The Four Winds Society
Course Logistics Letter
Dear Friends, Allyu Members and Mastery Students,
We are pleased that you are interested in attending the upcoming Master-Level Certification Course and furthering your work with the Four Winds Society.
Course: The Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki – California – February 22 - 27, 2011
The Munay-Ki is part of our Professional Development Certification and can also be used as a requirement for the Way of the Sage Program.
Course Description: This course is a special opportunity to work with the Laika Elders. Anyone who has had the privilege to spend time with the Elders knows, first hand, that it is their joy and a fulfillment of their destiny to bestow these gifts to us. It is our deep desire that you come and take advantage of this rare opportunity.
For years the prophecies of the ancient Americas have spoken about the possibility of a new human appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. Munay-Ki are the luminous codes for the new human. They are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions. The ninth, and final rite, was delivered in the summer of 2006 by the Laika Elders in the Holy Mountains of the Andes.
Dates: February 22 - 27, 2011
Teacher: Victoria Johnson, Senior Staff with Laika Elder Don Francisco
Location: Joshua Tree Retreat Center, Joshua Tree, California
The course begins the first day of the session at 3 pm. Enrollment begins at 1 pm. The session ends at 12 noon of the last day.
Enrollment and Program Fee: Please fill out the enclosed enrollment form and either pay in full or hold your spot in the course with a $300 deposit. The individual session cost is $1,450 (including the deposit). You may mail or fax (435-647-5905) your enrollment form to the Four Winds office. You may also enroll by phone at 435-647-5988 or online at
Full payment is due 30 days prior to the beginning of the course. The Program fee does not include accommodations at the venue or meals.
We have many savings options and discount structures available, including, but not limited to:
· 90 day early enrollment discount
· 60 day early enrollment discount
· Discounts for payment on full curriculum
Please contact for further details.
Lodging and Dining: Please contact Debbie at Joshua Tree Retreat Center to make your reservations – email: or call (760)365-8371. If a single is necessary, then you will need to contact a local hotel. Joshua Tree Retreat can supply you with a list of local hotels. Joshua Tree National Park is close by for campers.
Please Note: When you enroll for the program, you must also register with the venue, even if you are stay off site. If staying off-site there is a small offsite fee that is paid to the venue.
There will be a large salad bar and lots of vegetarian choices. All bedding, linens and towels are supplied. If you have specific dietary needs or physical limitations that need to be considered please let them know so they can accommodate those needs as much as possible.
What to Bring:
· Clothing
o Outdoor clothing – Come prepared to do evening fire ceremonies and outdoor explorations. Plan according to the time of year and site location. You may need to bring a coat or jacket, boots, raingear, flashlight, etc.
o Comfortable clothes – Bring comfortable clothes for the course as much of our work is done indoors on the floor. Chairs are available for those who need them.
o Ceremonial evening clothes - Nice dress or slacks and shirt.
· Mesa, Pendulum & rattle
· Journal for your notes
Masters Certification Courses 2011: To assist you with your future planning click here for the 2011 Masters Certification Course Calendar. Please contact us if we can help you plan an individual schedule for your Light Body School course work, including the addition of any of our four course Masters Certification Programs to your curriculum.
I am excited to work with each of you as you deepen your skills on this amazing path of the medicine teachings.
Karen H. Wilson
Masters Program Coordinator
The Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki - California
February 2011 - Enrollment Form
Please fill in the following information and either send by fax: (435) 647-5905 or call with your information: (435) 647-5988 or (888) 437-4077.
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______
Amount to be charged: $ ______Visa ______MC
Card Number: ______
Expiration Date: ______
Name (Please print) Signature
Fax number: ______Email: ______
For Money Wiring Instructions please contact the Four Winds Office at (435) 647-5988
Or email Luz in accounting at .
You will receive a receipt for your records when the full payment is received
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
We understand that you may need to change from one course to another and are happy to assist you should it be necessary. Please note however, there is a $50.00 fee to make any changes once you have enrolled. Please see the Four Winds web site for cancellation policy.
Transportation directions to
Joshua Tree Retreat Center, Joshua Tree, California
From Palm Springs, LAX, Burbank, Orange County, CA
Browne Livery and Limousine
(310) 749-2932
Please call for rates. Has years of experience in handling large retreats to the JTRC.
From Ontario, CA airport
(866) 823-8380
$150 for a 14 passenger van – Round Trip
Based on 10 guests leaving at the same time.
Super Shuttle
(760) 320-6600
One way $70 for 1st person and $20 for each person thereafter.
Seats up to 10 people.
From Palm Springs Airport
(888) 700-7888
One way $70 for 1st person and $20 for each person thereafter. Seats up to 10 people
(760) 366-2395
Pick up times are 7:50 am, 10:10 am and 5:05 pm
Prices: $7.00 one-way or $11.00 round-trip
Buses to accommodate larger groups can be arranged
(760) 369-2555
$75 for 1st passenger and $10 for each additional guest
(888) 820-5300,
$380 round trip for 1 to 10 people
*All prices as of February 1, 2006 – subject to change.
Driving Directions
From the west:
Take Interstate 10 (1-10) through Colton, Redlands, Beaumont and
Banning. Look for Highway 62 (29 Palms Highway).
A few miles past the Hwy 111 Turnoff to Palm Springs, exit going
north. Follow Hwy 62 through Morongo Valley and Yucca Valley
(about 28 miles).
Approximately 1/4 mile past the intersection of La Contenta/YuccaMesa, turn left (north) into the gravel driveway to the Institute of Mental Physics.
p.o. box 680675 park City, ut 84068
phone: (435) 647-5988 or (888) 437-4077 fax: (435) 647-5905