Presider’s Version

Service outline for January 17, 2018 Emmanuel College Alumni Worship

(Panel 1)


(Panel 2)

Welcome (Greg)

**Saya to teach the refrain from Lord of the Universe(Panel 3)

(Panel 4)

Announcements (Greg)

(Panel 5)

Territorial Acknowledgement (led by …?)

One:As we gather together at Emmanuel College, we acknowledge this sacred land on which the University of Toronto operates. It has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron- Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work in the community, on this territory. We are also mindful of broken covenants and the need to strive to make right with all our relations.

To this end, we also join in prayer:

Territorial Acknowledgement Response

All:Creator, as we come together, gathered on this land, keep us mindful of the covenants that have been broken with First Nations Peoples. Be with us as we strive to make right with all our relations. Amen.

(Panel 6)

Preparation (John Joseph)

Shalom, sawidi, a paz salaam, sawidi, a paz = peace

** during this singing, a candle is lit

(Panel 7)

Hymn For the Beauty of the Earth (VU 226) (Saya)


(Panel 8)

Old Testament Reading Daniel 4:10-12 (NRSV) (Student)

One:Our first reading is from the Book of Daniel….

10Upon my bed this is what I saw;
there was a tree at the center of the earth,and its height was great.
11The tree grew great and strong,its top reached to heaven,
and it was visible to the ends of the whole earth.
12Its foliage was beautiful,its fruit abundant,and it provided food for all.
The animals of the field found shade under it,the birds of the air nested in its branches,and from it all living beings were fed.

One:This is the witness of Israel

All:Thanks be to God.

**Hang woven tree banner to reflect Daniel reading during hymn

ReadingJalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (Student)

A reading from Rumi, the Sunni poet, jurist, and theologian.

Soul receivesfrom soul that knowledge, therefore not by booknor from tongue.

If knowledge of mysteries come after emptiness of mind,

that isillumination of heart.

If thouwilt be observant and vigilant,

thou wilt see at every moment the response to thy action.

Be observant if thou wouldst have a pure heart,

for something is born to thee in consequence of every action.

I said, 'Thou art harsh, like such a one.'

'Know,' he replied,

'That I am harsh for good, not from rancor and spite.

Whoever enters saying, "This I," I smite him on the brow;

For this is the shrine of Love, o fool! It is not a sheep cote!

Rub thine eyes, and behold the image of the heart.'

Gospel:Mark 1:14-20 (NRSV) (Student)

A reading from the Gospel of Mark….

14Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news] of God, 15and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kindom of God has come near;[c] repent, and believe in the good news.”

16As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishers. 17And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” 18And immediately they left their nets and followed Jesus. 19As he went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in their boat mending the nets. 20Immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.

One:Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

All:Thanks be to God.

(Panel 9)

SermonIn Search of a Better World (John Joseph)

(Panel 10)

Silent Reflection

Hymn Restless Weaver (Saya & John Joseph)

(Panel 11)

Restless Weaver, ever spinning threads of justice and shalom;

dreaming patterns of creation where all creatures find a home;

gathering up life’s varied fibers, every texture, every hue;

grant us your creative vision. With us weave your world anew.

(Panel 12)

Where earth’s fragile web is raveling help us mend each broken strand.

Bless our urgent, bold endeavors cleansing water, air and land.

Through the Spirit’s inspiration offering health were there once was pain-strengthen us to be the stewards of your world knit whole again.

(Panel 13)

When our violent lust for power ends in lives abused and torn,

from compassion’s study fabric fashion hope and trust reborn.

Where injustice rules as tyrant, give us courage, God to dare

live our dreams of transformation. Make our lives incarnate prayer.

(Panel 14)

Restless Weaver, still conceiving new lifenow and yet to be,

binding all of your vast creation in one living tapestry,

you have called us to be weavers. Let your love guide all we do.

With your Reign of Peace our pattern, we will weave your world anew.

(Panel 15)

Prayers of the People (led by …?)

