Community Partner Agreement

If the community partner is unavailable to provide a signature, then an email from the Community Partner to the PACCE office stating that they have read this agreement and agree to it may be used as a substitute. Just a reminder- If an email is sent please answerthe question about the poster waiver. Send email to .

I have read, understand, and agree to the Pioneer Engagement Scholars Project as presented and to my role as a community partner in the project.

I agree to provide services, budget, materials, and etc. to the project as outlined in the proposal.

I understand that this Scholarship of Engagement project is for academic credit, and that the foundation of engagement is the community partner interaction with the student.

I understand that projects are based on the student’s time frame, typically a semester, winterim or summer term, and that at the conclusion of the term the student(s) and faculty partner will likely end their connection and efforts with the project.

I understand that the project is being carried out by students with generally little to no field experience and life experiences that will typically be in the range of 18-22 years olds. In addition, the project is only one of many activities the students are involved with during the course of the academic term.

I understand that UWP students and faculty must abide by all University of Wisconsin-Platteville and UW-System rules, policies and procedures.


All student PACCE projects are required to complete a poster for public display at the Pioneer Engagement Poster Day held at the end of the semester. As a community partner you have full rights to approve or deny content that will be displayed on the poster. Students will be required to show you the content and will not be allowed to display unless they have a signed release from you as the community partner. If you wish, for the purpose of expediency or otherwise, to waive that right then you can do so by checking the “Yes” box below.

No, I do not waive this right.
Yes, I waive my right to review the poster content and give approval to the students to display the content they develop at the Pioneer Engagement Poster Day.
Faculty Partner Printed (Typed) Name
Community Partner Signature / Date
Community Partner Printed (Typed) Name / Community Partner Organization

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