Table S1. β coefficient and contribution (%) of work factors to occupational inequalities in depression symptoms: results from weighted linear regression analysis among men

Men / Associate professionals, technicians / Clerks, service workers / Blue collar workers
β (95% CI) / % (95% CI) / β (95% CI) / % (95% CI) / β (95% CI) / % (95% CI)
Extended models 0 (each factor separately)
Low decision latitude / 0.09 [-0.07;0.26] / 70.65*** [32.79;108.5] / 0.20 [-0.01;0.40] / 72.65*** [51.24;94.06] / 0.46*** [0.30;0.61] / 49.56*** [39.89;59.23]
Low skill discretion / 0.15 [-0.01;0.31] / 52.32*** [24.56;80.08] / 0.29** [0.08;0.50] / 59.53*** [41.53;77.54] / 0.56*** [0.41;0.71] / 37.79*** [30.06;45.51]
Low decision authority / 0.17* [0.00;0.33] / 46.98*** [21.01;72.95] / 0.41*** [0.20;0.61] / 43.30*** [30.11;56.49] / 0.61*** [0.46;0.77] / 32.18*** [25.19;39.16]
High psychological demands / 0.54*** [0.38;0.70] / -73.1** [-117;-28.8] / 1.12*** [0.92;1.32] / -56.4*** [-76.4;-36.4] / 1.34*** [1.19;1.49] / -48.2*** [-58.9;-37.6]
Low social support / 0.25** [0.09;0.40] / 21.02* [1.40;40.64] / 0.60*** [0.40;0.80] / 16.16** [4.97;27.35] / 0.75*** [0.60;0.89] / 17.24*** [10.58;23.90]
Low social support (from supervisors) / 0.31*** [0.16;0.47] / -0.75 [-18.9;17.41] / 0.65*** [0.45;0.85] / 9.30* [0.44;18.16] / 0.82*** [0.67;0.96] / 9.40** [3.70;15.11]
Low social support (from colleagues) / 0.27** [0.11;0.43] / 13.08* [0.65;25.51] / 0.70*** [0.50;0.91] / 1.84 [-5.91;9.59] / 0.86*** [0.70;1.01] / 5.33* [1.15;9.51]
Jobstrain / 0.19* [0.03;0.36] / 38.10*** [16.06;60.14] / 0.49*** [0.28;0.70] / 31.53*** [20.29;42.76] / 0.75*** [0.60;0.90] / 17.16*** [12.58;21.75]
Isostrain / 0.20* [0.04;0.36] / 35.40** [12.21;58.59] / 0.54*** [0.33;0.75] / 25.09*** [12.70;37.49] / 0.75*** [0.60;0.90] / 16.82*** [10.66;22.99]
Low reward / 0.16* [0.01;0.31] / 48.46*** [22.58;74.34] / 0.50*** [0.30;0.69] / 30.53*** [19.59;41.47] / 0.79*** [0.65;0.93] / 12.79*** [7.03;18.55]
Low esteem / 0.21** [0.06;0.36] / 33.70** [13.17;54.24] / 0.52*** [0.33;0.71] / 26.97*** [16.51;37.42] / 0.81*** [0.67;0.95] / 10.61*** [4.78;16.44]
Job insecurity / 0.19* [0.03;0.35] / 40.09*** [16.63;63.56] / 0.57*** [0.36;0.77] / 20.84*** [11.40;30.28] / 0.78*** [0.63;0.93] / 13.23*** [8.12;18.35]
Low job promotion / 0.17* [0.01;0.33] / 45.51*** [20.77;70.26] / 0.49*** [0.29;0.68] / 31.83*** [21.23;42.43] / 0.80*** [0.65;0.94] / 11.89*** [6.69;17.09]
Long working hours / 0.33*** [0.17;0.50] / -6.90 [-20.1;6.27] / 0.74*** [0.53;0.95] / -3.29 [-9.82;3.25] / 0.93*** [0.77;1.08] / -2.43 [-7.74;2.88]
Night work / 0.30*** [0.14;0.46] / 3.73 [-4.05;11.51] / 0.71*** [0.49;0.92] / 1.33 [-2.88;5.54] / 0.90*** [0.75;1.06] / 0.02 [-2.18;2.22]
Shift work / 0.31*** [0.14;0.47] / 2.29 [-4.01;8.58] / 0.69*** [0.47;0.90] / 4.23 [-0.80;9.25] / 0.87*** [0.71;1.03] / 3.70 [-0.01;7.41]
Unsociable work days / 0.32*** [0.15;0.48] / -1.77 [-3.78;0.24] / 0.73*** [0.51;0.94] / -1.22 [-4.92;2.48] / 0.91*** [0.76;1.06] / -0.54 [-1.33;0.26]
Low predictability / 0.30*** [0.14;0.47] / 2.48 [-4.92;9.89] / 0.70*** [0.49;0.91] / 2.07 [-1.80;5.94] / 0.89*** [0.74;1.04] / 1.28 [-1.34;3.91]
