Direct Donation Campaign
The purpose of fundraising is to supplement the resources and activities available in the school as well as to enrich your child’s learning experiences in ways that are not always covered by the school budget. Some of the PAC funded programs include the following:
Cultural Arts: Provides age appropriate programs for each grade level (examples include Mother Goose, Discovery Museum, Authors in Residence, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere and much more!)
Docent: Introduces students to the works of famous artists through in-class workshops as well as field trips.
Field Trips: Allocates funds to supplement field trips.
School Speakers: Examples include “What’s It Like?” and Anti-Bullying specialists.
School Events: Sponsors Field Day, Math Nights, Bowling Ice Breaker, Movie Nights and more!
Equipment & Materials: Provides books and reference materials to supplement the Media Center.
Technology: Allocates funds to support the purchase of items for the Classrooms & Computer Lab including most recently the acquisition of classroom Soundfield systems.
In the past, we relied on traditional fundraisers such as Sally Foster Gift Wrap and Yankee Candle, which generally net approximately 50% of the income earned. In response to family feedback, we have eliminated these “selling” fundraisers and have decided to focus on our Direct Donation campaign, fun Family Events and “No Cost” fundraisers such as Scrip cards and Box Tops for Education.
As additional incentive, you will receive the following gifts:
Bronze $25 – a Boyden sticker and a complimentary friendship directory.
Silver $50 – a Boyden sticker, a friendship directory and $5 coupon for the Scholastic book fair.
Gold $100 - a Boyden sticker, a friendship directory, a $5 coupon for the Scholastic book fair and 1 free family admission to a PAC family event
Platinum $250 - a Boyden sticker, friendship directory, a $5 coupon for the Scholastic book fair and a “Family Season Pass” – free admission to all PAC family events (Boyden Bowl, Pancake Breakfast, Faculty Event, Spaghetti Dinner, Movie Night, etc.)
If this is something your family chooses to do, please complete and return the form below to school in an envelope addressed to the Boyden PAC. Please make checks payable to Boyden School PAC.
Bronze $25 __ Silver $50 _ _ Gold $100 Platinum $250 Other
Family Name: ______
School Messenger Name: Grade and Teacher:
Thank you for supporting the Boyden School PAC!