Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Monday, July 11, 2016

Central Branch, Scheide Room – 6:00pm

Present: Gerald Crum, President; Rhonda Smith, Vice President; Sam Battle, Trustee; Ray Armstrong, Trustee; Susanne Dotson, Trustee; Debbie Kroupa, Trustee

Absent: Marilyn Tipple, Trustee; Ann Schloss, Secretary

Staff: Lyn Crouse, Director; Carol Campana, Fiscal Officer; Kathleen Runser, Deputy Director; Terri Miller, System Services Manager; Debby Krejsa, Adult Services System Coordinator; Jennifer Harmon, Marketing & Communications Manager; Frank Szuch, IT/Facilities Manager; LaKesha Gage, Executive Administrative Assistant

Guest: Kaleena Whitfield, Trustee Candidate

1.  Call to Order: Mr. Gerald Crum called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

2.  Welcome of Attendees: Mr. Gerald Crum welcomed everyone to the meeting.

3.  Public Hearing of Visitors: none

4.  Election of Board Members:


On the motion of Susanne Dotson, seconded by Ray Armstrong, the board unanimously agreed to reelect Sam Battle to the board of trustees.


On the motion of Debbie Kroupa, seconded by Rhonda Smith, the board unanimously agreed to reelect Ann Schloss to the board of trustees.


On the motion of Sam Battle, seconded by Susanne Dotson, the board unanimously agreed to elect Kaleena Whitfield to the board of trustees.

5. Consent Agenda Items:

a) Approval of May & June 2016 Minutes

b) Personnel Actions

Appointments: none

Resignations: Emme Wysocki, Tech II

Retirements: Sue Schillig, Librarian

c) Donations for May & June 2016

$992.00 Donated by the Friends of the Elyria Public Library (restricted)

d) Memorials for May & June 2016

$100.00 Donated by Elyria Apple Festival in memory of Vicki Krugman

$25.00 Donated by Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petersens in memory of Vicki Krugman

$50.00 Donated by Gary & Mary Siwierka in memory of Cleta Faye Shippy

$100.00 Donated by Chris Mollenkamp in memory of Vicki Krugman

$25.00 Donated by Vandemark Jewelers in memory of Johnny B. Carr

$25.00 Donated by Vandemark Jewelers in memory of Joseph R. Manholt, Jr.

$20.00 Donated by the Ladies of Leisure Book Club in memory of Vicki Krugman

$25.00 Donated by Elaine Thompson in memory of Kate Austin


On the motion of Rhonda Smith, seconded by Susanne Dotson, the board unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda.

5.  Fiscal Officer’s Report:

Ms. Campana reported:

·  Interest rates at Star Ohio have climbed to .54%. Levy monies at Dollar Bank are earning .30%. May want to think about moving second half of levy monies into Star Ohio.

·  Explained the documents distributed to the board concerning last month’s report about the decrease in the PLF distribution and the Calendar Estimate of Change.


On the motion of Susanne Dotson, seconded by Rhonda Smith, the board unanimously agreed to allocate Northwest CD in the amount of $400,000 from 401 Building fund to 101 General fund and then to move $400,000 from Star OHIO to a sub account and allocate the funds from 101 General fund to 401 Building fund.


On the motion of Susanne Dotson, seconded by Debbie Kroupa, the board unanimously agreed to file Libraries Tax Fund 2017 Annual Budget of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures with the Lorain County Budget Commission.


On the motion of Debbie Kroupa, seconded by Susanne Dotson the board agreed to approve the Fiscal Officer’s Report.

7. Director’s Report: Ms. Crouse reported:

1. Bookmobile Garage Construction Update

Construction on the West River Bookmobile garage was delayed and is now scheduled to begin July 11th. Ms. Crouse wanted to express her thanks to Elyria Safety Services Manager Mary Siwierka, and City Fleet Services Manager Joe Strohsack, for helping us out with storage for the new bookmobile during the garage renovation project. We will be parking the vehicle at the City Garage.

2. Delivery Process Update

Ms. Crouse met with the circulation managers at Central and West River and discussed some options. Several of us took a field trip to Lorain Public’s delivery facility, and then brainstormed with the Central and WR circulation staffs. We decided that we could eliminate the 5 daily deliveries per week to Central and send all cargo to West River for centralized distribution. She negotiated coverage for the additional trips required by Commerce to transport from WR to Central. In the end, we saved around $8000 paid to the state, and increased our business with Commerce, a LaGrange company, by about $4000, for a net savings of $3,967.47. Commerce Delivery was pleased to work with us and very helpful throughout the process.

