May God give dew from To encourage companionship

Heaven, Genesis 27:28 January 1, 2017 with Jesus Christ and

NEW YEAR’S DAY participate in the life and

work of the Church


106 Spring Road, Hollsopple, PA 15935

Phone 479-7062


Webpage address…

Pastor – Guy Myers Youth Coordinator – Krista Shaffer

E-mail – E-mail –

Phone – 814-536-2404 Phone – 814-525-0403

Mission Statement: The living water of Christ wells up within us and overflows!

It is our mission to be obedient to Christ by living in unity and with our neighbors,

by discipling one another through the Holy Spirit and by reaching out to our neighbors.

9:30 am Sunday School Supt...... Pat Shaffer

10:35 am Morning Worship………….Pastor Guy Myers

Worship Leader…………...... Howard Hildebrand

Preschool church………………....Samantha Kane

Junior Church………………….…....Diane Bridge

Nursery……………...... Molly & Jeremy Stultz

Organist...………………………... Connie Miller

Pianist ………………………………...Pat Shaffer

Acolyte………………….……….….Caven Miller

The Walnut Grove Church of the Brethren is our Prayer Partner church for 2017. Ron Barto is the Pastor.

Reminder:.....Prayer Ministry Participants for Sunday, January 8th are: Mike & Tracey Seganos. We meet in the Pastor’s study from 8:45 to 9:10 am. Please join us; anyone is welcome to participate in this important ministry.

Pastor Guy will greet at the main door following the service.

Pastor Guy will be in the office Tuesday through Friday 9 to noon.



Welcome 2017


9:00 am…Prayer Time in our Prayer Room.

7 p.m……Choir Practice


January 10 7 p.m. Deacons Meet

January 12 Commissions meet

January 19 7 p.m. Board Meeting

January 26 7 p.m. COUNCIL MEETS

All members of the congregation are welcome and encouraged to attend our Council meeting.

The January Water Cup is available to be picked up in the Elevator Lobby.

There are many Christmas Cards left in the elevator lobby. Stop by and see if you have any more Christmas greetings from the church family.

Nursery Schedule for January

1/8 Krista & Monica Shaffer

1/15 Diana Croyle & Karen Nagyvathy

1/22 Alison & Kayla Luprek

1/29 Jamie & Ryan Beahr

January 9, 2017 the Women’s Fellowship will hold a Cabinet Meeting at 12:30 p.m. to discuss upcoming events.

The January Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be held on January 21, 2017 at 7:30. The guest speaker will be Tim Rigby from WJAC-TV.

2017 Offering Envelopes are available for pick up in the Church Annex (beside the elevator). If you would like to use Offering Envelopes please contact Financial Secretary, Mike Seganos (cell 242-6487)

St Francis Sharing & Caring Food Pantry:

The food items for January are Toilet Paper, bar soaps & flour. There is a box in the annex for the donations.

FYI – Tickets for the Game Feast on February 18, will go on sale at the beginning of January. They go fast so get your order in early. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for ages 11 and under.

Please note: The church office will be preparing a 2017 Directory. If you have any corrections or additions to the old Directory please call the church office between 9 a.m. and 12 noon.


Thank you to the Women’s Fellowship for the Christmas Fruit Tray.

Ruth Mishler

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your words of encouragement and gifts of love during this Christmas season. It is our privilege and joy to be able to serve our Lord with you. It is our prayer that each of you will experience and very blessed New Year.

Love & Prayers,

Pastor Guy & Wendy


Anna Ruth Spangler is in Conemaugh Hospital.


We extend our Christian sympathy to the family and friends of Samantha Mishler, who passed away December 25. Samantha was the granddaughter of Ray and Ruth Mishler.

December 25, 2016

Traditional Service 147

$ 435.20 Total cash offering

2,820.40 Total envelope/check offerings

42 Number of envelopes/checks

3,255.60 Unified Budget ($5,111 needed)

10.00 Brethren Disaster – Nigeria

25.00 Sister in Christ

175.00 Roof Fund

180.00 Building Fund

Received to date

$11,110.00 Roof Fund

4,832.00 Window Fund

15,942.00 Total

$15,674.00 Specials Loan

0.0  Paid In Full

Congratulations to our mature (70+)members…