information, which you will record below, should ONLY be from the current 4-H year (2015-2016) and the previous year (2014-2015).

4-H Activities Completed

  1. 4-H Contests at County, District, and/or State Level (current year first):

Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______

Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______

Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______

Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______

Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______

Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______

Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______

  1. 4-H Projects Exhibited at Livestock Shows (current year first):

Project:______Level: ______Year: ______

Project:______Level: ______Year: ______

Project:______Level: ______Year: ______

Project:______Level: ______Year: ______

Project:______Level: ______Year: ______

Project:______Level: ______Year: ______

  1. 4-H Camps (4-H Congress, Leadership Lab, etc):

Camp:______Year: ______

Camp:______Year: ______

Camp:______Year: ______

Camp:______Year: ______

Camp:______Year: ______

D. Citizenship Activities (Examples: advocating for youth issues with elected officials, Purple Up for Military Kids, local proclamation for 4-H Week, assist with local festival, observe Flag Day)

Activity: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Year: ______

  1. 4-H Promotional Efforts (Examples: speeches, poster displays, radio, newspaper

articles, club exhibits, television)

Efforts: ______Year: ______

Efforts: ______Year: ______

Efforts: ______Year: ______

Efforts: ______Year: ______


During their 4-H years, the 4-H member must have exhibited leadership skills in at least one of the following areas:

A. 4-H club officer or committee member at the club or county level

Office/Committee______Club/County: ______Year: ______

Office/Committee______Club/County: ______Year: ______

Office/Committee______Club/County: ______Year: ______

B. 4-H junior or teen leader in any activity or project with adult leader supervision

Please explain: ______




Community Service

The 4-H member must have participated in two (2) or more 4-H community service activities or projects either as an individual, as a group member, or in a club type project. Please complete the appropriate sections.

  • Individual:______




  • Group Member: ______




  • Club Project: ______




Non-4-H Activities

C. Aside from your 4-H activities, please list other areas you are involved in.

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______

Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______


Please explain why you want to be a 4-H Ambassador?

(Please include examples and experiences that led you to apply for this program)


If selected as a 4-H Ambassador, what parts of the 4-H program do you think should be promoted?

*****Please attach one (1) Letter of Recommendation to this application.*****

(Letter can be from 4-H Adult leader, Counselor, Teacher, Extension Agent etc.)

“My signature indicates that I have carefully read, understand and agree to comply with the requirement and that I will, to the best of my ability, fulfill the obligations as a Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador. I pledge my full cooperation in committing time during the coming year and in accepting speaking and service assignments to fulfill membership requirements. I further pledge my regular attendance at team functions and meetings and to conduct myself in a manner that supports a positive image for the team and for the 4-H Program.”


4-H Member Signature Date

“As the parent/guardian of the 4-H member, I have carefully read and understand the requirements and that I agree to fully support my 4-Her in his/her commitment as a Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador.”


(Parent/Guardian Signature) Date