Physical Education CHECKLIST

Objectives / Date (s)Taught
9.1- Combines and applies movement skills to demonstrate proficiency in lifetime sports such as aquatics (where available), rhythms/dance and individual and dual sports.
9.2- Designs, implements, evaluates and modifies a plan for at least two self-selected, lifetime, skill-related physical activities.
9.3- Explains the interrelationships among physical, emotional, cognitive and scientific factors that affect performance.
9.4- Explains and demonstrates advanced offensive, defensive and transition strategies in aquatics, individual and dual sports.
9.5- Demonstrates independent learning of movement skills.
9.6- Participates in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 4 days each week.
9.7- Meets health-related fitness standards established by mandated fitness test.
9.8- Designs and implements a personal fitness program by adjusting physical activity levels to meet the principles of exercise.
9.9- Lists and describes the components of exercise prescription such as overload principle, type, progression or specificity.
9.10-Evaluates consumer issues related to physical fitness such as marketing claims promoting fitness products and services.
9.11- Acts independently of negative peer pressure during physical activity.
9.12- Recognizes and resolves conflicts during physical activity.

*Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced, transmitted or distributed without written permission. This document has been developed to assist in the implementation of a sequel, developmentally appropriate K-12 physical education curriculum. For more information, please contact Artie Kamiya, Great Activities Publishing Company, P.O. Box 51158, Durham, NC27717. (800) 927-0682.


Physical Education CHECKLIST

Objectives / Date (s) Taught
10.1- Combines and applies movement skills to demonstrate proficiency in lifetime sports such as aquatics (where available), rhythms/dance and individual and dual sports.
10.2- Designs, implements, evaluates and modifies a plan for at least three self-selected, lifetime, skill-related physical activities.
10.3- Explains and applies the skill-related components of balance, reaction time, agility, coordination, explosive power and speed to enhance performance levels.
10.4- Analyzes and explains which training and conditioning practices have the greatest impact on skill acquisition and performance.
10.5- Demonstrates independent learning of movement skills.
10.6- Participates in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 4 days each week.
10.7- Meets health-related fitness standards established by mandated fitness test.
10.8- Develops and describes a physical fitness plan that enhances personal health and performance in future leisure and workplace activities.
10.9- Analyzes the relationship between sound nutritional practices and physical activity on stress management, eating disorders such as bulimia/anorexia and feelings of depression.
10.10- Identifies and evaluates ergogenic aids that claim to enhance body composition, appearance, physical fitness and performance.
10.11- Explains and analyzes the role of individual attitude, motivation and determination in achieving personal satisfaction from challenging physical activities.
10.12- Explains how to select and modify physical activities to allow for participation by children, elderly and those with special needs.

*Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced, transmitted or distributed without written permission. This document has been developed to assist in the implementation of a sequel, developmentally appropriate K-12 physical education curriculum. For more information, please contact Artie Kamiya, Great Activities Publishing Company, P.O. Box 51158, Durham, NC27717. (800) 927-0682.