VU 400 – Listen to your Children Praying


(Panel 16)

Invitation & Peace (Maya)

One:The table is now to be made ready and heaped with God's abundance:

bread, fruit of the vine, love, joy, forgiveness.

And you are all welcome.

So come from the streets and your studies,

Come from your weariness and anxiety,

Come to Christ's table and be fed with love.

The peace of Christ be with you all.

All:And also with you.

-Sharing of the Peace -

(Panel 17)

Presentation Hymn All Who Hunger (VU 460)

** elements are brought forward and table is set

Communion (Maya Greg)

Great Thanksgiving

(Panel 18)

One:The Spirit of God be with you.

All:And also with you.

Two:Turn to God, the source of life.

All:We lift our hearts in prayer and in peace.

Both:Let us give thanks.

All:We offer joyful thanks to God.

(Panel 19)

One:Source and Sustainer of life,

We gather at this table to offer thanks

With all our relations – human and nonhuman –

we are one in gratitude for the gift and mystery of life

and one in longing for a world healed renewed and reborn.

All:We praise you for your presence

In and with your creation

Ever drawing it toward healing and wholeness.

In our joy you are overflowing cup;

In our need, you are sustenance.

(Panel 20)

Two:With all who abide in your presence and care, we lift our voices

All:Holy, Holy, Holy, God of Wisdom and Wonder

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the One who comes in Your name.

Hosanna in the highest.

(Panel 21)

One:We remember what Jesus did the night before he died,

how he took bread, gave you thanks,

broke the bread and shared it with his friends, saying, “Remember!”

We remember that before Jesus took bread, someone baked it,

and before that someone ground the flour,

and before that someone harvested the wheat,

and before that someone planted the seed in the soil

which the rain watered and sun warmed.

We remember and give thanks that Jesus lived and died and rose to new life

and give thanks for seeds that live and die and give rise to new life

that we might be fed and live life abundantly.

Two:We remember how Jesus poured a cup of wine, gave you thanks,

And passed the cup to his friends, saying, “Remember!”

As we remember the covenant you made with us in and through Jesus

and give thanks for the Cup of Blessing that celebrates this covenant,

we remember and give thanks for fruit of the earth and Earth itself.

All:We spread your table with these gifts

of the Earth and of our labour.

We present to you our very lives,

committed to your service on behalf of all people.

(Panel 22)

One:Remembering your boundless love for us in Jesus Christ,

we offer you our praise, as we proclaim the mystery of faith:

All:Jesus died. Christ is risen.

Love has triumphed. Life returns.

(Panel 23)

Two:Holy Spirit, Comforter, Advocate, Friend,

bless these gifts of creation that they may bless our lives

with the presence and power of the risen Christ.

May they give us comfort and strength,

peace and wisdom. May they make us whole.

All:Unite us at this table and strengthen us

to live the resurrected life of Christ in the world.

(Panel 24)

One:At this time, we remember all those

with whom you would have us share your feast. ..

and we lift up to you our prayers

…for those who are living in need of

food or shelter or basic necessities of life…

Two:…for those struggling to survive in the wake of natural disaster or human violence . . .

One:…for those who are coping with illness or failing health…

Two:…for our families and friends. For all of the people in our lives.

(Panel 25)

All:Praise be to God, the Source of love!

Praise be to Christ, Love incarnate!

Praise be to the Spirit, Love’s power!

Praise be to God!Amen

** The servers begin by sanitizing their hands;

(Panel 26, 27, 28, 29)

Music during Communion Lord of the Universe (Saya)

(Panel 30)

Prayer after Communion

All:Life-giving God, may we who gather at this table live Christ’s risen life;

May we who share in this feast bring new life to others.

May we whom the Spirit lights give light to the world.

Keep us firm in the hope you have set before us,

that we and all your people shall be free,

and all creation will live to praise You. Amen.


(Panel 31, 32)

Hymn You Are Holy (Saya)

(Panel 33)

Blessing & Sending Forth (John Joseph)

(Panel 34)

Postlude/Music for Going Forth (Saya)