Pre-AP Chemistry Syllabus

Krystle Moos

Room 415, ext. 2415

Nancy Patel

Room 417, ext. 2417

Room 421 ext 2421

Course Objectives:

●Enrich scientific exploration in relation to matter and atoms

●Explore the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills related to Chemistry

●Prepare students for Advance Placement Chemistry

Course Expectations:

●Read all lecture material prior to class lecture

●View all posted videos and take notes

●Use technology effectively in preparing projects, lab analysis, and research

●Be prepared for naming and identification of elements on quizzes

●View material nightly to be prepared for unannounced quizzes

Academic Requirements:

●Well-developed math skills to solve algebraic functions and dimensional analysis

●Ability to write a laboratory report and organize lab data

●30 minutes of homework material nightly to practice developed concepts

●Maintain at least a 75 in the course or come to mandatory tutorials to show dedication to the course

This year, we will be implementing many more problem solving labs in which students will design their own lab experiments to solve a specific problem. Students will use the scientific method throughout their lab experience and record all of their data in lab notebook must be kept current with pre-laboratory assignments to be done before coming to class.

Lab Safety rules and procedures must be followed. Repeated violations will be result in the removal of the student from lab, which will result in a failing lab grade. Lab equipment is expensive and effort must be put forth to keep the equipment clear and avoid breakage. If it is determined that carelessness was the cause of equipment breakage, the student may be asked to financially assist in replacing the item.

Materials required for students in Pre-AP Chemistry

Pens, pencils, highlighters

Lab Notebook (bound composition book with graph paper)

Class Notebook

Roll of paper towels

“AAA” Batteries

Scientific Calculator

Grading Policy

50% Test

25% Lab (Notebook, Quizzes)

25% Daily (Quizzes, homework)

*** Since weekly schedules are posted on Edmodo, you will be required to take that test or quiz if you are present that day unless previous contact has been made with approval of the teacher.

For Lab Requirements- Students are required to participate in lab activities for 50% of the grade for that lab related to lab safety and following directions. Due to student activities related to absences and the sensitivity of lab supplies, students may utilize two labs that their 50% involvement comes from using teacher-given data in a given school year. Any labs after those two must be made up in person during the allotted time.

Structure of the Course

1st Six WeeksInquiry in Chemistry: Measurement and Mathematical Analysis

Ch 3 Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter

Ch 4 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms

2nd Six WeeksCh 5 The Periodic Law

Properties and Changes

Ch 6 Chemical Bonding

3rd Six WeeksCh 7 Chemical Formulas and Compounds

Ch 8 Chemical Equations and Reactions

Ch 9 Stoichiometry

4th Six WeeksCh 10 The States of Matter

Ch 11 Gases

Ch 12 Solutions

5th Six WeeksCh 13 Ions in Aqueous Solutions

Ch 14 Acids and Bases

Ch 15 Acid-Base Titrations and pH

6th Six WeeksCh 16 & 17 Reaction Energy & Kinetics

Ch 19 Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

Ch 20 Electrochemistry

Ch 21 Nuclear Chemistry

Ch 22 Organic Chemistry

Dropping the course: If you wish to drop this course, you have three options to do so during the year—The first ten days of school, at the end of the first six-weeks, and at the end of the semester. The counselors have asked that you follow this policy if you feel that you are struggling with this course.