3. Application for real property tax exemption and remission

We received a notice of revised assessment from the County Auditor indicating that the property that we purchased at the existing library site in LaGrange has been reclassified as taxable. Ms. Crouse is filing an appeal.

4. Architect Update

We are working toward finalizing plans which can then be used to build the bid packages.

5. Fundraising for renovations

Ms. Crouse has produced promotional materials to offer naming and sponsorship opportunities to people who may be interested in participating in our renovation funding.

6. Government affairs update:

- OLC has provided us with information about HB 390 which is a change to Library Bond Issue law. This is just an FYI as we consider moving forward with construction in LaGrange.

- At Senator Gayle Manning's request, the Lorain County Library Administrators’ Council is hosting a Candidates Forum at Oberlin Public Library on Friday, September 23, starting with breakfast at 8:00 am. All candidates running for the State House in Districts 55 - 56 - 57 have been invited to attend. OLC’s Director of Government and Legal Issues, Michelle Francis, has been invited also. Whether she makes it to the forum or not, she will be at OPL by 10:00 am. We will meet with her immediately after the forum. She has decided to repeat her "state tour" of several years ago, to discuss strategy for next year's biennium budget. She wants to talk with as many directors around the state as she can. Please SAVE THE DATE and attend if you can. Next year is a budget year, and we are losing a Library Friend in Representative Terry Boose, who has termed out.

WE3 (lead agency is LCCC) looking for a project leader. LCCC is hiring a new dean and Ms. Crouse sat in on the interviews.

Kevin Flanigan, owner of The Foundry Kitchen & Bar restaurant opening on Broad Street, wanted to display library owned historical photographs. They will be displayed on a smart TV on loan, while the library retains the rights to it. The agreement was approved by the Assistant Lorain County Prosecutor, Jerry Innes.

8. President’s Report: Mr. Crum reported:

·  Susanne Dotson is retiring on August 1st. Mr. Crum read a proclamation dedicated to Susanne Dotson.

·  During the last board meeting, Mr. Crum appointed himself to fill in for Susanne Dotson on the Foundation board.

·  The Library Board will be back to 8 members when Susanne retires. Mr. Crum would really like to get to 9 members, and added that we need someone to represent the townships. There are three or four townships that are part of our service area, including Carlisle, Penfield, and Elyria Township. Mr. Crum requested everyone to think of someone to nominate for the library board.

9. Committee Reports:

Friends of the Elyria Public Library-

Ms. Crouse reported a book move was done this morning. A van was rented, and a car and Ms. Crouse’s jeep used were to move boxes over to the church. The Book sale is Oct. 13-16th.

Friends of the Keystone LaGrange Library-

Ms. Crouse reported a meeting held last Thursday was done to discuss the float for the Lion’s parade.

Elyria Public Library Foundation-

Ms. Smith reported multiple meetings have taken place. There has been a push from the library for the foundation to do more because there is not really any visible growth to the principal over the years. Most has come directly from the library including the Nancy Symons bequest and the DeLloyd funds. Mr. Crum would like to see them recognized as part of the Naming Opportunities campaign for the renovation.

The Foundation would like to be the library’s official fundraiser but has no capability to do so besides the mailing of the annual appeal.

The Foundation will be hiring Kathleen Smith (who is currently on the Foundation board) as an independent contractor to do groundwork for more ambitious fundraising. The Foundation will use funds raised by the Foundation to pay for the first year of hiring her.

10. Old Business: none

11. New Business: none

12. Executive Session:


On the motion of Rhonda Smith, seconded by Debbie Kroupa, the board unanimously agreed to go into executive session to discuss Personnel at 7:13pm. A roll call vote was taken.


On the motion of Rhonda Smith, seconded by Jerry Crum, the board unanimously agreed to leave executive session at 8:02 pm. A roll call vote was taken.

13. Adjournment:


On the motion of Rhonda Smith, seconded by Ray Armstrong, the board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 pm. The next meeting will be on Monday, August 8, 2016 in the Central Scheide Room at 6:00 pm.


President Secretary