Nick Muska & Nick Van Pelt Memorial Scholarship

Awarded by the West Athletic Booster Club


1)The Nick Muska & Nick Van Pelt Memorial Scholarship is a $1000.00 scholarship that is given to deserving West High School graduating senior/seniors, male or female, student athlete/athletes; as long as funds are available and there are qualified candidates. The number of scholarships given is decided by the WABC yearly.

2)The scholarship will be dispersed for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 only. There is no deferment allowed. One half of the scholarship ($500.00) will be presented to the recipient for their 1st college semester; recipient must provide proof of enrollment in at least 12 semester hours. The 2nd half ($500.00) will be presented for the 2nd consecutive semester; recipient must provide proof of enrollment in at least 12 semester hours AND proof of a 3.0 GPA from the recipients 1st semester. (Cumulative GPA is not accepted, only grades from 1st semester.)

3)In order to be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, the applicant must meet or have met the following requirements:

  1. Must have participated in at least 1 (one) sport for 4 (four) consecutive years. Must remain in athletics all 4 (four) years of high school.
  2. Must have participated in1 (one) extra-curricular activity during his/her entire senior year.
  3. Must have maintained a 3.0 GPA during his/her senior year in all classes.
  4. Must have completed 25 (twenty-five) hours of community service during his/her senior year of high school. Hours will begin on June 10, 2017and must be completed by April 13, 2018. This community service cannot be included in any community service assigned to the applicant by any authoritative action. You must provide whom the hours benefitted and a supervisor name and contact number. Applicant must use the Nick & Nick Community Service Log to report their hours.
  5. Must submit a one page, typed essay describing his or her educational goals and future plans. Attach essay to the scholarship application; no names should be written anywhere on the essay.
  6. Must provide the WABC with an official transcript in a sealed envelope.

4)The scholarship will be presented annually at the West Athletic Booster Club’s All-Sports Banquet; as long as funds are available and there is a qualified candidate.

5)This scholarship is contingent upon the student remaining in good standing with the Athletic Department and West ISD through the end of the school year.

6)Completed application must be turned into your counselor no later than April 13, 2018.

Nick Muska & Nick Van Pelt Memorial Scholarship

Awarded by the West Athletic Booster Club

Scholarship Application



Phone Number______Birthdate______

GPA: ______


University, College, Technical or Vocational School you plan to attend next fall: ______


Sports Participation: ______




Extra-Curricular Activities Participation: ______




Awards; Scholastic and Sports: ______





Revised Jan 2017

Revised Jan 2017