Evansville Area Human Resource Association
EHRA Board Meeting
Old National Bank – Room 307
April 9, 2014
Present (P) / Absent (A):
Tela Erdell / P / Vickie Warren / P / Abby Keeping / PJake Fulcher / A / Emilee Hille / P / Rick Jones / P
George Lance / P / BethAnn Langlois / A / Steve Arvin / P
Joyce Leone / P / Mary Thompson / P / Debbie Tucker / P
Angela Noble / A / Suzanne Fant / A / Stephanie Pier / P
Jeff Devine / P / Jason Fertig / P
George Lance recorded minutes
PresidentTela Erdell called the meeting to order.
Minutes: The March Board Minutes were reviewed. Joyce Leone motioned and Mary Thompson seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The board subsequently approved the March minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: The March Treasurer’s report was presented by Joyce Leone. Vickie Warren motioned and George Lance seconded to approve the report as presented. The board approved the treasurer’s report as presented.
College Relations: Jason Fertig presented a proposed revision for the student membership definition to the group. The group had discussion regarding the various tenets of the proposal. The group felt that definition regarding credit hour requirements should be tied to the academic session schedule of the university, as universities may operate under varying terms including semesters, quarters, etc. Additionally, the group discussed potential candidates for student membership should not meet eligibility requirements for another membership category. After discussion, Jason motioned the criteria for student membership is updated so that student membership:
- be limited to individuals taking at least six credit hours per academic session in a degree seeking program
- be enrolled in coursework, taken or planned, that supports and demonstrates a bonafide interest in HR Management
- be limited to a maximum of six non-consecutive years
- exclude individuals/members who qualify for another level of EHRA membership
Jeff Devine seconded the motion. The board approved the motion as presented.
Professional Development:Jeff Devine indicated the Spring Seminar is progressing nicely. He indicated that an IPad mini will be one of the attendance prizes. Mary Thompson mentioned that approximately $3,000 has been collected from vendors and we have some new vendors participating. Jeff mentioned there was a printing issue with the brochure and conference prices were reflected at a higher rate than actual. The group discussed solutions to the issue that would allow Rick Jones to proceed with his SHRM at large mailing later in the week. Tela mentioned that she expects there will four hours of strategic credit and one and a half hours of general credit.
Workforce Readiness: Abby Keeping is in the process of updating the website and newsletter with volunteer opportunities. The group had discussion regarding potential opportunities with Junior Achievement (JA). The group discussed any connection with JA would not involve material development on our part, but rather offering of volunteers to present existing JA material.
Comp Survey/Non-Profits:Vickie Warren is planning a committee meeting to prepare for the 2015 EHRA compensation survey. Additionally, Vickie mentioned that Jason Fertig has a student writing non-profit descriptions for our upcoming EHRA events.
Legislative Affairs: Emilee Hillehas a variety of legislative updates she is currently prioritizing for newsletter and communication distribution to our membership. Current topics include EEO changes for federal contractors, NLRB negativity, whistleblower updates, ACA contraction, and minimum wage activity.
Diversity: Suzanne Fant is in the process of developing a diversity committee in preparation for a joint Diversity and Fall Conference for 2014.
Membership: Rick Jones presented two new professional candidates to the board for membership, Connie Stewart (non-SHRM) and Sara Lipking (SHRM) for board review. Abby Keeping motioned and George Lance seconded the members to be approved as presented. The board approved as presented. Rick mentioned that he will be completing a mailing to 220 at large SHRM members for the Spring Conference.
Finance: Mary Thompson mentioned that ADP is the sponsor for May. Mary is currently working on sponsors for our June and July events.
Vice President: Tela provided an update for Jake. Tela mentioned that Chris Schraderwill be providing a legislative update for our May event.
Web /Technology: Steve Arvin indicated that he will update the Spring Seminar brochure to reflect the correct rates.
HR Certification: Debbie Tucker indicated she had no updates. The group discussed recent HRCI changes concerning classification and labelling of strategic recertification credits.
President: Tela Erdell reminded the group that the newsletter deadline is the 25th of each month. She mentioned we continue to improve with meeting this timing. Additionally, Tela informed the group that the EHRA shared comments for the recent Equal Pay Day release by the YWCA. As a part of participating with the YMCA, we will distribute equal pay information, including an equal pay audit tool developed by the YWCA, to our EHRA membership. In closing, Tela reminded the group to inform Joyce Leone and her should a board member decide to use their board member benefits for state registration purposes.
The meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting:May 14, 8 AM in Room 209 at Old National Bank