ForestViewPrimary School Medium Term Curriculum Planner

Topic: Walk through time Teachers:Mrs Cousins, Mrs Jones, Miss Groves, Mrs Newell, Mrs Haworth and Miss Johnson Year Group: 1 and 2 Term: Spring 1Year: 2018

Week / 1-2.1.18
Hook- 2.11.17 / 2-8.1.18 / 3-15.1.18 / 4-22.1.18 / 5.- 29.1.18 / 6- 5.2.18
Year 2
Year 1 / number and place value
number and place value
Rhi / Multiplication
Mass and Weight
Rhi / Division
2D and 3D shapes
Rhi / mass and weight
counting and money
Kate / 2D and 3D shapes
Kate / counting and money
Newsround / Christmas recount
Kirsty to edit / Newspaper
!,?, , ., connectives,
Kirsty to edit / Newspaper
Kirsty to edit / story
Percy the park keeper
Faye to edit / story
Percy the park keeper
Faye to edit / poetry
weather/sound poems
Faye to edit
materials / TBAT:identify materials
LBC- Walk to nearby houses. What materials can you see on the houses?
HA- note materials and where they saw the materials.
MA- list materials they can see.
LA- eye spy – materials hunt.
Link to literacy – writing lists. / TBAT: say why different materials are used
Continuing from the last session, what materials did we find? Where?
Sort materials-
Strong, flexible, transparent.
Discuss why these materials are used.
HA- Choose a material from the table and write what it is used for and why.
MA- choose a material from the table- write a sentence about the material.
LA- match material to the sentence with support.
Link to literacy – sentence writing. / TBAT: identify materials for a purpose
LBC- Go to forest schools to find what materials they can use to make a house to stop the weather blowing it down.
Write lists of materials they can find.
Back in the classroom- discuss which materials would be best to use.
Link to literacy – writing lists. / TBAT: carry out a fair test
Use materials collected from forest schools to investigate which materials are most waterproof and which are the strongest.
Link to literacy – writing plan, experiment results and conclusion. / TBAT: plan a structure suitable for a given purpose. (A strong house to stay up during a storm)
Draw a plan of their house and label with materials they are going to use., using the information learnt from previous lesson (Group work)
Link to literacy – labels. TBAT: use materials to build
LBC- go to Forest school woods. Groups to construct their houses using their plans from last session. / TBAT: evaluate their structures.
Discuss what worked well about their structures. Were the chosen materials suitable to keep the house up? What would they improve next time?
HA & MA - Record using two stars and a wish in their books.
LA – oral evaluation.
Link to literacy – writing evaluation.
Throughout term allow children that struggle with logging on and off to practise. / TBATunderstand many games use the internet and how to be safe.
Have you ever used the internet at home?
What devices use the internet?
Make a list that children suggest.
How about games? Do you play games? Watch video Lee and Kim’s Animal Adventures (on t-drive) / TBAT: know who can help you keep safe on the internet.
What do you do when you get lost on the internet? What do you do if something helps that upsets you? Read the story to the chn and discuss the questions as you go through. What should you do if you aren’t sure when using the internet?

- Learn song/rap / TBATKnow about internet safety (personal details)
Activity: look at
watch episode 1. Pause video to discuss at dif points.
Activity: look at
watch episode 2.
Talk about what they have learnt about internet safety. T create mind map on the board.
Link to literacy – speaking and listening / TBAT: understand different kinds on online internet safety.
Look at internet safety posters/PowerPoint (on t-drive)
Discuss the different ways of accessing the internet and how to safe when doing so.
Why do you think some apps, games and social media have age restrictions? Discuss the importance of this.
Recap all the other ways they have learnt to stay safe.
Children write top 5 /10 rules to remember.
Link to literacy – / TBAT recall how to stay safe on the internet. Activity: Use circle time activity to discuss all the ways they have learnt they can stay safe when using the internet
Children to make a badge to remind them how to stay safe on the internet. Use pictures and captions.
(These to be laminated, displayed at showcase and then taken home to share with their family.)
Link to literacy – speaking and listening & writing
-Develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
D/T Rhiannon x2 / TBAT experiment with different lines.
Introduce artist Kandinsky using ppt. Using examples of his work, what types of lines can the children identify (straight - horizontal, vertical and diagonal, spiral, curved, zigzag.) Explain that many of Kandinsky’s pieces were made up of different lines.
Introduce any the children did not know, can they find examples of these in Kandinsky’s work?
