Name:______Mrs. Bly
Period:______Eng 4
Warriors Don’t Cry Notes*
*You will turn this sheet in for points
Book Overview Power Point
- Unit Overview: write the due dates here
- List the names of the Little Rock 9:
- List the names of the Family & Friends:
- List the names of the Segregationists:
- List the names of legal/political help:
- Record a few facts about Melba’s life AFTER attending Central High School:
Segregation (Ch. 1-3) Power Point
- Write 3 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
- Write the Central Question for this unit here:
- What is Racism?
- Record your thoughts from the YouTube video here:
- What did you share with your partner during pair/share? Summarize important parts of the experience.
- Fill in the blanks for the definition of RACE by the American Anthropological Association: “a worldview, a body of ______that distorts our ideas about human ______and group ______.”
- Who was Rosa Parks?
- Answer Discussion questions:
- What does the boycott suggest about the power of ordinary people to make a difference?
- A boycott is one example of a non-violent protest. Name other examples. How important are these forms of protest in a democracy?
- Why do you think Melba experienced a “surge of pride when I thought about how my people had banded together to force a change”?
- What connects African Americans in the two cities?
- How do you think the merry-go-round is a metaphor for the battle for integration?
Becoming a Warrior (Ch 4-8) Power Point
- Write 3 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
- What are your thoughts of the YouTube video about Elizabeth Eckford?
- Central Question: What can we do alone and with others to confront racism? How can we as individuals and as citizens make a positive difference in our school, community, and nation?
- Do you think you would have been the ONE person to help Elizabeth get to safety?
- WHY do think that would be such a hard choice to go against the mob mentality?
- What does the word freedom mean to you?
- What experiences have shaped your understanding of the term?
- Groups Slide. Please record the number of the group you were in. You may use this space to take some notes to refer to during Share Out time.
- After the group discussion, what are your thoughts about your question?
- Are you surprised about anything you hear from another group?
Inside Central High (Ch. 7-8) Power Point
- Write 2 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
- State vs. Federal
- What was happening at the STATE level?
- What was happening at the FEDERAL level?
- Role of Bystanders: What is the “bystander effect”?
- What are your thoughts following the YouTube video?
- Central Question:What can we do alone and with others to confront racism? How can we as individuals and as citizens make a positive difference in our school, community, and nation?
- What does it take to step forward and get involved?
- Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan
- What do you see in this picture? Your first impression?
- Why do you think Hazel acted the way she did?
- Do you believe she was truly sorry?
- Why do you think most of the students at Central High School were bystanders?
- What are the qualities of a good leader?
- Which of those qualities are particularly valuable during times of crisis and change?
- Who do you think displays thosequalities during the crisis at Central High?
- How do the adults at Central High—the principal, vice principal, teachers—respond to the arrival of the African American students?
- What effect do their responses have on Melba and the other African American students?
- What effect do you think they have on white students at Central High?
- Strong Leadership in a Crisis:
- How did President Eisenhower define his responsibilities?
- What prompted his decision to send in the troops?
- Why did the editors of the Amsterdam News regard Eisenhower’s decision as “his finest hour”?
- What are they suggesting about the role of a leader in a democracy?
- What do you think is the role of a leader in a democracy?
- The role of a citizen?
- Discussion: Please record your thoughts here:
Desegregation (Ch. 9-12) Power Point
- Write 2 facts from the Review Section (I fact per slide)
- Record a time when you were insulted:
- Looking back, do you think you made the right choice?
- WHY is change a slow, often painful process?
- Why is INTEGRATION a “Big Word”?
- Small Groups: How does Melba’s enrollment at Central High School affect her relationship with her old friends?
- Why do you think they are no longer willing to socialize with her?
- How do Melba and the other eight African American students respond to the stresses at Central High?
- How do NAACP officials want Melba and other students to respond to harassment?
- Why do you think they advise the students to avoid retaliating?
- How successful are Melba and the other students in following those instructions?
- Teachers at Central High:
- Did the segregationists win?