Southwest Texas State University

Staff Council

1994 Annual Report

The SWT Staff Council Annual Report of 1994 is presented to Southwest Texas State University President, Dr. Jerome Supple, as follows:


University Longevity - In 1993, recommendations were made regarding staff compensation polices as related to Longevity Awards, formerly known as Career Ladder. Having been rejected by President's Cabinet (PC), a committee was formed to reassess the 1993 recommendations and submit a revised proposal. The revised proposal was submitted to PC in 1994 as follows:

1.  When a staff member receives a promotion or reclassification, all previously awarded longevity program increases should be added to the employee's new base rate for the new title.

2.  Longevity awards in accordance with #1 should be retroactive for all staff who have received promotions and/or reclassifications since the University Longevity Program (ULP) began effective September 1, 1990.

3.  ULP increases should be made on an employee's employment anniversary date instead of the September 1 following the completion of two years of regular service.

4.  ULP eligibility for increases should be based on continuous regular non-student, non-faculty service at SWT. All ULP increases will count towards the maximum possible award number of four.

5.  Funding for all ULP increases, including those awarded with rehire, promotion and reclassification, will be provided by the University administration and not the account the individual is being paid from.

6.  Sufficient ISS resources must be committed to permit the electronic monitoring and management of the ULP.

The Longevity Proposals were sent to Dr. Supple on May 30, 1994 for PC's review. PC accepted all recommendations except #2. After clarification from PC, it was determined that awards will not be retroactive, as proposed in recommendation #2, but will be added to an employee's wages if the employee did in fact lose the award as a result of a promotion or classification. The award will be instituted when an electronic monitoring and management program is developed and implemented by SWT personnel for the tracking of such pay increases.

Secretarial Classification

After the initial proposal was submitted during midyear 1993, the Administration requested that Staff Council select a representative committee to work with Mr. John McBride and Mr. Don Fehlis from the personnel office to formulate a plan for updating the secretarial classification system at SWT. The committee consists of eleven individuals with 9 of the 10 secretarial titles represented. Several of these individuals have served in one or more of the secretarial titles. All divisions are represented by one or more of the committee members.

Committee Assignment

The purpose of this committee is to formulate a proposal to revise the Classified clerical, secretarial, and administrative support titles for presentation to the President's Council. Although pay scales are suggested, this assignment did not include the establishment of a system for pay increases, merit or longevity. These are separate issues from the original purpose for the establishment of this committee.


Duties in the job descriptions for secretarial titles overlap significantly. Account managers, incumbents, and Personnel Office representatives have experienced difficulty distinguishing between the titles. Dissatisfaction with audit results has been frequent. Biddle and Associates and surveys of other employers confirm that secretarial positions continue to be the most difficult to classify. Contributing to the challenge are the "personal services" nature of such positions and the varying degrees to which managers delegate responsibilities.

Approach to Job Analysis

Approaches to making classification decisions regarding administrative support positions vary. Within public universities in Texas, such decisions are generally based not only on duties, but may based on the level of the supervisor, the size of the department, or the number of staff or faculty members served.

After four months of deliberations, the committee determined that at SWT, like at other universities, it is impossible to delineate secretarial job titles based on duties alone.

Proposed Titles

The committee would like to emphasize that title changes resulting from this proposal represent neither a promotion nor a demotion of any individual.

The committee recommends that the University recognize four level of administrative, secretarial, and clerical support positions. The upper two levels are assigned based solely on the official job title of the supervisor. The lower two levels are distinguished by the nature of the duties assigned.

Level Proposed Title Reports To

4 Senior Administrative Assistant Administrative Officers

3 Administrative Assistant III Chairs and Directors

2 Administrative Assistant II All Others

1 Administrative Assistant I All Others

Note: Administrative Officers are listed in Attachment 2 of the University Pay Plan. Chairs and Directors are listed in Attachments 3 and 7.

The President and Vice-Presidents shall determine the best combination of the above titles within their offices. Other Administrative Officers, however, may have no more than one level 4 title among the office support positions assigned and no level 3 title. Chairs/Directors may have no more than one level 3 title among the office support positions assigned. In general, an office may be staffed with any number of level 1 and 2 positions, pending management and funding approval.

