[Organization Letterhead]

April 7, 2015

The Honorable Rob Bonta

California Assembly Health Committee, Chair

State Capitol Building, Room 6005

Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: AB 1357 (Bloom) - Children and Family Health Promotion Program- SUPPORT

Dear Assemblymember Bonta:

[Organization name] strongly supports AB 1357 (Bloom), the Children and Family Health Promotion Program, which will require a 2 cents per ounce fee on sugary drinks, which would allow the state to invest in communities that are disproportionately impacted by type 2 diabetes and related sugary drink consumption diseases. [Add 1-2 sentences on your organization’s background]

U.S. children and youth consume 224 calories on average per day from sugary drinks, equivalent to about one 20-ounce soda. Calories from sugary drinks are uniquely harmful–this is much bigger than just exercising. Strides have been made in healthier eating, and increasing physical activity, but we will not move the needle on diabetes unless we address sugar sweetened beverages.

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death for Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Pacific Islanders in California. Over 43% of the Latinos, 40.3% American Indian, 39.3% of African Americans and 38.7% of Asian Pacific Islanders, admitted to California hospitals in 2011 had diabetes, in some counties the number is much higher—when compared to the state average of 31% for the total population, this is unacceptable.[1] By the year 2000, 50% of Latino and African American children will be on their way to develop type 2 diabetes if the trend continues, AB 1357 (Bloom) is a tool to reverse this trend.

AB 1357 (Bloom) would invest in communities burdened by type 2 diabetes and diseases related to the consumption of sugary drinks. AB 1357 (Bloom) would provide healthy options to consumers, such as, access to fresh fruits and vegetables and clean drinking water.

For the reasons above, [organization name] supports this important policy and asks for your support.




[Organization name]

[1] Diabetes Tied to a Third of California Hospital Stays, Driving Health Care Costs Higher. UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Health Policy Brief. May 2014