Unfortunately, proposals with incomplete details cannot be processed.

Please email completed form to:

For more information about our conference, please visit our website at:


Phone (Business): / () / Phone (cell): / ()
Fax: / () / Email:


Session Title:
Other Speaker Names (if relevant):
Speaker 1: / Speaker 2 / Speaker 3

Please select (check) the main CLUSTERS and OCCUPATIONS that may be ‘connected’ to your session:

 /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Business, Administration, Finance & Information Technology / HRH
Health, Recreation & Human Services / MDC
Media, Design & Communication Arts / NAT
Wildlife, Forestry, Energy, Agriculture & Environmental Stewardship / TMT
Trades, Manufacturing, Transportation / CTF
Middle Years Career and Technology Foundations
Gr. 5 – 9
‘Options’ / GEN
Classroom Management
Alberta Ed & ATA Updates / OTHER
Please Specify
Computing Science (CSE)
Enterprise and Innovation (ENT)
Financial Management (FIN)
Information Processing (INF)
Management & Marketing (MAM)
Networking (NET) / Community Care Services (CCS)
Cosmetology (COS)
Criminal Justice Studies (CJS)
Esthetics (EST)
Foods (FOD)
Health Care Aide (HCA)
Health Care Services (HCS)
Human and Social Services (HSS)
Legal Studies (LGS)
Recreation Leadership (REC)
Tourism (TOU) / Design Studies (DES)
Communication Technology (COM)
Fashion Studies (FAS) / Agriculture (AGR)
Environmental Stewardship (ENS)
Forestry (FOR)
Primary Resources (PRS)
Wildlife (WLD) / Construction (CON)
Electro-Technologies (ELT)
Fabrication (FAB)
Logistics (LOG)
Mechanics (MEC)
Power Engineering (PEN) / Business
Human Services
Technology /  ______
______/ ______
SPEAKER PREFERENCES: (check all applicable)
Time Block:
Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Nopreference
Length of Session:
50 min. / Half Day:2.5hrs
Type of Session:
Lecture / Lecture & Interactive / Hands-On (specify)
Audio-visual needs:Free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel
NOTE: / ** We are unable to provide computers and adapters for presenters.
** We are onlyable to provide LCD projectors for presenters in session rooms.
LCD Projector/screen in
session room / No AV Needed
Would you be willing to repeat your session?
Every attempt will be made to schedule this repeat session in a mutually convenient time slot. / Yes / No
Best day? / Friday / Saturday / No preference
Best Time slot? / AM / PM / No preference

Free conference registration for one speaker/presenter for session of 50 minutes or greater.

This honorarium offer has no cash value. Offer excludes hotel accommodation and meal package.

A committee memberwill be in touch to finalize details as the conference date gets closer.

Thank you!

Please include a precise session description to publicize on the conference website. The description is limited to 350 characters. The CTEC Conference program committee reserves the right to edit descriptions.


Please note any relevant biographical information to be included on the conference website. The Speaker’s Biography is limited to 300 characters. CTECConference program committee reserves the right to editthe Speaker’s Biography.

Thank you for your proposal. Please e-mail questions and presentation proposal to

CTEC Conference Registration – **50 minute or longer session
(Free CTEC Conference registration offer is for one speaker/presenter only and excludes hotel accommodation and meal package. This offer has no cash value for the speaker/presenter) / **FREE
Thursday Evening Keynote and Networking Reception
– networking opportunity / FREE
MEAL PACKAGE: / $195.00
additionalMeal package/s: $195/extra person / $195.00
CASINO ROYAL GALA – join colleagues to network and share in the fun casino games and your favorite ‘Bond’ themed evening with great music provided by Mahoney; evening reception included
(Optional: wear black tie, wear your favorite ‘Bond’ type apparel or come as your favorite ‘Bond’ character – prize draws for costumes! Door prize draws throughout the evening!) / $25.00
per person
ACCOMODATIONS – please book directly through:
Coast Canmore Hotel and Conference Centre
511 Bow Valley Trail, Canmore, AB T1W 1N7
(403) 678-3625

  • Go to: and follow the prompts OR
  • Phone central reservations on toll free number 1.800.716.6199 and quoting group code ‘CCM-GF414’or group name ‘Career and Technology Studies of ATA’
/ N/A / N/A / N/A

Unfortunately, proposals with incomplete details or non-payment cannot be processed.

