One-Way Analysis of Variance (Species Richness per Plot, or Alpha-Diversity)

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Factor 3 35.06 11.69 3.97 0.014

Error 44 129.42 2.94

Total 47 164.48

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---+------+------+------+---

S Dudley 12 8.917 1.505 (------*------)

S Langda 12 6.667 1.371 (------*------)

S LL Upl 12 7.583 2.234 (------*------)

S LL Low 12 8.417 1.621 (------*------)


Pooled StDev = 1.715 6.0 7.2 8.4 9.6

Two Sample T-Test and Confidence Interval

Two sample T for S Dudley vs S LL Upl

N Mean StDev SE Mean

S Dudley 12 8.92 1.51 0.43

S LL Upl 12 7.58 2.23 0.65

95% CI for mu S Dudley - mu S LL Upl: ( -0.29, 2.96)

T-Test mu S Dudley = mu S LL Upl (vs not =): T= 1.71 P=0.10 DF= 19

Two Sample T-Test and Confidence Interval

Two sample T for S Langdale vs S LL Low

N Mean StDev SE Mean

S Langda 12 6.67 1.37 0.40

S LL Low 12 8.42 1.62 0.47

95% CI for mu S Langda - mu S LL Low: ( -3.02, -0.48)

T-Test mu S Langda = mu S LL Low (vs not =): T= -2.86 P=0.0095 DF= 21

Two Sample T-Test and Confidence Interval

Two sample T for S Langdale vs S Dudley

N Mean StDev SE Mean

S Langda 12 6.67 1.37 0.40

S Dudley 12 8.92 1.51 0.43

95% CI for mu S Langda - mu S Dudley: ( -3.47, -1.03)

T-Test mu S Langda = mu S Dudley (vs not =): T= -3.83 P=0.0010 DF= 21

One-Way Analysis of Variance (Basal Area per plot, roughly, “Biomass”)

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P

Factor 3 183858983 61286328 2.79 0.051

Error 44 965244489 21937375

Total 47 1.149E+09

Individual 95% CIs For Mean

Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev -----+------+------+------+-

BA LU 12 4392 1720 (------*------)

BA LL 12 9279 7865 (------*------)

BA LP 12 8058 3676 (------*------)

BA DH 12 5459 3069 (------*------)


Pooled StDev = 4684 3000 6000 9000 12000