Take out a pretend snake (Larry) and make different types of lines for the children to identify.
Guided paint – Teacher to demonstrate painting different types of lines for the children to copy. Encourage children to go right to the edge of the page with their lines.
(See examples attached below plan) / TBAT use colour
Read the story of ‘What makes a rainbow’ by Betty Ann Schwartz.
What colours make up a rainbow? Explain that today we will be turning our line artwork from previous lesson into a rainbow.
What colour comes first, next etc?
Teach how to use water colour paints correctly.
Children to paint the sections between the lines to represent colours of the rainbow. / TBAT create a weather/storm picture using line.
Link to music – see week 3 music for representing ‘tempo’ in their picture.
Remind children of the different types of lines from last session. Explain that today we will be using music as a stimulus for a line picture.
Play the children the extract of music while the children close their eyes and listen.

What do you think that music represents?
Explain that it is a storm – listen again, stopping at key intervals. What do you think is happening now? Why do you think this?
How could we show this using lines?
Take suggestions and demonstrate.
Play music again and allow children to take their pencil for a walk to show the weather in the music.
Once finished share different examples.
What type of lines did you use for certain weather/ parts of the music? Why? / TBAT use line, colour and pattern.
Explain that today we will be using lines to create patterns.
Demonstrate how to use diagonal lines repeatedly to create a pattern. What other patterns could we create using zigzag/ curved lines etc? Allow children to experiment on wbs’ Share examples and discuss. What’s good? How could we improve? Discuss adding colour and patterns to create an eye catching piece.
Children to decorate parts of an umbrella using different lines then colour using patterns and colours. / TBAT use line, colour and texture
LBC – if wetWhat happens when raindrops land in a puddle? Or demonstrate by dropping water into a bowl and watch for the rippling effect to create circles.
Explain that today we are going to create our own version of the Rainy day picture using the umbrella’s we made in the past lesson.
Show and discuss picture. Why have they different shades of blue for the background?
Talk through stages needed to create picture and the materials needed?
Step 1 – Use wax crayon to create raindrops and circles.
Step 2 – Brusho over the top to create a stormy day background. Discuss how to add texture using sponge.
Step 3 – Cut out photo of the children and stick onto picture with their umbrella.
Show completed artworks and evaluate using 2 stars and a wish. / LESSON.1.
TBAT: Understand why packaging isn’t suitable for its purpose.
Explain that Pirate Pete has contacted you to ask for some help because his lunch keeps getting ruined.
Go through PPT.
Complete product evaluation sheet.
TBAT: Design suitable packaging for a purpose.
Use the PPT to recap the challenge and discuss the food that the lunch box will need to hold.
Explain that the design criteria is to make a lunch box that is secure and waterproof.
Exploring Materials:Tell the children that they are going to be choosing which materials they will use tomake a better lunch box. When choosing their materials, they should think about which materials will help them to meetthe design criteria.
Children to explore a selection of materials:
-Which materials do they think will be waterproof and why?
-Which materials do they think will be strong and why? -Which materials might make a strong handle?
-What will help to keep the lunch safe?
Show the lunch box design example.
Children to compete their own design sheets in pairs/groups.
Feedback to the rest of the class.
Kirsty / Topic hook
Children to investigate storm damage. / TBAT: record daily weather patterns.
SPTO identify daily weather patterns.
SPTO use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features, including season and weather.
Introduce the weather diary. Explain that we will be recording the weather every day for a week.
Do you think the weather will be much different?
What weather do you think we will observe?
How could we measure the rain each day? Introduce the rain gauge. How can we make one? How can we measure the water in it? Ask how we can measure the temperature? What is temperature measured in? (degrees Celsius). What do you think the temperature is today?
Yr 2 – Record degrees Celsius on their weather diary for the HA and MA.
Plenary for the end of the week:
What weather did we observe?
Was there anything that shocked you?
Introduce the word anomaly (something that stands out as not normal or not following the pattern) – did anyone find an anomaly in their diary? / TBAT: identify seasonal weather patterns.
SPTO identify seasonal weather patterns.
SPTO use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features, including season and weather.
Ask chn to name the seasons.
What season are we in now?
Adult to show the chn different weather pictures and chn to sort under the different seasons.
Activity 1: Sort pictures under season headings.
Activity 2: Draw and label the weather under the different seasons. Sort the children pictures under the correct heading.
Activity 3: Identify the seasons. Draw and label the weather under the different seasons and name a month in that season.
