Central Almaguin Economic Development Association
P.O. Box 1120 * Sundridge ON * P0A 1Z0
Phone (705) 384-5819 Fax (705) 384- 5892
Chair: Merlyn Snow: Vice Chair: Ron Bennison:
October 19, 2011
Township of Machar Municipal Office
Present: Sundridge - Elgin Schneider, Bill de Vries
Strong – Merlyn Snow, John Newstead
South River – Les Mahon, Jim Coleman
Machar – Doug Maeck, Ron Bennison (left at 11:00am)
Joly – Betty Barnes (left at 11:15am)
Guests: Garry Radey – for Friends of Mikisew
Ron Begin – FedNor
Tara Hamilton – Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry
Staff Present: Caitlin Unger, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am by Chair Merlyn Snow.
General Discussion:
Garry Radey opened the meeting to discuss current progress of the Friends of Mikisew project. When the project started momentum was strong, but this summer the meeting only had three attendees. Radey went door-to-door to inquire about interest and most campers were just happy to be there and were ok with programming but were not interested in helping. Seasonal campers feared losing their seasonal sites and that Mikisew would become too large, no longer a “hidden gem”. Radey also shared that the gatehouse was demolished and then funding was lost right before the election. The picnic shelter was knocked down also, and re-building has been put on hold as this was a capital funding project as well. CAEDA requested that the Zone Manager, Jay Nichols, and Parks Superintendent, Wade Murrant, be invited to the next meeting to inquire about these issues, past meeting discussions and also to determine the future of the park before the Friends program proceeds. Radey left a copy of the Friends agreement for each Municipality. The committee reminded Radey that $750 from NECO was available for his use.
Ron Begin discussed the application status at this time, phase 1 was received and he will speak to the funding breakdown to the group (see attached) for phase 2. Begin suggested that CAEDA consider having Central Almaguin signage in three areas, to also include at Highway 124 entering the area. The committee reminded that in order to pursue Central Almaguin signage, they would have to give up municipal signage unless the Northern Highway Policy for billboards is changed. Begin suggested a private property owner deal for these signs, if needed. Other items discussed included trade show materials, extra funds for EDO projects, training and office space. Elgin Schneider inquired if FedNor would still fund their portion if the intern program was not successful. Begin shared that the FedNor funding is stand alone, but the projects would become the member municipality’s responsibility. Begin also reminded the group to only spend a minimal amount on signage until the application approval or denial comes through, 80 days from submission. Some spending is permitted, due to winter conditions, etc, which will have to be noted on the application. The overall budget for the project has to be approved by CAEDA. Once it is approved, changes can be made to the budget by amending the agreement with FedNor.
Resolution 2011-27
Moved by: Ron Bennison Seconded by: John Newstead
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby accept the FedNor application budget in the amount of $338,250.00, including the NOHFC Intern positions.
The Recording Secretary shared that she spoke to Kirsten LeDrew, Area Economic Development Coordinator for REDAC on October 13, 2011. LeDrew was initially hired as an intern for a two year contract, funded by NOHFC year one and by REDAC year two. She was originally from the area, so had business contacts established and was mentored by the Director of Economic Development for the Town of Parry Sound and the Chair of REDAC who was a prominent member of the business community. She began by going through the past minutes of the committee to determine goals and set to attach measurables to her work. She now works full time, with an intern hired this year. LeDrew provided the annual budget from 2009-2011, which was circulated to CAEDA members. She also shared that she would be willing to attend a future meeting to answer any further questions the committee may have.
Township of Joly shared that they would have a decision regarding full membership by the end of their one year term.
de Vries read his letter which was mailed to REDAC September 28, 2011, regarding bike trails between South River and Parry Sound. He also shared a letter from previous president of Bear Chair Co, Dave Wright, in support of paving shoulders between South River and Parry Sound for cyclists. Begin felt this second letter should also be sent to Jim Beatty for support, and Kirsten LeDrew.
Ron Begin and Tara Hamilton left the meeting at 11:25am.
Adoption of Minutes:
Resolution 2011-28
The minutes of the September 21, 2011 meeting were circulated. It was
Moved by: Les Mahon Seconded by: Elgin Schneider
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby accept the minutes of Sept 21, 2011 as presented.
And that CAEDA amends the August 17, 2011 minutes to include Chris Blueman as a guest.
New Business:
de Vries shared that he was approached by a business owner about creating more signage at the South 276 exit on Highway 11 to promote Highway 124 rejoining Highway 11 past South River. This could create a business circuit idea on the new portion of Highway 124, to encourage travelers to drive through. The Recording Secretary is to draft a letter to be send to the MTO for all mayors to sign at the next meeting.
Jim Coleman suggested that each member think about community business message boards for the next meeting, in terms of how much they should charge businesses to have space. Members felt that municipalities should charge enough to pay for the sign.
Coleman also shared that South River is planning on having another Business Breakfast Meeting either Novermber 29 or December 1, 2011. Topics may include RT0-12, labour market, and NECO. He asked if Ron and Tara could be in attendance to share. Sundridge is also planning on another meeting, after hunting season is over, to discuss the aftermath of the by-pass and how businesses would support a potential EDO Intern.
Resolution 2011-29
Moved by: Doug Maeck Seconded by: John Newstead
That we now adjourn at 11:30 a.m. until the next regular meeting November 16, 2011 or at the call of the chair @ Village of South River Office at 9:30am. Carried.
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Chair, Merlyn Snow Recording Secretary, Caitlin Unger