eEMS Supervisor User’s Guide
Role: Supervisor – Supervisors are users who login to the system to approve, reject, and update employee’s timesheets and leave request. Supervisors also have access to manage employee data within the timesheet. Supervisors are associated with Groups and those same groups have employees associations. Supervisors can only see employees in the groups that they are “supervisor” over.
Users with the Manager/Supervisor role have access to the following options:
- Review Timesheet - to review, edit or approve an employee's timesheet.
- Mass In/Out Update – to manually place in or out punches onto employees’ timesheets.
- Leave Balance Report - to review the number of used and available leave hours for each employee by Group.
- Employee Profile - to review, add or update information for a specific employee.
- Employee Authorized Charge -to assign a new charge code(s) to an employee, or modify an employee's existing charge code by Group and Organization.
- View Multiple Timesheets – to review multiple timesheet periods at once for one or several employees.
- Employee Device Charges – to assign multiple device IDs for employees who punch in/out using hardware such as biometric clocks, proximity clocks, and swipe cards. Employees can associate a fingerprint or card number to an associated charge code to split time worked into multiple charge codes (using only the clock).
- Import Employee Schedules – to import external schedules from 3rd party tools using GHG’s predefined csv format.
- Mass Timesheet Update – to update employees’ timesheets with pre-populated data such as holiday pay,shift differential, or any other mass data entry needs.
Review Timesheet
Opening Timesheets for Approval
Creating New Timesheets
Saving Timesheets
Approving Timesheets
Rejecting Timesheets
Filtering on Timesheet Status
Mass In/Out Update
Leave Balance Report
Employee Authorized Charges
Default Charge Codes
Assigning Default Charge Codes
View Multiple Timesheets
Employee Device Charges
Import Employee Schedules
Mass Timesheet Update
Review Timesheet
Use Review Timesheetto review, edit or approve an employee's timesheet. When Review Timesheet on the options menu under Supervisor is selected, the screen below is displayed:
Opening Timesheets for Approval
- The Select A Groupfield displays the first group name listed by default.
- The Select Ending Date field displays the ending date for the current week by default. Click this field to display a list all timesheet ending dates in the system.
- Select - These are the parameters available for determining which timesheets to review for the employee(s) selected. For example, to display employee timesheets that have neither been digitally signed nor created, select the checkboxes and then click View. The screen will then be refreshed.
- Open All Selected - At this point, you can either select specific checkboxes, or select all employees. To select all employees, select either the top or bottom Open All SelectedBox. To open specific timesheets select the appropriate checkboxes, click Open AllSelected. .
- Open A Single Timesheet – to open a single timesheet, click on the name of the employee. Once the timesheet is open a supervisor can Approve, Reject or Un-submit a timesheet.
Creating New Timesheets
- From the Supervisor Menu, select Review Timesheets.
- Using theSelect A Groupfield choose the group to which the employee belongs.
- Use theSelect Ending Date field to choose a timesheet ending date for the specific timesheet period.
- To create a new timesheet, click the Create Timesheet link indicated in red. Thetimesheet is available the next time the employee logs onto thetimesheet application.
- If updates are required to an existing timesheet, click the Open Timesheet link.
Saving Timesheets
- Make appropriate changes to the timesheet opened and click Save. Once the updates have been saved, click the Back to TS Approval link to return to the list of timesheets to be approved.
Approving Timesheets
- Once the timesheet being reviewed is correct, select Supervisor drop down box and click on the Approved Select Status Option to show the timesheet as being electronically signed by the supervisor.
- Click Save. The Review Timesheets screen is redisplayed with confirmation text displaying the updatedstatus.
Rejecting Timesheets
If the timesheet is either incomplete, or the hours recorded are incorrect, the status Rejected may be chosen in the Supervisor drop down box. This action automatically sends an email to the employee notifying him of the rejected timesheet and removes the employee’s signature from the timesheet. Once the appropriate changes have been made to the rejected timesheet the supervisor may then return to the timesheet and Approve the updated record.
Filtering on Timesheet Status
There are seven different statuses that a timesheet may appear as:
- Approved – The timesheet has been signed by the employee and approved by the manager(s).
- Ready – The timesheet has been signed by the employee as is waiting for manager approval
- Unapproved TS in Previous Weeks – timesheets that need to be signed by the employee and/or manager(s).
