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November, 2015
Session Minutes
The Session met for the regular monthly meeting on July 21 at 6:30. Elders present were Jane Leonard, Diana Shreffler, Dan Raines, Ryan Wagner, Gary Kimberly, and Jared Shupert. Also attending were Treasurer Jackie DeAtley, Clerk Lucinda Raines, and Rev. Maurice Mitchell of Hillsboro as Moderator.
The June minutes were read and approved. Correspondence was read with no action needed. On May 17 and June 21, 50 people were served Communion. October 4 was approved for communion.
The financial report was presented and approved. The church received a memorial contribution of $400 which will be used for a kneeling bench.
The trustees are looking at extending the steps into the basement and looking to repair or replace the lift.
The session discussed hiring a (CRE) Lay Pastor for worship. Over the next months potential candidates will be invited to lead worship. A decision is to be made as soon as possible.
Food for the Soul was held on June 26 with 60 persons served.
The memorial dedication on June 28 was well attended. Memorial dedications were made in memory of: Woodrow Grooms by family – sanctuary lights; Gerald Fulton by family – refurbishing front steps; Beverly Williams and Paul Harover by family – video screen and projector; Paul Beam and Bobbie Davis by family – filing cabinet for music; Raymond DeAtley by wife Jackie DeAtley – pastor sign and light in sanctuary; Phillip Shreffler by family – the church sign;
Robert and Minnie Foster by family – front doors and stained glass window and clock repair; Richard Baldridge by family – video and sound system.
The annual church picnic is scheduled for August 16. Worship will being at 10 a.m. with the picnic to follow. Meat, drinks, and table service will be provided by the church.
The Session thanks Stephanie Shupert and the staff of the 2015 Vacation Bible School held June 15-19. There were 24-28 children attending.
June 28 was the last worship service of Rev. Robert League. He is retiring after serving us for 4 years. There were 100 in attendance for the service and retirement dinner held at noon. Thank you, Robert, we will miss you!!!
At 7:55 a motion was made to adjourn until the next meeting. Rev. Mitchell closed with prayer.
Lucinda Raines, Clerk of Session
Cherry Fork Presbyterian Women
The Cherry Fork Presbyterian Women met in the social room of the church on October7 at 7 p.m. Penny Tolle, Moderator, opened the meeting. Nancy Atkinson and Colleen Shoemaker were hostesses for the meeting. Colleen read from Psalm 89:1-18 and had a reading “Thank You Father” for the devotions. She read from the Yearbook for Prayer and Study about the Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse, New York.
Ann Downs, treasurer, read the treasurer’s report. Eleven members answered the roll call by bringing boxes of tissues for the teachers in our church. Sarah K. Blythe, secretary, read the secretary’s report. The Thank Offering service will be Sunday, November 15. Penny had prayer and Colleen will send cards to the ones named. Penny had our lesson “Birthing Waters-Creation”. The scripture was from Genesis 1:1-2:4.
Nancy and Colleen served delicious refreshments. The next meeting will be November 4 at 7 p.m. Bring an item for the Interfaith House for the roll call.
Corresponding secretary, Sarah K. Blythe
Food for the Soul
On Friday, October 30th, we will be serving Homemade Vegetable Soup and Pimento Cheese Sandwiches.
Election Day, November 3rd we will serve Chili, Hot Dogs and Peanut Butter Sandwiches from Noon to 8 p.m. There will be no Free Meal for December. Instead, a donation will be given to a Charitable
Organization. Come and enjoy food and fellowship.
Natalie Wagner had a good week at the Brown County Fair this year. On the opening night, she was crowned as the Brown County Fair Queen. Royalty must run in the family a little, as Ryan was named Brown County Fair King 14 years ago. Natalie was also named the Outstanding
4-Her that same evening. She also did very well with her cattle. She had 1st and 2nd places with her heifers for the Born and Raised Show and the Jr. Show. She had Reserve Maintainer with her heifer, Lexie in the Born and Raised show on Wednesday and was Reserve Chi heifer with Mila in the Jr. Show. She was 3rd overallMaintainer heifer with Lexie in the Jr. Show and 3rd overall Market heifer with Reba. In the beef skillathon, she won her age group and was
also overall winner in the Senior Division. In showmanship, Natalie was 3rd overall in the Senior division. On Thursday evening of the fair, she received the Outstanding Senior Beef Exhibitor Award. Natalie had a very busy week, but it was a very rewarding one for her.
*There was a black ladies’ hooded sweater left in the social room after the Christmas program. * It is still at the church. Please contact the church if you know whose it is. Thanks.
Thank You
Dear Caring Committee(Diana and Sarah Kay),
Thank you so much for the pie. Comfort food is just what I needed to keep me from being too nervous. Nurses are the worst patients. Our church family is so supportive of each other which helps us get through difficult times. May God bless you!
Thanks to the Caring Committee: Mickey and Debbie and Rick and Sue:
Rick and Mickey brought us some delicious food last week. Keith enjoyed visiting with the guys.
Thanks, Keith and Dixie
Dear Caring Committee (Debbie and Sue):
Thank you so much for the food and especially the chocolate. Also thanks to those who sent cards and called. I appreciate everything that was done for me. Sitting around was really boring. May God bless you for your support.
Upcoming Events forNovember
10/26: Brotherhood at Decatur at 7:30 10/30: Food for the Soul 5-8
11/1: Alan and Peggy Foster
11/8: Larry and Juanita McIntire
11/15: Harry and Jane Leonard
11/22: Bill and Jane Hesler
11/29: Dan and Cindy Raines
11/3: Food for the Soul noon to 8 p.m.
11/23: Brotherhood at Wheat Ridge@ 7:30
Caring Committee:
Alter Flowers: Jackie DeAtley
Newsletter Emailed
If anyone would prefer to receive this newsletter via email rather than paper form, just send an email to
to confirm this choice. Thank you.
Prayer Joys and Concerns
Keith and Dixie Baldridge
Orlie Kirker
Sally Gunter family
Service members
Charles and Norine Behm
Homer Eldridge
Nellie Hayslip
Larry and Rich Luchek
Nancy and Steve Darby
Nelson and Nancy Atkinson
Kenny Williams
Mike Gill
Patty Naylor
Carolyn Work
Steve Wamsley family
Carma Cluxton
Gerald Shoemaker
Carole Abbott
Jeanie Grooms
Jenna Work
Kris Campbell
Jean Holmes
Lexi Ayers
Dick Ayers
Linda Purdin
Lane McCoy family
Melissa Hupp
Robin Elliott
Xavier Roberts
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