Thank you for joining Oswestry Borderland Tourism. All members agree to the terms and conditions set out in the attached charter of membership and are then entitled to display the charter and membership sticker at their business. Please sign in Section A to agree to the terms and conditions.

For membership only please fill in sections A and C. This costs £65.00 and includes a basic entry on and a line entry in the 2016 Oswestry & The Welsh Borderlands brochure. To take a display advert in the brochure fill in Sections A, B and C. All prices in section B include membership fee of £65.00


Property name
Contact name
Property Address
Post Code
Phone no / Mobile No
e-mail address for contact / We will use e-mail to contact you,tick here for contact by post:
Web site/ Facebook/ Twitter
Mailing Address if different from above
If you would like access to your web site entry to update text and images, please tick here ….
and we will send you login information.
I have read the (attached) membership charter and agree to the terms and conditions:
Signed: Print name:

Accommodation providers are no longer required to be inspected but we are happy to promote any accreditation you may hold.

Inspected by:
Date of last inspection: / Grade awarded:

Accommodation Category: For web site and brochure– please tick one.

Members who take out quarter page adverts may appear in two sections.

Half and full page advertisers can appear in as many sections as they wish.

Hotel / B&B/Guest accommodation / B&B/ farmhouse / Bunk House/hostel
Self catering including boats / Campsite/ caravan site / Pet Friendly / Wedding venue with accommodation
Wedding Venue no accommodation / Restaurant / Wine Bar / Pub Food
Coffee and Tea Shop / Spa / Other – please state

Breakdown of Accommodation

Serviced Accommodation – hotels, B&Bs etc
Number of rooms: / Total / Single / Double/twin / Triple / Family – 4 plus
If you let rooms with less than maximum occupancy, please enter price in all appropriate columns / With ensuite / Without ensuite / With private bathroom / Price pppn
from / Price pppn
Family – 4 or more beds / £ / £
£ / £
£ / £
£ / £
Authorised disabled access statement? Yes / No Tick if applicable / Please state grade 1/2/3 / Ground floor bedrooms?
Lift available? / Free WiFi? / Dogs welcome?
Self-Catering establishments including boats
Number of units / Price per week: from to
For 4 or more units, please attach details separately
Unit 1 / Bedrooms / Single / Double / Twin / Family/3 or more
Unit 2 / Bedrooms / Single / Double / Twin / Family/3 or more
Unit 3 / Bedrooms / Single / Double / Twin / Family/3 or more
Authorised disabled access statement? Yes / No Tick if applicable / Please state grade
Number of ground floor bedrooms? / Dogs Welcome? / Free WiFi?

SECTION B -Advertising in Oswestry the Welsh Borderlands 2017

All advertising prices include membership of £65. A discount is offered for adverts booked and paid for by September 18th.1/8th and 1/6th page adverts will be a standard layout. All other adverts will be standard layout unless supplied as anart work ready file (pdf or jpeg). Design of ads is available at extra cost; please get in touch with Lee for details.Final date to book an advert is October 16th.

Advert Sizes

Ad size- please tick / Size / Orientation / Standard layout / Full price / Discounted
Full Page- includes web site entries / 128.5 mm x 190 mm / Portrait / 5 images
120 words / £715.00 / £650.00
Half page – includes up to 3 web site entries / 128.5 mm x 93 mm / Landscape / 4 images
100 words / £465.00 / £425.00
Quarter page / 63 mm x 93 mm / Portrait / 2 images
75 words / £315.00 / £290.00
Sixth page / Standard layout / 1 image
40 words / £221.00 / £205.00
Eighth page / Standard layout / 1 image
15 words / £145.00 / £137.00
Membership only – included in all advertising rates shown above
Members who do not advertise receive a directory style entry in the brochure / £65.00

Please supply images as j-peg if possible by e-mail to:

For other formats, please send a good quality photograph to the Town TIC. All images should be copyright free and available for use in editorial sections in the brochure and on the web site if required.

Advert text – please see maximum words above for each advert size. Please note: the first fifteen words will be used to create your basic web site entry. Attach separately if your ad is larger than 1/6th page

Advert text here:


You can pay by cash in the Oswestry TIC, by cheque, by card or BACS. Cheques should be made out to: Oswestry Borderland Tourism Ltd.If you wish to pay by card over the phone, phone the OSWESTRY TIC: 01691 662753

Please do not send card details by e-mail

Total amount due: £ / All advertising prices include membership of £65.00
Payment type: / CASH / CHEQUE / CARD- only if returning by post or in person at OSWESTRY TIC
Please debit my card type: / Mastercard / Visa / Debit card
Card number
Valid from / Expires / Security Code
BY BACS to HSBC / Sort Code 40 35 32 / A/c 81789201 / Reference: your name/business name

Payments and forms by post should be sent to: Oswestry Borderland Tourism Ltd.

Oswestry Visitor & Exhibition Centre, 2 Church Terrace, Oswestry, SY11 2TE

Cash Sheet / Receipt sent / Ad sent to Lee / Desk Top / Web site entries all / Certificate and sticker sent / Database entry