Cumann Lúth Chleas Gael

Coiste Chontae Mhaigheo

Comhthionól Bhliantúil


De Luain 17u Nollaig 2012

McWilliam Park Hotel


A tosnú ar 7.00 i.n.


1. Opening address and remembrance of deceased members

2. Address of welcome by South Mayo Board

3. Óráid an Uachtaráin

4. Adoption of Standing Orders

5. Óráid an Chathaoirleach

6. Miontuairiscí 2011

7. Tuairisc an Runaí

8. Tuairisc an Chisteoir

9. Toghachán na hOifígí

10. Ruin

Standing Orders

In order that the proceedings of the Convention are carried out without delay, the following Standing Orders will be strictly observed.

1. The person proposing the Motion/Resolution or Amendment may speak for not more than five minutes.

2. All accredited delegates must not exceed three minutes.

3. The person proposing the Motion/Resolution/Amendment may speak a second time for not more than 3 minutes.

4. The chairperson may at any time consider a Motion/Resolution/Amendment has been sufficiently discussed and call on the proposer for a reply after which a vote must be taken.

5. With the consent of the Chairperson, a delegate may move ‘that the question be now put’ after which the proposer has spoken, a vote must be taken.

6. Any motion seeking to amend existing bye laws must have a majority equal to two thirds of those present and entitled to vote and voting.

7. Standing orders shall not be suspended for the purpose of considering a matter not on the Clar except by the consent of a majority of two thirds of those present and entitled to vote

8. The chairperson may change the order of items on the Clar with the consent of a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote and voting

9. A motion may be withdrawn with the permission of the convention.

10. Voting procedures as per Official Guide.


Cumann Lúth Chleas Gael Coiste Chontae Mhaigheo Comhthionól Bhliantúil 2012 was held in the High Chaparral, Gaothsaile, and hosted by Kiltane GAA club on De Luain 5 Nollaig 2011.

Chairman Paddy Mc Nicholas opened the meeting and welcomed the delegates to North Mayo for county convention.

Uachtarán CLG Coiste Chontae Mhaigheo Peadar O h-Uigin - Garrymore recited a prayer for deceased members of the Coiste.

Address of Welcome

Pol O Gallaghoir Cathaoirleach of the host club welcomed the delegates and wished them well. He said that the Kiltane Club was formed in 1962 and has been a senior club for 40 years.

Standing Orders

Standing Orders were adopted on the proposal Tom McNulty - Crossmolina and seconded by Michael Moran - Parke

Óráid an Uachtaráin

Peadar O h-Uigin spoke of the great two years he had served as President and the privilege it was for him to have done so and to have witnessed the great work that is been done by Mayo County Board. He wished his successor well.

Óráid an Cathaoirleach

Padraig Mac Nicoláis in his address as Cathaoirleach of the Coiste thanked the following:

1. The Board Officers especially Sean O Fiannai the retiring Runai.

2. The stewards and all the club officers

3. He wished Eddie Cuffe a speedy recovery.

4. He spoke about the Strategic Plan and how it had generated much debate and the amount of time spent working on it by his fellow officer Sean Feeney.

5. He spoke of the financial affairs of McHale Park and the importance of the season ticket.

6. He expressed his disappointment with the defeats of both the minor and the U-21 teams but was delighted with the success of the U-16 teams.


The minutes of the previous convention were adopted on the proposal of Michael Heraty - Westport and seconded by Vincent Walsh - Swinford.

Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

Tuairisc an Runaí

An Runai covered all the main events of the year.

1. Performance of the Senior Team and the disappointment of loosing the All Ireland semi final to Kerry

2. The U-21 defeat again this year

3. The defeat of the Minor team in the first round of the Connacht Championship.

4. The Coaching and Games committee and Coiste Cultura.

5. Club championships

6. The Sponsors

7. The Future.

As this was his final report he spoke of his relief and of having the best of times and the worst of times since he took up office in Charlestown in Dec 1994. The privilege of serving under five chairmen and working alongside two treasurers. He thanked the many divisional secretaries that worked with him. The staff in the Connacht Council office, the many Club Officers and county PROs. He finished by saying that he had made lots of friends over that period and hopefully very few enemies. He wished his successor well and offered whatever assistance was necessary to settle in.

The Runai’s report was adopted on the proposition of Aidan Brennan - Claremorris and seconded by Ollie Dillon - Ballintubber.

