Dartmouth College Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
First-year Seminar (FYS) Form #1
INSTRUCTIONS:This form is only for use by those who can’t access the online version of FYS Form #1.
- This form is the first step in the process of approval by the Institute for Writing Rhetoric and the Committee on Instruction.
- Please submit this form by the deadline indicated in the email sent to you by the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric.
- Please fill out this form on your computer by typing into the shaded areas and selecting appropriately from the drop-down boxes, and then save your changes.
- Submit this form via email as an attachment to:
- After the form has been reviewed, you will be contacted by the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric about the next steps, including deadlines to submit additional information and a syllabus. This may take a week or two.
Basic Information Needed for ALL FYS Courses:
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Department or Program:
Select from one division
Class Timeslot: Please consider a MWF morning timeslot since we generally have too few requests for those, and too many requests for the Tu Th 10A and 2A timeslots.
Instructor:Instructor Email:
Title of Seminar:
Abbreviated Title of Seminar:
(for timetable and transcript, maximum 27 characters including spaces)
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The following questions are only for faculty repeating a previously offered seminar:
Do you want to make changes to yourpreviously-offeredFirst-year Seminar (new distributive or world culture categories, new title, or very different description)?
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Course Description to Appear in Online Timetable:
(This box applies only to professors repeating a FYS.)
Please enter a short description of your seminar into the shaded space below. This description is what students will see on the web in timetable when they select seminars. Please include a very brief description of the types of writing assignments in the course to help students get a sense of the course work. Please make clear to students the ways in which your First-year Seminar is a writing course as well as a course in the announced topic.
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