Physical violence / 0.30*** [0.13;0.46] / 5.03 [-1.98;12.04] / 0.62*** [0.41;0.82] / 14.00** [4.65;23.36] / 0.88*** [0.72;1.03] / 3.03** [0.73;5.33]
Bullying / 0.25** [0.10;0.41] / 18.67* [3.09;34.25] / 0.61*** [0.41;0.80] / 15.32*** [7.10;23.53] / 0.86*** [0.71;1.01] / 4.91* [0.50;9.33]
Verbal abuse / 0.22** [0.06;0.38] / 28.87*** [12.47;45.27] / 0.46*** [0.26;0.67] / 35.13*** [23.85;46.41] / 0.91*** [0.76;1.06] / -0.97 [-3.95;2.00]
Demands for responsibility / 0.30*** [0.14;0.46] / 3.33 [-0.16;6.82] / 0.73*** [0.52;0.94] / -1.75 [-3.58;0.07] / 0.86*** [0.71;1.02] / 4.46*** [2.36;6.56]
Model 1 / 0.01 [-0.14;0.16] / 96.82*** [49.77;143.9] / 0.13 [-0.07;0.33] / 82.00*** [58.06;105.9] / 0.49*** [0.34;0.64] / 45.73*** [35.10;56.37]
Model 2 / -0.00 [-0.15;0.15] / 100.5*** [51.95;149.1] / 0.11 [-0.09;0.30] / 85.14*** [60.65;109.6] / 0.48*** [0.33;0.64] / 46.54*** [35.28;57.80]
Extended models 0 (each factor separately)
Biological exposure / 0.32*** [0.16;0.48] / -2.82 [-7.00;1.36] / 0.74*** [0.53;0.96] / -3.63 [-8.73;1.48] / 0.91*** [0.76;1.07] / -1.10 [-2.64;0.45]
Chemical exposure / 0.28*** [0.12;0.45] / 9.49* [0.56;18.41] / 0.68*** [0.47;0.90] / 4.44* [0.66;8.22] / 0.81*** [0.65;0.98] / 9.89* [2.14;17.63]
Physical exposure / 0.25** [0.08;0.41] / 20.68** [6.49;34.87] / 0.64*** [0.43;0.86] / 10.55*** [4.66;16.43] / 0.72*** [0.55;0.89] / 19.97*** [10.93;29.01]
Noise / 0.26** [0.09;0.42] / 17.17** [5.82;28.53] / 0.67*** [0.46;0.88] / 6.61*** [3.06;10.16] / 0.74*** [0.58;0.90] / 18.23*** [10.62;25.84]
Thermic constraints / 0.31*** [0.14;0.47] / 1.63 [-4.35;7.62] / 0.71*** [0.49;0.92] / 1.26 [-3.31;5.82] / 0.89*** [0.72;1.05] / 1.59 [-4.18;7.36]
Radiations / 0.31*** [0.15;0.47] / 0.79 [-0.77;2.35] / 0.72*** [0.51;0.93] / -0.23 [-0.70;0.24] / 0.90*** [0.75;1.05] / 0.37 [-0.31;1.04]
Controlled air/space / 0.32*** [0.15;0.48] / -1.07 [-6.01;3.86] / 0.72*** [0.51;0.93] / -0.53 [-2.98;1.91] / 0.91*** [0.76;1.06] / -0.71 [-3.98;2.55]
Biomechanical exposure / 0.30*** [0.14;0.46] / 3.82 [-0.45;8.10] / 0.69*** [0.48;0.90] / 3.16 [-0.06;6.37] / 0.84*** [0.68;1.00] / 6.83* [0.42;13.23]
Manual materials handling / 0.24** [0.07;0.40] / 23.77** [8.18;39.36] / 0.62*** [0.40;0.83] / 13.97*** [6.89;21.05] / 0.69*** [0.52;0.86] / 23.83*** [14.30;33.35]
Postural/articular constraints / 0.29*** [0.12;0.45] / 8.24* [0.01;16.48] / 0.66*** [0.44;0.88] / 7.31* [0.58;14.05] / 0.82*** [0.66;0.99] / 8.70* [1.55;15.84]
Vibrations / 0.30*** [0.14;0.47] / 2.62 [-0.90;6.14] / 0.71*** [0.50;0.92] / 1.03 [-0.29;2.35] / 0.85*** [0.69;1.01] / 5.47 [-1.20;12.15]
Driving / 0.34*** [0.18;0.50] / -8.62** [-14.9;-2.30] / 0.71*** [0.51;0.92] / 0.34 [-1.03;1.71] / 0.96*** [0.81;1.12] / -6.65*** [-9.61;-3.68]
Model 3 / 0.24** [0.07;0.40] / 24.24** [7.64;40.84] / 0.62*** [0.41;0.84] / 12.89*** [5.64;20.14] / 0.67*** [0.49;0.85] / 25.43*** [13.51;37.34]
Model 4 / 0.20* [0.03;0.37] / 34.74** [12.31;57.16] / 0.59*** [0.36;0.82] / 17.46** [6.99;27.93] / 0.58*** [0.39;0.77] / 36.01*** [22.12;49.90]