In determining the appropriateness of a level 1 or 2 title for an existing or new position, Administrative Officers and other Account Managers shall compare the assigned or planned duties with the attached duty listings and select the more representative title.

After University Council reviewed the Proposal, it was suggested and accepted that more than one Administrative Assistant III be allowed in an office if extenuating circumstances call for such an exception to the Classificaton system.

As of November 7, 1994, the Proposal has been approved by PC and is expected to be in place February 1995.


1.  Privacy in voting - Staff Council recommendation to keep staff members' name and social security number private when voting on University issues. Staff Council members work with Personnel to develop ideas for an anonymous vote. (January VI A)

2.  Mediation Training - Vice-Presidents nominate people from their divisions for mediation training as it applies to the Grievance Procedures. (January VI B)

3.  Traffic Appeals - Captain Peyton asked for the Staff Council to send him eight names of people willing to serve on the new traffic appeals committee. (January VI C)

4.  Recreation Center - Committee organized to gather facts regarding fee structure for use of new rec. center. (February IV D)

5.  Payroll Office - is looking into improving the paycheck stub by providing more information on it. This will have to go through SDLC process. Leslie Saucedo has asked for two representatives from Staff Council to serve on this feasibility team. (March VII A)

6.  University directory - correspondence received regarding lack of FY 94 Staff Directory. Status on FY 95 Directory checked on. New directory will be available. (March IV I)

7.  Wellness Program - regarding Central Texas Medical Center proposal of offering their wellness program to SWT employees. Staff Council sent memo to Dr. Abbott's office at his request stating the Council's stance on this issue. The memo states that Staff Council does not sponsor this program and recommends that University funds not be used toward the program. (July VII A)

8.  Fee Waiver - Staff correspondence requesting fee waiver made available to part time employees. Staff Council discussed issue and declined to take such action. (July VI A)

9.  Bylaws - Dr. Supple approves changes to Staff Council Bylaws. All old copies of Bylaws destroyed and replaced with approved copy. (August IV E)

10.  Election Process - Calendar for 1994 Staff Council election of members distributed. Also distributed is copy of Election Procedures Manual for Staff Council. (August IV F)

11.  Reserve Parking Policy - discussion on Presentation of policy by Chief Allen of UP at University Council meeting. Dr. Abbott asks for a Staff Council member to serve on a comprehensive study of Parking Policies of other Universities and SWT's. (November IV)

12.  FY 96 Holiday Schedule - (September VII A)

13.  Employment -at-Will - (October V A)

14.  Salary Survey - Staff Council discussed the salary survey conducted by Personnel. Because there are several concerns stated by the Council, a memo was sent to Personnel asking that Personnel address these questions. Personnel responded in a timely and accurate manner. (October VII A)

15.  Sick Leave Pool - Discussion of the lack of a clear definition of "catastrophic illness or injury" and lack of standard regarding eligibility to receive leave time from the pool. (November VIII B)

16.  Energy Conservation - Dr. Abbott sent memo asking for suggestions on ways to conserve energy by making the best use of shutdown times at SWT. Suggestions sent. (November VIII C)


1.  UPPS Committee - established to review UPPS.

2.  Bylaws Committee

3.  Recreational Sports Committee

4.  Traffic Appeals Committee

5.  Public Relations Committee - to disburse information to Staff Council members and interested parties through information channels available at SWT.

6.  Elections Committee - to establish Staff Council election procedures and timeframes.


Captain Bill Peyton, UP

Informed Council on what is taking place with the Parking Policy issue. He stated that a study was conducted to determine how many spaces are reserved, who holds them, if they are equitable assigned as compared with other universities. He also stated why it is important that a policy be established and whether SWT can establish a policy that will reserve parking on a more equitable basis. (May)

Dr. Oren Renick, Health Professions

He presented information regarding a survey to gather information on satisfaction of in-patient and ambulatory care by the local providers. Dr. Renick and the Faculty Senate committee on insurance seeks Staff Council's support for this survey which will measure patient satisfaction, resources utilized and the quality of care received. (November III)

Dr. Jerome Supple, President SWT

Addressed 1994 Council accomplishments and 1995 Council expectations.