1. Introduction to Galatians 6
  2. Review Chap 1-2
  3. Galatians following distortion of Gospel, not inspired Gospel of Christ Paul taught.
  4. Justification from sins only comes from Faith of Christ, not from the Law of Moses.
  5. Justification demands we are in Christ.
  1. Review Chap 3
  2. The Law was imperfect
  3. The Law was established to:
  4. Take Israel from the Promise of Abraham to Christ.
  5. To bring recognition of their sins.
  6. Be an example for us today.
  7. It is only through Christ we are Heirs of the Father.
  1. Review Chap 4
  2. Inheritance comes through Christ not the Law.
  3. Why would anyone mature choose to be under the Law.
  4. Paul relationship with the Galatians was one based on Love and Truth.
  5. Through Allegory, the law of Moses and Law of Christ were demonstrated as Hagar and Sarah.
  1. Review Chapter 5
  2. False teachers who teach the Law only bring one into Bondage
  3. Freedom in Christ is not Freedom to sin
  4. We will live by our Deeds in the Spirit, but not by those of the Flesh.
  1. Chap. 6:1-10 - Practical Christianity Discussed Further
  2. Vs. 1-5 – Serve Others
  3. We have the responsibility to watch out for one another.
  4. This implies two things:
  5. We have to be around the other person.
  6. We have to get involved.
  7. We must always be careful for our own salvation.
  1. We must not take a holier than though attitude in regard to sinners and not help.
  2. We deceive ourselves if we think we have not sinned (Jn. 1:8).
  3. If we want to see our true selves, let us compare ourselves with the law of Christ not with someone else.
  4. Phil. 2:12 – We are not judged by others conduct, but by our own.
  5. Jn. 12:48 – Christ Words will judge us.
  1. Vs. 6-10 – Christian Work is an Active Work
  2. The one who spends his life as a teacher is to be aided so that he shares in all good things.
  3. I Cor. 9:14
  4. God knows your efforts in all things, he sees if you are truly striving to put Him First.
  5. If we give of our lives such that our own self is the prime concern, he knows.
  6. Our time is short.
  7. While we can we should strive to do good and never give up.
  8. Our efforts should effect all, but first and foremost our brothers and sisters.
  1. Vs. 11-18- Paul Closes out the Letter
  2. Those concerned about their earthly benefit are pushing the law on the Galatians.
  3. They weren’t concerned about God, just their position.
  1. Paul Rejoiced (boasted) only in the cross in that the world was dead to him and he it.
  2. He no longer lived in sin.
  1. Baptism creates a new creature walking in Christ and Paul wishes them well.
  2. He specifically makes a note between the physical and spiritual Israel.
  1. Paul had established in this letter he taught the complete inspired Truth of God.
  2. In this he established not should question it for he lived the deeds and suffered the persecution of a soldier of Christ.
  1. Summary Statements of Galatians
  2. Paul in this Epistle Defends His Apostleship.
  3. Paul Establishes the Galatians had been Given the Whole Word of God by Him.
  4. Paul Demonstrates the Judiasers as False Teachers.
  5. Paul Shows that the Law of Moses was Imperfect and unable to Justify.
  6. Paul Validates Christ as the Justifier of Man through His Faith.
  7. Paul Shows that man must be Baptized and live a life of Obedience in Christ to be Saved.