- Rejected – The timesheet has been rejected by the supervisor and is waiting to be changed by the employee before re-approval can take place.
- Approved w/o Sign – timesheet has been approved by manager(s) only (no employee signature).
- No Signatures – The timesheet has been created and contains data.
- No Timesheet – No data exists at all for this employee. The employee has not made any updates during this current period.
Mass In/Out Update
Use the Mass In/Out Updateto manually place in or out punches for each employee by Group for specific days. Also allows for comments to be placed for why the manual punch was needed in the first place.
- Select Mass In/Out Updateon the options menu under Supervisor. A screen is displayed with a field for selecting a group, selecting a date, and then select whether it’s a check in (in punch) or a check out (out punch).
- Click on the group to display a list of all valid groups.
- Enter the date or use the calendar icon to select the date to place the punch onto.
- Select whether it’s a check in or check out punch.
- Click Display Employees and a screen will appear like the one below:
- Complete the screen by placing the time to punch the employee in or out and comment (if desired).
- Once all changes have been completed, click the Save/Update button at the bottom.
Leave Balance Report
Use the Leave Balance Reportto review the number of used and unused leave hours for each employee by Group.
- Select Leave Balance Report on the options menu under Supervisor. A screen is displayed with a field for selecting a group, and a button for submitting a request to generate a leave balance report of all employees for the selected group.
- Click on the field to display a list of all valid groups.
- Scroll through the list to select the appropriate group name. Click the Submit button. A generated report is displayed below:
Employee Profile
Use Employee Profileto review, add or update information for a specific employee.
- Select Employee Profile on the options menu under Supervisor.
- The Select An Employee field displays the first alphabetically listed name by default. Click on this field to display a list of all employee names.
- Scroll through the list to locate the appropriate employee name, and then click to enter the employee name.
- Add or update the information in the fields where applicable, then click Update. This action updates the employee’s record and a confirmation text regarding the update will be displayed at the topof the screen.
Employee Authorized Charges
Use Employee Authorized Chargesto assign a new charge code(s) to an employee, or modify an employee's existing charge code by Group and Organization.
- Select Employee Authorized Chargeson the options menu under Supervisor.
- Select the Group from the drop down box that houses the employee to be assigned the authorized charge codes.
- The Select An Employee field displays the first alphabetically listed name by default. Click on this field to display all employee names listed in descending alphabetical order.
- Scroll through the list until the appropriate employee name is located, and then click to enter the employee name.
- Scroll through the list to locate the appropriate group name, and then click to enter the name.
- To assign additional charge codes to a group, perform the following:
- Click on the Charge Code field todisplay a list of available charge codes. Scroll through the list to locate the appropriate charge code,and click to enter the code. When the charge code is selected,the associated pay type information updates the remainingfields.
- Click on the Pay Type to display a list of available pay types: Scroll through the list to locate the appropriate pay type, then click to enter the pay type.
- Click on the Organization field to display a list of available organization charge codes: Scroll through the list to locate the appropriate charge code,and click to enter the code.
- Enter the Start Date on which the authorized charge code is assigned to the employee. Either manually enter the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format, or click on the calendar icon to display the calendar pop-up window from which to select the date.
- Repeat this step for the End Date field, if applicable.
- If no further action is required, click Add.
- Confirmation text appears atthe top of the screen regarding the Add action.
Default Charge Codes
Purpose: Using the default charge code feature of eTSS allows the employee’s timesheet to automatically be updated by the system after an employee has successfully clocked in/out each day. It also specifies how the time entered will be distributed among the various charge codes per individual employee.
Default Charge Code: The charge codes setup as default by the supervisor will automatically populate the hours worked section of the timesheet and place calculated values (the difference between in/out each day) utilizing the priority and allocation defined during setup.
Charge Code Priority: The default charge codes are given a certain level of priority that defines in what order hours worked are distributed among them.
Percentage Allocation: Defines how hours are distributed among default charge codes that are at the same level of priority.
DNE Value: (Do Not Exceed) Value. It defines the maximum number of hours that can be distributed among the default charge codes that are at the same level of priority.
Assigning Default Charge Codes
A user given the role of supervisor can assign default charge codes to each employee; define their priority and percentage of allocation. They can also define a maximum number of hours that can be allocated to each charge code by day or timesheet period.
