NDWG Committee Meeting

24ththNovember 2015

Meeting No.1of the 2015/2016 NDWG Committee

Brighton Towers, Beeston



Brendan Barnes (BB)(Chair)

Harriet Lagnado (HL)(Secretary)

Rob Lievesley (RL)(Treasurer)

Rob Brighton(RB)(Membership)

Charlotte Woodsend(CW)(Communications)

Rachael Drewery(RD)(Walks)

Rob Stevens (RS)(Weekends)

Jacky Braunton(JB)(Notts and Derby Socials)

Rachel Partington(RP)(Conservation)


Phil Storer(PS)(Walks)

Louis Temple (LT)(Weekends)

Voting of Committee member roles vacantat AGM:

John Coller - website coordinator- Confirmed (all 9 members present votedin favour).

Cheryl Martin -Derby social coordinator - Not confirmed as Derby social coordinator; Jacky Braunton Confirmed as co-ordinator for Notts and Derby Socials combined (all 9 members present voted in favour of this proposal).

John Coller (JC) invited to attend meeting from this point forward.

Cheryl Martin (CM) to receive communication from Chair within next 2 days.

Welcome and Update from the Chair

Actions from previous meeting with forwarding Actions if needed:

ACTION: Charlotte to ask Nigel to add link to Ramblers ‘Big path watch’.Complete, link on website.

ACTION: Jenny to contact RachelWilliams re linking NDWG walks to Ramblers website.ACTION:RD

ACTION: Rob and Greg to flag up on the programme ‘This walk is suitable to be led by a new leader.’ACTION: RD/PS

ACTION: Rob will ring the Nightingale ward so we give directly to this ward. Completed, given direct to ward.

ACTION: Rob L to put something out on Face book regarding the Derby meet point. Not actioned. Post on all comms (as in membership welcome letter) to the effect to not rely on Derby meet point. ACTION:CW/JC

ACTION: Rob L says he would be able to set up emails just to use with regards to the walking group.Not possible.

ACTION: Christmas -Jacky to check whether we are paying on the night? Chase the deposit.To pay on night.

ACTION: The code of conduct: Jenny, Brendan and Greg to finalise and present to committee for approval.BB and JW to meet next week to discuss/finalise.For final approval by committee next meeting.ACTION:BB

ACTION: Jenny to look further into NDWG name change. Is there a certain length of time to put in a motion?Update given by chair from Area meeting.To forward to next meeting/set up steering group to manage going forward?


Facebook:FB code of conduct to follow due process for inappropriate posts. BB to circulate and post with committee approval.ACTION:BB

IT administrators’ roles discussed: can delete posts as appropriate with or without other admin approval, following due process as mentioned above. Inappropriate fb posts: to do screen grabsif able and delete as appropriate.

Inappropriate emails: HQ copied in and email acknowledged by Chair to sender.

Inappropriate communications: NDWG Code of Conduct to help deal with future communications once finalised and approved.


Meeting dates set out for next 6months. Discussed preferences:to alternate Tues/Weds. Time: 7 for 7.30pm.

Location:all to feed back any viable ideas fornew locations(to enquire further reCotswold; other meeting rooms; cost?) Rob B kindly hosted this meeting at short notice.To confirm next meeting location and send out dates. ACTION:HL.

Area report requested by Area Sec.ACTION BB.


NewYear all paid up.Xmas Social still chasing few.

Bank Acct signatures : RL and RB to complete.ACTION RL/RB.


To chase HQ for weekly/monthly lists as not receiving.ACTION RB.

To check weekend sign-ups are members: LT/RS to remind weekend organisers to send lists to treasurer and Mem sec. ACTION: LT/RS. To check membership Xmas list.ACTION JB/RB.


Digests -not all FB posts getting copied to digest. Will go out tues/thurs depending on demand.Will liaise with RB if away/unable to post at any time. Reminder to send FB posts to Digest.ACTION JC.


Winter programme almost all leaders assigned.

Summer programme underway, including walk suggestions from members. RD and PS will cover white/dark peak areas respectively and other areas between them.

Will coordinate with weekends/conservation for new programme.


To remind weekend organisers to send treasurer and mem sec names to check against.ACTION: LT/RS

New Year sold out. PenyPassopening 26/11/15.

2extended weekends to further away locations. To try mini weekend summer, would also appeal to new members.


Working on consistency/linking of walks programmes, also adding links to walks of pics/info/streetmap.

Proposed at meeting to rewrite each area on website, to update info and include Tag-words. All roles to co-ordinate with JC.Intention to attract more people from searches on web and keep up to date.ACTION: All members/JC


Manyevents leading up to Christmas. To give Mem sec any queries on Xmas social list. Chasing few unpaid places.

Encourage members to take up organising events and to coordinate with Jacky by putting out another FB/Digest post. ACTION: BB

Propose fewer Derby socials, to combine weekend opening with pub meet/meal.


New taballocation on website for conservation: ACTION JC.

To organise 2 days and 2 weekends as member opinion supporting this, falling interest in weekends.To combine day with eve social.Daysorganised through Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust developing paths on the new Skylarks nature reserve near HolmePierrepoint, weekends remain with Peak Park Conservation Volunteers (PPCV). To liaise with walks/weekends.

Date of Next meeting: Weds 20thJan 2016.

We may on occasion remove from the published minutes confidential information which the Chair, having consulted with the Secretary, deems inappropriate for an open forum. The governing principle of the Published Minutes is one of openness, and exceptions are kept to a minimum. We will not enter into correspondence about excluded matters.