Adjusted for age. Bold β and contribution: significant at 5%. Professionals, managers: reference category

Model 1: decision latitude + social support + reward + unsociable work days + physical violence + bullying + verbal violence + demands for responsability

Model 2: skill discretion + decision authority + social support from supervisor + social support from colleagues + esteem + job insecurity + job promotion + unsociable work days + physical violence + bullying + verbal violence + demands for responsability

Model 3: chemical + physical + biomechanical exposure

Model 4: chemical exposure + noise + thermic constraints + manual material handlings + postural/articular constraints

Table S2. β coefficient and contribution (%) of work factors to occupational inequalities in depression symptoms: results from weighted linear regression analysis among women

Womn / Associate professionals, technicians / Clerks, service workers / Blue collar workers
β (95% CI) / % (95% CI) / β (95% CI) / % (95% CI) / β (95% CI) / % (95% CI)
Extended models 0 (each factor separately)
Low decision latitude / -0.06 [-0.26;0.14] / 128.8* [7.53;250.1] / -0.05 [-0.23;0.14] / 109.0*** [69.63;148.4] / 0.41** [0.16;0.67] / 63.33*** [48.11;78.55]
Low skill discretion / -0.01 [-0.21;0.19] / 103.4* [5.65;201.2] / 0.04 [-0.14;0.23] / 91.18*** [57.75;124.6] / 0.55*** [0.30;0.81] / 50.90*** [38.15;63.66]
Low decision authority / 0.00 [-0.20;0.21] / 98.75* [4.66;192.8] / 0.17 [-0.01;0.36] / 65.82*** [40.86;90.78] / 0.74*** [0.48;0.99] / 34.87*** [25.55;44.20]
High psychological demands / 0.44*** [0.24;0.63] / -109 [-225;7.45] / 0.87*** [0.69;1.04] / -70.2*** [-100;-40.1] / 1.57*** [1.32;1.81] / -38.5*** [-50.4;-26.6]
Low social support / 0.11 [-0.09;0.31] / 45.62 [-4.10;95.34] / 0.40*** [0.22;0.58] / 22.02** [7.03;37.01] / 0.88*** [0.63;1.13] / 21.84*** [12.64;31.04]
Low social support (from supervisors) / 0.12 [-0.07;0.32] / 40.70 [-3.16;84.55] / 0.47*** [0.29;0.65] / 7.97 [-4.34;20.28] / 0.98*** [0.74;1.22] / 13.30*** [6.09;20.50]
Low social support (from colleagues) / 0.16 [-0.05;0.36] / 24.16 [-6.17;54.50] / 0.44*** [0.26;0.62] / 13.48** [3.35;23.62] / 1.03*** [0.77;1.28] / 8.97** [2.94;15.00]