What seasons are warner? What seasons are colder? What is your favourite season – why? / TBAT: identify seasonal weather patterns.
SPTO identify seasonal weather patterns.
SPTO use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features, including season and weather.
Recap the learning from last lesson: How many seasons are there? What are they called? What is the weather like in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?
Explain that weather reports are given daily but we can sometimes guess which season they are in by the weather that is reported. Show the chn the 2 different weather reports. Chn to guess which season the weather report was filmed.
Activity: Give each group a season and chn to report the weather in that season. Fill in the gaps in the weather report script.
Yr 2: estimate the temperature in degrees.
Film the weather report and show at showcase.
Explain that weather is not always so predictable and sometimes it can rain in Summer, too. Watch July 2015 weather report. What season do you think it’s in? Explain that even though it is Summer and very hot, you can still get thunder storms and rain. / TBAT: identify the causes and effects of the 2007 Gloucestershire flooding.
TBAT: use aerial photos and maps.
SPTO use aerial photographs.
SPTO use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features.
Show chn pictures of the flooding using the ppt. What has happened? What caused this?
Link to weather: what weather has caused this?
Show the chn the map:
Where is the river on the map? How do you know it’s a river? What’s around the river? Why do you think those things are by a river?
Follow the ppt to explain the causes of the flooding.
Explain that the flooding caused lots of damage. What is damage? What kinds of things can a flood damage? Write on the board: human and physical. Define these.
Activity: (Laminate aerial photos so chn can circle things they notice).
Provide small groups with an aerial photo of damage, chn to identify the damage. Come back to the carpet and as a class categorise the damage in to human and physical.
In small groups make a poster about what you have learned today about the flooding in Gloucestershire.
Success criteria for poster:
  • What happened?
  • What was the damage?
  • Yr 2 – categorise the damage effects into Human and Physical.
/ x
Easter / TBAT set goals (PHSE )
Talk about new year and how at this time lots of people think about what they can do to set themselves goals for the new year.
Take suggestions from the class. Talk about how these can be personal goals or educational goals.
Act- new years resolution sheet
LA- pictures and labels
HA- writing sentences
Ext- reasons- because. / TBAT understand why we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. 13th February
Activity: Show class a cooked pancake. Do they know what it is? Why do eat pancakes on Pancake day. Use ppt ‘When is pancake day’ to answer the question. Discuss the meaning of Pancake day/Shrove Tuesday as the final day before Lent. Use Lent ppt and discuss what the children might like to give up for Lent and what they can do to help others.
Then choose one thing they could give up for Lent and one thing they will do to help others. Record on sheet provided.
Link to literacy – writing what they will give up and do.
Lianne / TBAT link actions of movement together to create a simple sequence.
TBAT use large apparatus safely.
Get out large apparatus; bars, big box top, large table.
Encourage children to use skills learnt over previous weeks to create and perform a sequence of movements on the large apparatus.
Remind children of rules and safety of using equipment e.g height on bars, safe landings etc.
Select children to perform their sequence to the class.
Rotate children around the apparatus, asking them to adapt their sequence to make it appropriate for each apparatus. / TBAT link actions of movement together to create a simple sequence.
TBAT use large apparatus safely.
Get out large apparatus; bars, big box top, large table.
Encourage children to use skills learnt over previous weeks to create and perform a sequence of movements on the large apparatus.
Remind children of rules and safety of using equipment e.g height on bars, safe landings etc.
Select children to perform their sequence to the class.
Rotate children around the apparatus, asking them to adapt their sequence to make it appropriate for each apparatus. / TBAT explore a range of dance actions.
TBAT link different actions to convey an idea.
TBAT create a short simple sequence.
Warm Up
Children show gestures/body actions about how they feel in different types of weather:
hot, cold, freezing, windy etc.
Teacher leads action: Using one of children’s ideas from class, model movements and actions related to a day at the seaside i.e. setting out a deck chair or towel.
Spread out a variety of visual images about activities which can be done at the seaside. Ask the children to travel around the hall, when they reach an image they
perform that particular action.
Independently children create a sequence, begin with the teacher lead action followedby two or three of their own choice from the visual images eg licking an ice cream,
setting out a deck chair, paddling, swimming etc. / TBAT to select appropriate movements and body shapes to communicate ideas.
Warm Up
Travel around the room using a piece of music ( teachers choice) on teacher
command Children create different body shapes – high, low, wide, narrow,