Tuairisc an Chisteoir

The Cisteoir S P O Luan reported a surplus of €108,000 for the year slightly down on the previous year. The repayments on the development of McHale Park are still of major concern.

A comment from Aidan Brennan - Claremorris on the poor income from Hurling compared to Hurling expenditure and he asked if Croke Park could be asked for more help in this regard.

S P O Luan paid tribute to outgoing secretary - Sean Feeney, Assistant Treasures - Eddie Cuffe, Accountant - Michael McHugh, Our Sponsors, The Supporters Club, The Gatemen, and all the Clubs of the County.

The Treasurer’s Report was adopted on The proposition of Uinsionn Breathnach – Swinford and seconded by Richard Cosgrove - Kiltane.

The Hurling report was adopted on the proposition of Uinsionn Breathnach - Swinford and seconded by John Duffy – James Stephens.

The Fixtures Report was adopted on the proposition of Willie Kelly - Kilmeena and seconded by Kevin McDonnell - Kilmaine.

Toghachán na hOifígí

Before the election of officers the Ballinrobe Delegate read out a statement from their Club outlining their dissatisfaction with the Board throughout the year and as a form of protest they would not be voting.

Pakie McGinty Achill replaced Peadar Higgins as President for a two year term. On his election he said it was an honour for himself his family his village his club and the West Board to be President of the Mayo County Board and he hoped that he would be president when Mayo would bring Sam across the Bridge in Achill.

Kevin O Toole Tourmakeady was elected secretary after a contest with Vincent Neary Bonniconlon and Margaret O Malley Burrishoole.

Vincent Neary Bonniconlon was elected Assistant Secretary after a contest with Enda Munnelly – Kilfian after Matthew Gill - Hollymount /Carramore withdrew

Jerry Henry - Castlebar Mitchells was returned as Ard Comhairle Delegate after a contest with Sean Feeney - Ballintubber

The following Officers were returned for 2012.

Uachtarán Peadar Mac Fhinneachta Acaill


Cathaoirleach Padraic Mac Niochlais Coillte Mach


Leas-Cathaoirleach Micheal O Conghaile Maolla- Ceathrú Mór

(Vice Chairman)

Runaí Caoimhín O Tuathail Tuar Mhic Éadaigh


Runaí Cunta Uinsionn O Nearaigh Muine Chonnallain

Assistant Secretary)

Cisteoir S.P. O Luain Garraí Mór


Cisteoir Cunta Eamonn Mac Conduibh Beal a Mhuirthead

(Assistant Treasurer)

Oifigeach Caidreamh Poibli Aodan Mac Lochlainn Beal Atha na Muice

(Public Relations Officer)

Ard Comhairle Gearoid Mac Einrí Caislean an Bharraigh

(Central Council Delegate)

Comhairle Chonnacht 1 Liam O Ceallaigh Cill Miodhna

(Connacht Council Delegate)

Comhairle Chonnacht 2 Sean O H-Oipicin An Eill

(Connacht Council Delegate)

Oifigeach Leanaí Padraic Breathnach Cluain Cearbain

(Children’s Officer)

Oifigeach Cultúra Gearoid De Burca Breaghbhuigh

(Cultural Officer)

Oifigeach Forbartha Michael D O Maille Cluain Cearbain

(Development Officer)

Oifigeach Oiliuna Aodh O Rodain Beal Atha h-Amhnais

(Coaching Officer)

RUIN 2012


1. That an All Ireland Masters football and hurling championship (Rule 6.28) T.0.2010 be organised by central councils. The central competitions controls committee (CCCC) shall give permission to counties to participate. All players are eligible under (Rule 6.14) C.O.2010. Only registered players with GAA insurance can take part on the All Ireland Masters Football/Hurling championship. That the competition be played in two groups with a quarter final, semi-final and final. (Buiréis Umhaill) Carried

Eligibility for Junior Inter-county Panel

2. All players are eligible to participate in Inter-County Junior competition except those who have played in a Senior Inter-County Championship game in the current year or, unless regraded in the previous year. (Existing exception to continue to apply to counties graded Junior by the Central Council, but abolish sections 6.17 (1) (b) & (c) of Official Guide Part 1) (Tuar Mhic Éadaigh) Lost

Alcohol and substance abuse:

3. Where the sponsor of a county team is principally involved in the business of supplying alcohol, the brand name, distinctive marks or logo of that sponsor may not be used on replica clothing or merchandise marketed or labelled as being for children under the age of 16 years old. (Definition of “children’s clothing” to be along same lines as that applied by Revenue Commissioners for purposes of VAT)

No company principally involved in the business of supplying alcohol shall be permitted to sponsor a competition for players under the age of 21 years old.

