/ RFP-170423
Video Visitation
Response Form 2
Method of Approach / Pinal County
Finance Department
31 N. Pinal St.
Bldg. A
P.O. Box 1348
Florence, AZ 85132

Responder Name: [Response here]

Responders shall complete the following Response Form, indicating their responses in the spaces provided. Additional pages may be added if they are clearly referenced in the spaces provided.

Offers that do not include this completed Response Form or includes a completed Response Form with unacceptable responses may cause the entire offer to be deemed unacceptable and therefore non-responsive.

2.1 NETWORK AND HARDWARE. Responder shall describe in detail the network and hardware elements of the Video Visitation System including at a minimum the following:

2.1.1 The number of Video Visitation terminals recommended by the Responder and their location, along with a justification of the proposed number (SOW 2.1.1 – 2.1.2):

[Response here]

2.1.2 Description of Video Visitation terminals including but not limited to correctional environment design details, mounting methods, handset designs, etc. (SOW 2.1.3 – 2.1.5):

[Response here]

2.1.3 Description of the secure and independent network connectivity to be employed to include the security protocols, encryption and firewalls to be used to include network security, wireless security, operating system security, hardware security and application security. (SOW 2.1.6 - 2.1.7):

[Response here]

2.1.4 Internet service provider to be used by Responder:

[Response here]

2.1.5 An itemized list and description of equipment to be provided and installed, such as server racks, and uninterrupted power supplies, as well as space, environmental and electrical power requirements for all such equipment (SOW 2.1.8):

[Response here]

2.1.6 Any other network or hardware that is not included as part of this proposal but that may be required:

[Response here]

2.1.7 Any other network or hardware details that the Responder would like to communicate:

[Response here]

2.2 FEATURES AND SERVICE. Responder shall describe in detail the feature and service elements of the Video Visitation System including at a minimum the following:

2.2.1 Description of recommended call duration limits, justification for the recommended duration, flexibility allowed with setting duration limits and how the system notifies visitors when visit is ending (SOW 2.2.2):

[Response here]

2.2.2 Description of how service is blocked to any particular inmate for any particular amount of time and how visits may be remotely terminated at will (SOW 2.2.3):

[Response here]

2.2.3 Description of the methods and/or steps involved in monitoring conversations in real-time without the knowledge of the participants. Please include any description of services offered to assist in monitoring and reporting of live video visits (SOW

[Response here]

2.2.4 Description of the methods and/or steps involved in the interruption of a video visitation conference while in progress and the ability for PCSO to communicate with either or both participants either with voice and/or text. (SOW

[Response here]

2.2.5 Description of the methods and/or steps involved in the digital extraction of historical video visits (SOW

[Response here]

2.2.6 Description of how unlimited visits will be able to be recorded simultaneously with time and date synchronization (SOW

[Response here]

2.2.7 Description of the methods available for PCSO-ADC to monitor and report on usage at user and facility level (SOW

[Response here]

2.2.8 Description of the method used to selectively turn on or off recordings based on type of visit (i.e. legal visit) (SOW

[Response here]

2.2.9 Methods of storing recordings, locations of storage, retention of recordings including retention schedules, and backup methods used (SOW

[Response here]

2.2.10 Detailed description of scheduling software including at a minimum, visitors account setup and features, how visits are scheduled, and any limits or other features of scheduling software from a visitor and technical perspective (SOW 2.2.5 – 2.2.7):

[Response here]

2.2.11 Description of PCSO-ADC administration security profile creation and maintenance of profiles (SOW 2.2.8):

[Response here]

2.2.12 Describe any other system features or service details the Responder would like to communicate:

[Response here]

2.3 SYSTEM INTEGRATION/INTERFACE. Responder shall describe in detail their ability to integrate/interface with Pinal County’s Jail Management System (JMS), Spillman Technologies, to include software and hardware interface specifications required for seamless operation of the Video Visitation System. Included in this response, the Responder shall describe their ability to integrate/interface their video visitation services with other technologies such as inmate tablet product (SOW 2.3):

[Response here]

2.4 IMPLEMENTATION & INSTALLATION. Responder shall describe in detail their implementation and installation strategy to include at a minimum the following:

2.4.1 Roles and responsibilities of both parties, proposed timeline, tests and measurements required to test functionality, and significant milestones within the timeline (SOW 2.4.1 - 2.4.2):

[Response here]

2.4.2 Technical and infrastructure expertise of Responder and collaboration required by Pinal County IT to ensure smooth installation of system (SOW 2.4.3):

[Response here]

2.4.3 Cabling and wiring materials and labor required to install the system. Please include a description of any changes to existing power and space capacity that would be required (SOW 2.4.4):

[Response here]

2.4.4 How planned and un-planned outages or system resource reductions will be handled (SOW 2.4.5):

[Response here]

2.4.5 Describe any other implementation or installation details the Responder would like to communicate:

[Response here]

2.5 REPORTING & ACCOUNTING. Responder shall describe in detail:

2.6.1 Reports available (and provide samples of) as part of this proposal including but not limited to scheduling reports, commission and accounting reports, customer service, maintenance reports and administrative reports (SOW 2.5.2 – 2.5.5):

[Response here]

2.5.2 How customer account balances are managed to include written policies and documents provided and description of any charges incurred by customer:

[Response here]

2.5.3 Responder’s policy regarding refunding customer account balances to include any charges incurred by customer:

[Response here]

2.5.4 Describe any other reporting and accounting details the Responder would like to communicate:

[Response here]

2.6 TRAINING. Responder shall describe in detail, user and administrative training provided to include face-to-face training and written documentation for staff, inmates and inmate friends/family (SOW 2.6):

[Response here]

2.7 CUSTOMER SERVICE. Responder shall describe in detail their method for providing ongoing user and technical support for their Video Visitation System including but not limited to the following:

2.7.1 Service level and response time guarantees including statement of current uptime percentage at a corporate level.

[Response here]

2.7.2 Problem resolution and escalation process from both a PCSO-ADC staff, accounting/finance staff and an IT/technical perspectives:

[Response here]

2.7.3 System failure back up plan:

[Response here]

2.7.4 Routine and preventative measures taken to diagnose technical problems to proactively ensure equipment and software are maintained in good working order throughout the life of the contract (SOW 2.7.1 – 2.7.3):

[Response here]

2.7.5 Ability to make any service, software or hardware enhancements and upgrades available to PCSO-ADC at no charge throughout the life of the contract (SOW 2.7.5):

[Response here]

2.7.6 Any other customer service details the Responder would like to communicate:

[Response here]

2.8 Responder shall describe how rates and commissions associated with other recently awarded contracts compare with the rates and commissions Responder provides in this proposal. If significantly different, describe the drivers of the difference in price.

[Response here]

2.9 Responder may provide additional information regarding technology or services not specifically listed in the RFP that they may believe to be beneficial to the County. Please list any additional commissions, costs or reduction of commissions associated with these items on the Cost Response Form.

[Response here]