Issue 2 – 17/18


Parents/Carers –


As this is a very busy term, please keep the ‘Dates for your Diary’ section to hand and note down the dates which are important for you and your child.

Texts are only sent out as a reminder of events.

The newsletter is on the website so you can always check the dates of events by accessing the WEBSITE. Always check your child’s book bag for letters coming home from school.

SMART CARDS – Smartie Party

Smartie Parties

Children will be invited either by:

·  The ‘lucky’ class draw is made from those cards awarded to children during an assembly

·  When ‘10’ cards have been collected *

* SMART cards are awarded and taken home. Please stick the cards at the back of your child’s Link Book. Once 10 are awarded your child’s name will be given to Mrs Gay for the next SMARTIE PARTY.

Royal British Legion Poppy appeal

Children are invited to bring money into school to purchase a poppy

and/or merchandise.

Poppies will be in school from Thursday 2nd November 2017.

School Council 2017-2018

Congratulations to those children who have been elected and chosen to represent their class as part of the school council.

The school council for 2017-2018 is:

Emerald Class: Lexi (Chairperson), Samuel (Secretary), Phoebe (Class Rep)

Topaz Class: Alfie (Vice Chairperson), Gemma (Spokesperson), Hatije (Class Rep)

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Many thanks to the PTA and staff who organised and ran our MacMillan coffee morning on Thursday 21st September 2017. It was a great success with parents and carers enjoying a large selection of cakes during the coffee morning, a raffle and a cake sale at the end of the school day. We raised a total of £140.56!

Harvest Festival

Thank you to all those parents/carers and family members who helped make our Harvest Festival such a wonderful occasion. Thank you for supporting the charity Mid Norfolk Foodbank. All the items have been taken to the foodbank and will be distributed to those families that are in need.

Year R, 1 and 2 Parents Meetings

Thank you to all those parent/carers who provided such positive feedback from our Year Group Transition Meetings. We really appreciate your comments as it helps us to plan our future events. Over the next year, we will provide further opportunities for you to come into school so that we can keep you informed as well as spending time with your child/children in their class to give you an understanding of their learning. Please be aware that on ‘Learning together’ days younger siblings are not able to attend. Thank you.

Any ideas for ways to strengthen the school’s partnership with parents/carers are always appreciated. Our Parent Partnership Policy is available for all parents to read on the school website.

Bikes and Scooters in the Playground and Staff Car Park

Please ensure that your child walks with their bike or scooter to the rack. Some children have been reported as riding in the playground which is a danger to others. Thank you.

After School Clubs

Please ensure that any children do not play on the school trim trail or on any other school equipment while waiting to collect your child from an after school club. Thank you.

Autumn Term 2017 Dates for your Diary
Date / Event / Time/Venue
Tuesday 31st October – Thursday 2nd November / 3 Day Science Extravaganza
Thursday 2nd / Mobile Zoo in School – Whole School
Thursday 2nd / Poppies to go on Sale
Friday 3rd / Road Safety – Nursery & Reception
Monday 6th / Reception Slumber Party / Further information to follow
Thursday 9th / Year 1 Phonics Workshop
No Younger Siblings / Further information to follow
Monday 13th
Wednesday 15th / Parent/Carers Consultations
Further details to follow / 3:30 – 7:00pm
3:30 – 5:30pm
Thursday 23rd / Handwriting Workshop – Reception
No Younger Siblings / Further information to follow
Wednesday 29th / PTA Decorating Day
Friday 1st / Decorating Day
Tuesday 5th / Reading Café – Topaz Class / 2:00pm
School Hall
Thursday 7th / Reading Café – Emerald Class / 9:10am
School Hall
Tuesday 12th * younger siblings invited / Key Stage 1 (Year 1 & 2)
Christmas Nativity
(2 performances) / 1:45pm
St Nicholas Church
Wednesday 13th
No pre-school children / 5:00pm
St Nicholas Church
Wednesday 13th / Nursery/Reception
Christmas Nativity / 11:00am
St Nicholas Church
Thursday 14th / Christmas Lunch / Details to follow
Friday 15th / Carols & Coffee
Reception Classes 9:10am
Year 1 Classes 1:45pm / School Hall
Monday18th / Carols & Coffee
Year 2 Classes 9:10am / School Hall
Monday 18th / Christmas Parties
Tuesday 19th / School Closes for Christmas / 3:05pm

If you have any comments or questions about the contents of this newsletter then do not hesitate to pop in or call us on 01362 692727

Thank you for your continued help and support.