Jobstrain / 0.06 [-0.14;0.26] / 70.82* [4.55;137.1] / 0.27** [0.09;0.45] / 46.13*** [28.62;63.63] / 0.86*** [0.62;1.11] / 23.53*** [16.44;30.62]
Isostrain / 0.06 [-0.14;0.26] / 73.09* [2.64;143.5] / 0.29** [0.10;0.47] / 43.96*** [25.70;62.22] / 0.84*** [0.59;1.09] / 25.95*** [16.87;35.03]
Low reward / 0.12 [-0.07;0.32] / 41.49 [-4.12;87.10] / 0.45*** [0.27;0.62] / 12.27 [-1.79;26.32] / 1.06*** [0.82;1.30] / 6.57 [-1.28;14.41]
Low esteem / 0.16 [-0.04;0.35] / 24.21 [-16.1;64.52] / 0.50*** [0.33;0.68] / 1.42 [-14.1;16.96] / 1.09*** [0.85;1.32] / 3.98 [-4.61;12.57]
Job insecurity / 0.17 [-0.03;0.38] / 17.06 [-15.3;49.43] / 0.47*** [0.29;0.65] / 7.63 [-5.39;20.65] / 1.04*** [0.78;1.30] / 7.82* [0.49;15.15]
Low job promotion / 0.07 [-0.13;0.26] / 68.63* [2.23;135.0] / 0.39*** [0.21;0.57] / 22.85** [8.63;37.06] / 0.99*** [0.74;1.24] / 12.73** [5.07;20.38]
Long working hours / 0.25* [0.04;0.45] / -16.9 [-43.6;9.75] / 0.53*** [0.35;0.72] / -4.87 [-12.9;3.18] / 1.15*** [0.90;1.41] / -2.03 [-5.86;1.80]
Night work / 0.20 [-0.00;0.41] / 3.12 [-3.55;9.79] / 0.50*** [0.32;0.69] / 1.57 [-0.79;3.94] / 1.12*** [0.87;1.38] / 0.52 [-2.02;3.06]
Shift work / 0.21* [0.01;0.42] / -1.10 [-16.0;13.76] / 0.50*** [0.32;0.68] / 1.90 [-2.49;6.30] / 1.10*** [0.85;1.36] / 2.45 [-1.71;6.61]
Unsociable work days / 0.21* [0.01;0.41] / 0.35 [-11.9;12.55] / 0.50*** [0.31;0.68] / 2.91 [-0.67;6.50] / 1.11*** [0.86;1.36] / 1.72* [0.03;3.41]
Low predictability / 0.22* [0.02;0.42] / -4.85 [-17.8;8.14] / 0.50*** [0.32;0.68] / 1.83 [-0.98;4.64] / 1.12*** [0.87;1.37] / 1.25 [-0.31;2.82]
Physical violence / 0.22* [0.01;0.43] / -4.16 [-22.4;14.07] / 0.51*** [0.33;0.69] / -0.09 [-7.13;6.94] / 1.13*** [0.88;1.39] / -0.12 [-3.98;3.74]
Bullying / 0.22* [0.02;0.42] / -5.56 [-36.0;24.89] / 0.51*** [0.33;0.69] / -0.35 [-11.5;10.80] / 1.10*** [0.86;1.34] / 2.78 [-3.64;9.21]
Verbal abuse / 0.15 [-0.06;0.36] / 28.87 [-6.97;64.70] / 0.49*** [0.31;0.68] / 3.51 [-6.24;13.26] / 1.26*** [1.01;1.51] / -11.3*** [-17.3;-5.33]
Demands for responsibility / 0.20 [-0.00;0.41] / 3.72 [-2.38;9.83] / 0.53*** [0.35;0.71] / -3.61* [-6.55;-0.67] / 1.14*** [0.89;1.38] / -0.43 [-1.90;1.03]
Model 1 / -0.04 [-0.23;0.15] / 120.6* [13.36;227.8] / 0.09 [-0.09;0.27] / 81.95*** [51.61;112.3] / 0.56*** [0.31;0.81] / 50.19*** [35.95;64.43]
