Name:______Mrs. Bly

Period:______Eng 4

Warriors Don’t Cry Notes*

*You will turn this sheet in for points

Book Overview Power Point

  1. Unit Overview: write the due dates here
  2. List the names of the Little Rock 9:
  3. List the names of the Family & Friends:
  4. List the names of the Segregationists:
  5. List the names of legal/political help:
  6. Record a few facts about Melba’s life AFTER attending Central High School:

Segregation (Ch. 1-3) Power Point

  1. Write 3 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
  2. Write the Central Question for this unit here:
  1. What is Racism?
  1. Record your thoughts from the YouTube video here:
  1. What did you share with your partner during pair/share? Summarize important parts of the experience.
  1. Fill in the blanks for the definition of RACE by the American Anthropological Association: “a worldview, a body of ______that distorts our ideas about human ______and group ______.”
  1. Who was Rosa Parks?
  1. Answer Discussion questions:
  2. What does the boycott suggest about the power of ordinary people to make a difference?
  1. A boycott is one example of a non-violent protest. Name other examples. How important are these forms of protest in a democracy?
  1. Why do you think Melba experienced a “surge of pride when I thought about how my people had banded together to force a change”?
  1. What connects African Americans in the two cities?
  1. How do you think the merry-go-round is a metaphor for the battle for integration?

Becoming a Warrior (Ch 4-8) Power Point

  1. Write 3 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
  2. What are your thoughts of the YouTube video about Elizabeth Eckford?
  1. Central Question: What can we do alone and with others to confront racism? How can we as individuals and as citizens make a positive difference in our school, community, and nation?
  2. Do you think you would have been the ONE person to help Elizabeth get to safety?
  1. WHY do think that would be such a hard choice to go against the mob mentality?
  1. What does the word freedom mean to you?
  1. What experiences have shaped your understanding of the term?
  1. Groups Slide. Please record the number of the group you were in. You may use this space to take some notes to refer to during Share Out time.
  1. After the group discussion, what are your thoughts about your question?
  2. Are you surprised about anything you hear from another group?

Inside Central High (Ch. 7-8) Power Point

  1. Write 2 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
  2. State vs. Federal
  3. What was happening at the STATE level?
  1. What was happening at the FEDERAL level?
  1. Role of Bystanders: What is the “bystander effect”?
  1. What are your thoughts following the YouTube video?
  1. Central Question:What can we do alone and with others to confront racism? How can we as individuals and as citizens make a positive difference in our school, community, and nation?
  2. What does it take to step forward and get involved?
  1. Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan
  2. What do you see in this picture? Your first impression?
  1. Why do you think Hazel acted the way she did?
  2. Do you believe she was truly sorry?
  1. Why do you think most of the students at Central High School were bystanders?
  1. What are the qualities of a good leader?
  2. Which of those qualities are particularly valuable during times of crisis and change?
  3. Who do you think displays thosequalities during the crisis at Central High?
  1. How do the adults at Central High—the principal, vice principal, teachers—respond to the arrival of the African American students?
  1. What effect do their responses have on Melba and the other African American students?
  1. What effect do you think they have on white students at Central High?
  1. Strong Leadership in a Crisis:
  2. How did President Eisenhower define his responsibilities?
  1. What prompted his decision to send in the troops?
  1. Why did the editors of the Amsterdam News regard Eisenhower’s decision as “his finest hour”?
  1. What are they suggesting about the role of a leader in a democracy?
  1. What do you think is the role of a leader in a democracy?
  1. The role of a citizen?
  1. Discussion: Please record your thoughts here:

Desegregation (Ch. 9-12) Power Point

  1. Write 2 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
  2. Record a time when you were insulted:
  3. Looking back, do you think you made the right choice?
  1. WHY is change a slow, often painful process?
  1. Why is INTEGRATION a “Big Word”?
  1. Small Groups: How does Melba’s enrollment at Central High School affect her relationship with her old friends?
  1. Why do you think they are no longer willing to socialize with her?
  1. How do Melba and the other eight African American students respond to the stresses at Central High?
  1. How do NAACP officials want Melba and other students to respond to harassment?
  1. Why do you think they advise the students to avoid retaliating?
  1. How successful are Melba and the other students in following those instructions?
  1. Teachers at Central High:
  1. Did the segregationists win?