APA style research paper on a controversial topic

When you hand in your paper, please include a print out of the turnitin.com report. In addition, hand in hard copies of your resources and your power point (this can be the copy you already gave me and I marked). All should be handed in to me inside the 10X 13 envelope that I gave you.


A—Follows the APA format including cover page(with header, running head, double spaced title, name and school), abstract (a summary from 100-150 words), a well-argued, and thoroughly documented paper with headings, and reference page which includes 5 sources minimum(alphabetized, complete sources according to the APA style manual.) All references in the paper should show up on the reference page. All references on the reference page should show up in the text. The paper includes one figure referenced in the text and a figure caption page all done according to the rules in the APA style manual. The proof offered is from qualified sources, accurately documented with parenthetical citations according to APA style manual. The paper is free from mechanical errors. The writing demonstrates the use of various sentence patterns, and excellent vocabulary. This paper is in the 4-5 page guidelines for the text with additional pages for cover, abstract, references, figure, and figure caption page.

B—This paper meets the requirements for an A but the content is less persuasive.

C—This paper meets all of the minimum requirements of length, number of sources, parenthetical citation to avoid plagiarism. Some errors in style may occur. Writing is average; it is missing the various sentence patterns, the excellent vocabulary, the convincing integration of resources. The sources are not as strong as a paper that might get an A or a B. The arguments are not as well-supported. Some mechanical errors may occur but do not seriously mar the piece.Use of informal language (you, I, we, our, your) mars the quality of this formal document.

D—This paper does not meet all of the minimum requirements of length, number of sources but at least gets close to the requirements. This paper does attempt to use parenthetical citation to avoid plagiarism, although one or two omissions may occur. Numerous style errors and mechanical errors detract.

F—This paper is seriously under the minimum requirements of length, number of sources. It does not use parenthetical citation to avoid plagiarism. The paper consistently mishandles evidence from outside sources. Numerous errors in style and mechanics detract from the piece as a whole. Sources are consistently of questionable merit and arguments are weak or unsupported. Whole sections of this paper may be missing.