Please email all completed form to:

For more information about our conference, please visit our website at:



(the “Speaker”)

- and -

on behalf of

the Alberta Teachers’ Association

(Career and Technology Education Council (CTEC))

(the “Association”)

The Speaker and the Association hereby agree as follows:

1. The Speaker will attend and present a session/lecture at session/lecture/hands-on activity or demo/networking session at the

Career and Technology Education Council (CTEC) Conference in Canmore, Alberta on

___ November ______, 2016, (the “Event”).


2.Within a reasonable time prior to the Event, the Association will inform the Speaker of the specific location and time that the Speaker will be presenting his or her session(s).

3. The Speaker will provide a written description and title of the Speaker’s session(s) to the Association within a reasonable time prior to the Event, failing which the Association may create a title and description of the Speaker’s session(s) that they deem appropriate, and will not be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may result.

4. Any materials that the Speaker wishes to use in conjunction with his or her lecture, including photocopies and handouts, are the sole responsibility of the Speaker. The Association is not responsible for the costs of said materials, receipt or storage of materials, supplies or equipment at venue, for postage and handling of materials mailed to session participants by the Speaker, or for any other materials that the Association has not expressly agreed to provide.

5.The Association would like the Speaker will be open and agreeable to being interviewed by the CTEC photographer on the days when he or she is making his or her presentation at the Event, unless, within 14 days of signing this agreement, the Speaker informs the Association in writing to the contrary.


6.The Association:

Will give the Speaker an honorarium of a free conference registration in return for the Speaker’s appearance at the Event. This honorarium has no cash value that can be claimed instead of the free conference registration. This is a free conference registration for one speaker/presenter for session of 50 minutes or greater. This honorarium offer has no cash value. Offer excludes hotel accommodation and meal package.

Will NOT pay the Speaker any amount of funds for transportation, printing, postage, meals or accommodations that result from this speaking opportunity at the CTEC Conference.

  1. Goods and Services Tax (GST) charged by a Speaker who is being paid for attending the Event will be honored only if the Speaker has provided a business registration number to the Association within a reasonable time prior to the event.


8.The Speaker:

Will Not be provided with accommodation. All accommodations required by the Speaker in connection with his or her attendance at the Event will be the responsibility of the Speaker. The Association will not reimburse the Speaker in any way for costs incurred for said accommodations.


9.The Speaker:

Will NOT be provided with a meal package. All meals required by the Speaker in connection with his or her attendance at the Event will be the responsibility of the Speaker. The Association will not reimburse the Speaker in any way for costs incurred for said meals.


10.The Speaker:

Will NOT be provided with reimbursement for travel. All travel required by the Speaker in connection with his or her attendance at the Event will be the responsibility of the Speaker. The Association will not reimburse the Speaker in any way for costs incurred for said travel.


11.The Speaker may cancel his or her appearance at the Event without penalty, provided that:

(a)the Association receives written notice of such cancellation by no later than 60 days prior to the Speaker’s first scheduled speaking engagement at the Event; or

(b)in the event that the Speaker’s cancellation is by reason of illness or bereavement, the Association receives from the Speaker:

(i)written or verbal notice of such cancellation prior to the Speaker’s first scheduled speaking engagement at the Event; and

(ii)satisfactory confirmation, within 2 months of the conclusion of the Event, that an illness or bereavement in fact existed which necessitated the Speaker’s cancellation of his or her appearance at the Event.

12.Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, the Association will not be responsible for special, incidental or consequential damages in any circumstances, including circumstances arising from the Association’s cancellation of the Event or the Speaker’s session(s) for any reason or at any time whatsoever.

13.If the Association cancels the Event or the Speaker’s session(s), the Association will not be responsible for payment of any honorarium that the Speaker would have received pursuant to this contract had the Event or session(s) not been cancelled.

14.This document represents the entirety of the agreement between the parties. There are no other representations, conditions or warranties.

Career and Technology Education Council (CTEC)
Speaker: / Association:
Contact Information: / Contact Information:
Tim Kilburn
CTEC Council

Social Insurance Number
(mandatory for Canadian residents pursuant to Canada Revenue Agency regulations)
Date / Date

The Alberta Teachers’ Association requires the information contained on this form in order to conduct the professional and business affairs of its membership and will collect, use and disclose the personal information about you accordingly. Additionally, contact information submitted by speakers and exhibitors may be shared with other ATA professional development sub-groups for the purposes of recommending your services.

For inquires, objections or concerns about how the Personal Information Protection Act applies to your personal information, please refer to our privacy policy on the Alberta Teachers’ Association website. Please contact the ATA at 780-447-9400 or 1-800-232-7208 and ask for the privacy officer for more inquiries about privacy concerns.