Title: States of Matter Database

Developed by: Trish Dunn and Amy McNamara


Objective: Students will create a database defining the basic states matter and showing graphic examples obtained from the Internet of each state.

Timeline: Two 45 minute class periods

Content Area: Science / Grade Level: Fourth
Materials/Resources: Microsoft Access and Internet access / Technology Focus:
Subject Area - §112.6.7
Technology Applications - §126.3.1 (B. E); §126.3.2 (A-E); §126.3.3 (A, B); §126.3.4 (A, B); §126.3.5 (A); §126.3.7 (A, B, C); §126.3.11 (A)


  1. Open Microsoft Access.
  2. Click Blank Database in the task pane on the right.
  3. Navigate to the location where the database needs to be saved using the drop down arrow in the top bar.
  4. Type States of Matter in the File name bar.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Discuss the parts of the Database – tables, queries, forms, and reports – and uses for each.
  7. Make sure Tables is selected in Objects column on the left.
  8. Double click Create table in Design view.
  9. Type Name in the first row under Field Name.
  10. Tab to Data Type.
  11. Type T for text.
  12. Tab 2 times to get to the next Field Name row.
  13. Type How are molecules packed and how do they move?
  14. Tab to Data Type and type M for Memo.
  15. Tab 2 times.
  16. In field 5, type:Definite Size/Shape?
  17. Tab to Data Type and type M for Memo.
  18. Tab 2 times.
  19. In field 6, type: Examples
  20. Tab to Data Type and type T for text .
  21. In field 7, type: Picture
  22. Tab to Data Type and type O for OLE Object.
  23. In field 8, type: Reference
  24. Tab to Data Type and type H for Hyperlink
  25. In field 9, type: Photo Citation
  26. Tab to Data Type and Type: T for text.
  27. Click View>Datasheet view in the top menu bar.
  28. Click Yes to Save the table now.
  29. Type States of Matter as the table name.
  30. Click OK.
  31. Click No to Primary Key.
  32. Close the table by clicking the X in the top right corner of the table.
  33. Under Objects, select Forms.
  34. Double Clickon Create Form by using Wizard.
  35. Click the double arrows between available fields box and selected fields box.
  36. Click Next.
  37. Click Justified.
  38. Click Next.
  39. Select Blends
  40. Click Next.
  41. Click Finish.
  42. Fill in information on each of the States of Matter.
  43. Copy and paste photos from the EBSCO database online. or
  44. Go to the Internet to get a picture of each example. Copy and paste in the picture field.
  45. Copy and paste the website address in the Reference field.
  46. Close the Form.
  47. Click on Reports in the Objects area.
  48. Select Create a Report using the Wizard.
  49. Move all the field to the Selected Fields side.
  50. Click Next until you reach the Layout page of the Wizard.
  51. Select Justified and click Next.
  52. Change the style to Compact and click Next.
  53. Click Finish.
  54. Check the Print Preview and print the report.


Teacher observation of the printed reports.

Allow students to work in pairs.
Save example photos to use in the database in a common folder. / Extensions:
Use the Query section of Access to locate specific information from the database.


Manage a database / skills utilized in the project
Identify parts of a database (field, record, form) / I / X
Create a blank database / I / X
Enter data in a consistent form / I / X
Create a table / I / X
Add/Delete records / I / X
Move through records / I / X
Edit data / I / X
Change Column Width / I / X
Query data
Find data / I / X (Extension)
Write any additional skills taught in the project
Accessing Information / 
the skills utilized in the project
Use automated card catalog (lesson done by librarian) / R
Enter a web address in the browser / R
Use a search engine/on-line database to locate valid information / R / X
Copy a web address from the Internet and paste in another program to cite the source URL / I / X
Copy a graphic from the Internet and paste in another program / R / X
Use interactive technology for problem solving / R
Use electronic communication to share information / R
Create a product collaboratively / R
Write any additional skills taught in the project / Create/Print a Report