Name ______Date ______

SS7 Unit V Exam

Please fill in the circle of the choice that best answers the question:

1)Many Americans justified westward expansion during the 1840s based on

a) a belief in Manifest Destiny

b) a need to preserve the natural environment

c) the authority of the Monroe Doctrine

d) the constitutional principles in the Bill of Rights

Base your answer to question 2 on the chart below and on your knowledge of social studies.

2) Which conclusion related to the Civil War can be drawn from the information in this chart?

a) The South had more large cities than the North

b) Sectionalism was based on social and economic differences

c) The South was well prepared to win a war against the North

d) Agriculture was no longer important to the United States economy.

3) The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was called to focus attention on

a) women’s rights

b) slavery

c) public education

d) the abuse of alcohol

4) Which author’s work gave support to the Abolitionist movement before the Civil War?

a) Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle

b) Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind

c) Booker T. Washington’s Up From Slavery

d) Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin

5) The Underground Railroad was developed in the 1840s in order to

a) smuggle illegal goods into the country

b) help runaway slaves escape to freedom

c) provide a form of inexpensive transportation

d) stop illegal aliens from entering the country

6) The Seneca Falls Convention, held in 1848, is a significant event in United States history because it

a) supported the Missouri Compromise

b) was the first national labor union meeting

c) provided the United States with new western territory

d) was an important step in the women’s rights movement

Base your answer to question 7 on the graphs below and on your knowledge of social studies.

7) What was the relationship between cotton production and the slave population?

a) To produce more cotton, more slaves were needed

b) An increase in the slave population resulted in a decrease in cotton production

c) To produce more cotton, fewer slaves were needed

d) Cotton production had little effect on the slave population.

8) During the 1840s, the idea of Manifest Destiny was used to

a) demand equal rights for African Americans

b) support westward expansion to the Pacific

c) criticize government treatment of Native American Indians

d) extend slavery into New England

9) Which action toward Native American Indians did the United States government take between 1820 and 1840?

a) paying Native American Indians a fair price for their land

b) passing a law giving all native American Indians Untied States citizenship

c) encouraging Native American Indians to take jobs in factories

d) removing Native American Indians from their tribal lands and placing them on reservations

10)“Annexation of Texas”

“ Fifty-four Forty or Fight”

“All of Oregon or None!”

These slogans from the election of 1844 all support

a) law and order

b) Manifest Destiny

c) sectionalism

d) women’s suffrage

11) During the late 1840s, thousands of people were attracted to California to

a) fight in the Mexican War

b) help build railroads

c) search for gold

d) obtain good farmland

Base your answer to question 12 on the graph below and on your knowledge of social studies.

12) Which conclusion is supported by the information on the graph?

a) Canals transport goods faster than railroads

b) Building railroads is more expensive than building canals

c) Railroad mileage increased faster than canal mileage

d) Businesses preferred shipping goods by canal

13) Abolition, the Underground Railroad, and the Dred Scott decision would all be included in the discussion of

a) banking

b) foreign affairs

c) slavery

d) transportation

14) “The Cherokees are nearly all prisoners. They have been dragged from their homes and encamped at the forts and military places, all over the nation…. The property of many has been taken and sold before their eyes for almost nothing.”

This quotation from an eyewitness on the Trail of Tears describes events connected with the

a) Battle of Little Big Horn

b) Dawes Act

c) Lewis and Clark Expedition

d) Indian Removal Act

15) Which event was a major cause of the War with Mexico (1846-1848)?

a) Missouri Compromise

b) discovery of gold in California

c) passage of the Northwest Ordinance

d) annexation of Texas

16) Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Harriet Tubman were all 19th-century leaders in the movement to

a) reform prisons

b) establish woman’s suffrage

c) protect Native American Indians

d) abolish slavery

17) A major goal of the Seneca Falls Convention (1848) was to

a) form a new political party

b) oppose the Mexican War

c) publicize the need for women’s rights

d) improve public education

18) Before 1820, most factories and mills in the United States were powered by

a) oil

b) water

c) electricity

d) coal

19) Which abolitionist leader was a “conductor” on the Underground Railroad?

a) John Brown

b) William Lloyd Garrison

c) Harriet Beecher Stowe

d) Harriet Tubman

20) Which event led directly to the secession of Southern States from the Union in 1860 and 1861?

a) election of Abraham Lincoln as president

b) passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

c) adoption of a new fugitive slave law

d) decision of the Supreme Court in Dred Scott v. Sanford

21) During the 1840s, American used the idea of Manifest Destiny to justify the

a) expansion of women’s rights

b) acquiring of new territories

c) beginning of free public education

d) repeal of the Missouri Compromise

Base your answer to question 24 on the newspaper advertisement below and on your knowledge of social studies.

22) Which conclusion can be drawn from this newspaper advertisement?

a) The Underground Railroad was a failure

b) Slave owners believed that their slaves were property

c) Many enslaved person became wealthy in the North

d) If slaves reached the North, rewards would not be paid

23) President Andrew Jackson defended the spoils system as a benefit to democracy because it

a) created more political parties

b) granted the right to vote to more people

c) increased the power of the states

d) filled government jobs with common citizens

24) As a result of the “corrupt bargain”, John Quincy Adams became the president in 1825 Henry Clay became

a) Vice President

b) Secretary of State

c) Secretary of Treasury

d) Speaker of the House

25) Nullification and secession were heavily debated at the

a) Treaty of Ghent

b) Missouri Compromise

c) Kansas-Nebraska Act

d) Webster-Hayne debate