- Navigate to the Supervisor/Employee Authorized Charges Screen.
- Select the employee in the “Select an Employee” drop down box.
- Click the Charge Code Priority Setup link at the bottom of the screen.
- Complete the Priority # and DNE Values and select “Add”. This action will return you to the Employee Authorized Charge Code Page to continue setting up the default codes.
- Place a check next to the charge code(s) that will be used during the default charge code allocation.
- Select the Priority to be associated to each charge code.
- If necessary, place an allocation (value) next to each priority then click “Save” to save your changes.
Priority 1 Example - The screen shot on the previous page will place the daily value (calculated in/out time) and allocate it accordingly. A timesheet showing 8 hours in the in/out section of the timesheet would reflect the following:
Priority 2 Example - All charge codes/pay types defined under priority 1 will be satisfied before charge codes/pay types are allocated using priority 2. In this case the first 40 hours entered on the timesheet will be allocated 60/40 to pay types 1000 Regular Pay & 5000 Regular Pay. Any time above 40 hours will then be allocated to the 100% to 1000 OTT.
Priority 2 Example:
View Multiple Timesheets
Purpose: Viewing multiple timesheets for one or more employees over a specified time can be useful in many different scenarios. One possible scenario would be a customer setup with a 2-week pay period and a single week view for employee time entry. In the “View Multiple Timesheets” mode, supervisors can view week one and week two on the same screen to analyze the entire pay period’s data. Another possible scenario might be to view a pattern of a questionable employee’s time charging over a period of time, this option would let you choose as many timesheets as necessary to obtain your desired analysis.
- Select View Multiple Timesheeton the options menu under Supervisor.
- Select aGroup from the drop down box that houses the employee to be assigned the authorized device charges.
- Select the employee(s) from the Employees In Grouplist box. You can select multiple employees by holding down the control key while making your employee selection
- Select Add.
- Enter the timesheet ending dates of the timesheets that you would like to view.
- Select Submit.
Sample view of multiple timesheet option
Employee Device Charges
Purpose: This function is for clock customers who want to capture different tasks or activities (charge codes) on the clock as the employee clocks in or out. This enables the employee to charge time worked to appropriate cost accounts for multiple activities throughout the day.
- Select Employee Device Charge on the options menu under Supervisor.
- Select aGroup from the drop down box that houses the employee to be assigned the authorized device charges.
- The Select An Employee field displays the first alphabetically listed name by default. Click on this field to display all employee names listed in descending alphabetical order.
- Scroll through the list until the appropriate employee name is located, and then click to enter the employee name.
- Using the Device Ids that were assigned on the clock (and entered on the Administrator/Employee Profile page, enter each Device ID as it should be associated with each Charge Code.
- In this example (see previous screen shot) this employee’s right thumb was enrolled in the clock with the device ID of 9 and the left thumb with 456. Whenever the employee is working on the 3047-000 activity, then she will need to punch in the clock using the right thumb and when working on 0630 the she will use the left thumb.
- Update the default charge code allocations using the above associated numbers.
- Upon following the 7 steps, the timesheet shown in the example was created.
Import Employee Schedules
Purpose: This function is for importing an external schedule into the eTSS application. GHG will provide a specified file format (.csv) that the supervisor can import into the system. Schedules can be imported daily, weekly, or by pay period for employees associated to the supervisor’s group.
- Select Import Employee Schedules on the options menu under Supervisor.
- Select Browse to locate the schedule on the pc you want to import from.
- Once the file is selected, click the Import link on the page to import your schedule file.
- A text screen will appear displaying a message once the import is complete.
Mass Timesheet Update
Purpose – to update employees’ timesheets with pre-populated data such as holiday pay,shift differential, or any other mass data entry needs. Customers may also pre-populate timesheets with dollar values as well. Items such as yearendbonuses, travel pay, etc. may be entered using this function.
- Select Mass Timesheet Update on the options menu under Supervisor.
- Selectthe Group(s) from the list box and click Apply Filter.
- Once the Group is selected, select the Employee(s). You can select multiple employees by making your selection(s) and holding down the control key.
- Enter the StartDate of the timesheet data to be entered.
- Enter the End Date of the timesheet data to be entered.
- Enter the Pay Type associated with the timesheet data to be entered.
- Enter the Hours(s)/Amount associated with the timesheet data to be entered.
- Select Apply.