Model 2 / -0.08 [-0.27;0.11] / 139.7* [15.62;263.7] / 0.08 [-0.11;0.26] / 85.00*** [53.47;116.5] / 0.55*** [0.30;0.81] / 51.17*** [36.15;66.20]
Extended models 0 (each factor separately)
Biological exposure / 0.23* [0.03;0.44] / -11.0 [-26.8;4.71] / 0.54*** [0.35;0.72] / -5.46 [-11.9;0.95] / 1.15*** [0.90;1.40] / -1.43 [-3.07;0.20]
Chemical exposure / 0.22* [0.01;0.42] / -2.80 [-13.3;7.67] / 0.52*** [0.34;0.71] / -2.04 [-9.58;5.50] / 1.15*** [0.89;1.41] / -1.65 [-7.71;4.41]
Physical exposure / 0.18 [-0.02;0.39] / 12.27 [-2.69;27.22] / 0.47*** [0.29;0.66] / 6.96** [2.18;11.73] / 1.00*** [0.74;1.25] / 11.91*** [6.71;17.11]
Noise / 0.17 [-0.03;0.38] / 17.13 [-0.69;34.94] / 0.46*** [0.28;0.64] / 9.57*** [4.78;14.36] / 0.99*** [0.73;1.24] / 12.81*** [7.98;17.64]
Thermic constraints / 0.21* [0.01;0.42] / -0.67 [-7.88;6.54] / 0.50*** [0.32;0.68] / 1.98 [-1.44;5.40] / 1.06*** [0.81;1.32] / 6.05** [1.76;10.35]
Radiations / 0.21* [0.01;0.42] / -1.20 [-4.74;2.34] / 0.51*** [0.33;0.69] / 0.08 [-0.21;0.37] / 1.13*** [0.88;1.38] / 0.00 [-0.10;0.10]
Controlled air/space / 0.20 [-0.00;0.41] / 3.18 [-3.00;9.35] / 0.50*** [0.32;0.68] / 2.22 [-1.66;6.11] / 1.12*** [0.87;1.37] / 1.09 [-0.80;2.98]
Biomechanical exposure / 0.20 [-0.01;0.40] / 7.05 [-1.42;15.53] / 0.47*** [0.28;0.65] / 8.67** [3.46;13.88] / 1.06*** [0.81;1.31] / 6.50*** [3.16;9.84]
Manual materials handling / 0.16 [-0.05;0.36] / 25.35 [-1.60;52.30] / 0.42*** [0.24;0.61] / 16.85*** [7.13;26.56] / 1.00*** [0.74;1.25] / 11.89*** [5.80;17.99]
Postural/articular constraints / 0.19 [-0.02;0.39] / 10.29 [-2.21;22.80] / 0.45*** [0.26;0.64] / 11.44** [3.31;19.58] / 1.04*** [0.78;1.29] / 8.44** [3.08;13.79]
Vibrations / 0.21* [0.01;0.41] / 0.20 [-0.72;1.12] / 0.51*** [0.32;0.69] / 0.59 [-0.48;1.66] / 1.10*** [0.85;1.36] / 2.32 [-1.52;6.16]
Driving / 0.21* [0.01;0.41] / 0.14 [-1.99;2.27] / 0.50*** [0.31;0.68] / 2.50 [-0.45;5.45] / 1.12*** [0.87;1.37] / 0.63 [-0.21;1.48]
Model 3 / 0.19 [-0.01;0.40] / 8.37 [-7.29;24.03] / 0.47*** [0.29;0.66] / 7.39 [-1.53;16.31] / 1.00*** [0.74;1.26] / 11.64** [4.10;19.18]
Model 4 / 0.15 [-0.05;0.36] / 26.80 [-3.35;56.95] / 0.41*** [0.22;0.60] / 19.23** [6.65;31.81] / 0.90*** [0.63;1.16] / 20.56*** [10.99;30.13]

