Math 6-8 Lesson Plan (Aligned to CCSSM)

Course:MathCCSS Standard Number(s):6.EE. 2cDay: 1-2 days

Unit # and Title: Evaluating Expressions/Formulas Block(s)/Period(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6

Unit Essential Question(s): / How are variables used in mathematics?
Why are variable expressions important to learn?
How can generating equivalent expressions help us solve problems?
Learning Target(s)
“I can statements” / I can evaluate an algebraic expression for a given value.
I can substitute values in formulas to solve real-world problems.
EssentialVocabulary / Expression, Sum, Term, Product, Factor, Coefficient, Difference, Quotient, Simplify, Variable, Constant, Algebra, Evaluating, Substitute, Order of Operations
Resources and Materials / Teacher / Student
Overhead Projector
Calculator / Calculator
On Core Mathematics workbook
8 Mathematical Practices:
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics. / 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Activating Strategy
(Opening Activity) / Ask: What does substitution mean to you? Where do you see it in life? What does it look like? How does it apply to math?
Real world applications: Basketball, Football, Cooking, Jobs, etc.
Students will be assigned a number, operation or variable. Teacher will then ask random students to come in front of the room and form an expression. The teacher will then ask other students to substitute in for the variable, the students will discuss what substitution means and how it affect the solution.
Cognitive Teaching Strategies
(TIP-Teacher input
SAP-Student actively participates
GP – Guided Practice
IP-Independent Practice) / Me: Teacher will further discuss substitution in math and review how order of operations will be involved.
We:Together we will complete Example 1 on page 69 in On Core Mathematics.
Few: In small groups, students will work together to complete Example 2 on page 70 and Example 3 on page 71 in On Core Mathematics.
We:Together we will discuss and complete Example 4 on page 71 (Using Formulas).
You:Individually students will work to complete page 72 (Practice) in On Core Mathematics.
Summarizing Strategy
(Closing Activity) / Say Something: Students will verbally summarize the lesson.
Assessment/Homework / Students will finish page 72 for homework.
Extending/Refining / Pizazz
Scavenger Hunt (Shives)
Worksheet (unit task)
Worksheet (Shelton)
EE6 (Carter email, under standard 6)

Office of Curriculum and Instruction October 2, 2018Guilford County Schools