Minutes of the Meeting
Monday 6 January 2014
People who were there today: Apologies, Flo forgot to pass the sheet round so we do not have any list today but there were a lot of us round.
Apologies:Jacqui Ponder, Michelle Bonnel, Stevan Floyd, Mike Robinson, Judith Clayton, Anne Woods, Andrea Fawcett
Mistakes/corrections from the last meeting: none
Note: there was no agenda sent out as we wanted a meeting a little bit loose today
Matters arising:
Liz Hall would like to talk about the future of LD today
Transformation update
None: no-one from transformation team today. Flo and Day service to chase up (done; Tracey Carus will be coming next month)
The future of LD – Liz Hall
Liz Hall went to see Gill Duncan and Jess Hutchinson prior to Christmas. The future of LD is high on the agenda because of the horrible mistakes which have been discovered over the past 2 or 3 years.
What sort of future are we planning for the 18+?
Currently there are not many options for the people with ld.
Registration of care homes are currently done separately – HCC and NHS need to work together on this.
There are boundary problems between some towns.
We need to build local resources
We need to inform the local community of who we are and be part of it
Lorna said that links with the local community are much better now and we have moved forward. Liz would like to make things even better than they are now.
The LD plan is only good when put into practice.
Liz has also a meeting with a headteacher in Andover.
Gill Duncan would like Liz to produce a plan for the North West including Andover. Andover is growing fast and people are coming to the Wellington centre every day. She said that Sharon Outhwaite and Jess Hutchinson are on Board and they need numbers and what people want.
Note; the LD plan is a working document and it tells what people want.
Lorna also added that the writing group will be meeting from now to June to feedback on the plan.
Jo Olford will raise the issues with her line manager and Jess as well.
Rita also said that LD is a minority group and complex needs is within this minority group. We need to highlight complex needs.
We need an action plan from big organisations too.
Liz Hall said that there is a new manager at Andover Mencap called Cristin Dixon. He will get in touch with the LIG once past induction week.
Partnership Board update
The next Partnership Board is at Wells Place Eastleigh (not Hampshire house) on 22 January. Flo has now changed the venue. It will be in the Church sanctuary. This meeting is for LIG reps. Other people can come as observers only. Please check with Flo first because of the room layout.
Service user involvement: Henry had a meeting at Boswell coffee shop on the 16 December 2013. 30 people turned up. Next meeting at Enham.
Other things:
Stannah workshop open day in December was well received. There is a mini printing service open on behalf of people with a learning disability.
Contact: 01264 336308
Jo Olford will talk about assessment and review next time round.
Next meeting: 3rd February 2014 at Woodley Village Hall - 10.30 am to 12.30 noon
And then, 3rd March 2014
Usually the 1st Monday of the month 2014 except on bank holiday (usually the week after)