(Tuar Mhic Éadaigh) - Carried

Gaeltacht and the Irish language

4. All Gaeltacht clubs shall use the Irish name of the club only, to appear in fixture lists, engraving of medals and trophies, and all official correspondence.

(Tuar Mhic Éadaigh) - Carried


5. The Inter-Provincial championship be discontinued with immediate effect. (Garraí Mór) Withdrawn

6. That the annual Mayo County Board Convention be held on a Sunday night anymore and at a neutral venue in the centre of Mayo. (Garraí Mór) Defeated

7. That the divisional boards be scrapped as no longer have a purpose. (Garrai Mor)


8. That the County Convention be held in Mc Hale Park (Garrai Mor) Defeated


9. That the format of the Michael Walsh Intermediate leagues be re-structured into groups of 4 teams. Top teams play semi-finals, then final. (Cill Mheain) Referred to CCC

10. That the Michael Walsh league consist of groups of 4 teams each and be geographically drawn to reduce the long journeys to make competition more competitive. (Garraí Mór). Referred to CCC

11. Every team in the Mayo Senior and Intermediate Championship be guaranteed on home championship match, one away championship match and the third game to be played at a neutral venue to have a fair and balanced system.(Garraí Mór).Defeated

12. The two finalists of the Junior championship are promoted to the Intermediate championship for the following year and the two finalists of the Intermediate championship are promoted to the Senior championship for the following year. Also, each year two teams are relegated from the Senior championship to the intermediate championship for the following year and two teams be relegated from the intermediate championship to the Junior championship for the following year. (Maolla/ Cearra Mór) Defeated

13. In future Senior, Intermediate and Junior championship matches in Mayo that the full complement of referee, his linesmen and umpires appointed to officiate the game must turn up to carry out their appointed duty. (Garraí Mór) Referred to CCC

14. That 12 players who played club championship football in the previous year must be listed in the 15 players for the reserve league competition and this list must be submitted. (Garraí Mór). Already dealt with

15. Excess players on county panels be released back to their clubs e.g. from 24 upwards on the minor panel (Cill Mheain). Carried

16. That Minor and U21 championship matches involving the same club should not take place on the same weekend. (Beal An Atha) Referred to CCC

17. That Minor championship should be based on Under 16 championship of two years ago and not league and likewise for league, we propose that team sizes for all games form U21 down should be based on numbers available to clubs.

(A) If a club has 12-14 players team size should be 11 per side.

(B) If a club has 15-17 players team size should be 13 per side

(C) If a club has 18 or more players team size should be 15 per side

(D) If a club has 11 or less players this club could amalgamate with another club.

This new amalgamated team should be graded up and not down. It is important to have young players playing football at their highest level even with a smaller team than playing at a lower division just because the club did not have the numbers. The A or B championship should not be restricted to clubs with good numbers only and if so then grading must be changed to accommodate clubs with smaller numbers.

We propose that as in line with some other county structures that management stays with panel of players form U14-U21 provided that they are measured based on improvement, competitiveness and competition at a higher level year on year e.g.

Competitiveness: New players coming into panel.

Competing: Playing the stronger counties ad competing long term

A clear set of goals should be set out at the start of each year and agreed by both the county board and management.

Currently in the county we have development panels in each of the divisions, we propose management teams should rotate between the divisions. This could take the pressure off management teams to accommodate footballers from their own clubs. This could help to insure we are working for the betterment of the county. (Cill t-Seadhna). Referred to Bord na nOg

Rules of Play

18. It shall be permitted to take a sideline kick from the ground if the kick is being taken inside the 45m line from the goals under attack. (Reason: to allow a player attempt to score from a sideline kick taken from the ground). (Tuar Mhic Eadaigh) - Out of Order - Not a rule change year

19. If a referee (a) is in doubt about whether the ball crossed the goal line between the posts or whether it was wide, or (b) deems that the ball passed directly above the goalpost, a throw-in shall be given on the 20m line. (Tuar Mhic Eadaigh) - Out of Order - Not a rule change year