Adjusted for age. Bold β and contribution: significant at 5%. Professionals, managers: reference category

Model 1: decision latitude + social support + reward + unsociable work days + physical violence + bullying + verbal violence + demands for responsability

Model 2: skill discretion + decision authority + social support from supervisor + social support from colleagues + esteem + job insecurity + job promotion + unsociable work days + physical violence + bullying + verbal violence + demands for responsability

Model 3: chemical + physical + biomechanical exposure

Model 4: chemical exposure + noise + thermic constraints + manual material handlings + postural/articular constraints


Table S3. Association between gender, occupational groups, interaction gender*occupational groups and prevalence of exposure to psychosocial work factors and other occupational exposures: results from weighted logistic regression analysis

Gender / Occupational
groups / Interaction
gender*occupational groups
Low decision latitude / *** / *** / ***
Low skill discretion / *** / *** / ***
Low decision authority / *** / *** / ***
High psychological demands / ns / *** / ns
Low social support / ns / *** / **
Low social support (from supervisors) / ns / *** / *
Low social support (from colleagues) / ns / *** / **
Jobstrain / *** / *** / ns
Isostrain / *** / *** / **
Low reward / ns / *** / *
Low esteem / ** / * / **
Job insecurity / ns / ** / ns
Low job promotion / ns / *** / **
Long working hours / *** / *** / ns
Night work / *** / *** / ***
Shift work / ns / *** / ***
Unsociable work days / *** / *** / ***
Low predictability / *** / *** / ns
Physical violence / ns / *** / ***
Bullying / ns / ns / *
Verbal abuse / ** / *** / ***
Demands for responsibility / *** / *** / ***
Biological exposure / *** / *** / ***
Chemical exposure / *** / *** / ***
Physical exposure / *** / *** / ***
Noise / *** / *** / ***
Thermic constraints / *** / *** / ***
Radiations / *** / *** / **
Controlled air/space / ns / *** / ***
Biomechanical exposure / *** / *** / ***
Manual materials handling / *** / *** / ***
Postural/articular constraints / *** / *** / ns
Vibrations / *** / *** / **
Driving / *** / *** / ***

NS: not significant *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

Table S4. Associations between gender, occupational groups, interaction between gender and occupational groups and anxiety and depression symptoms: results from weighted linear regression analysis (models 0)

Gender / Occupational groups / Interaction
gender*occupational groups
Anxiety symptoms / *** / * / ***
Depression symptoms / ns / *** / *

Adjusted for age

NS: not significant *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

Table S5. Percentage of missing values according to the variables of the study

% missing values
Gender / 0
Age / 0
Occupational groups / 0
Depressive symptoms / 0.73
Anxiety symptoms / 0.70
Decision latitude / 0.32
Skill discretion / 0.14
Decision authority / 0.24
Psychological demands / 0.41
Social support / 5.06
Social support (from supervisors) / 1.67
Social support (from colleagues) / 4.13
Jobstrain / 0.59
Isostrain / 5.28
reward / 1.29
Esteem / 1.45
Job insecurity / 3.15
Job promotion / 1.44
Long working hours / 0.69
Night work / 1.34
Shift work / 0.46
Unsociable work days / 0.08
Predictability / 0.26
Physical violence / 2.68
Bullying / 0
Verbal abuse / 1.69
Demands for responsibility / 0.09
Biological exposure / 0
Chemical exposure / 0
Physical exposure / 0
Noise / 0
Thermic constraints / 0
Radiations / 0
Controlled air/space / 0
Biomechanical exposure / 0
Manual materials handling / 0
Postural/articular constraints / 0
Vibrations / 0
Driving / 0