
Star Properties and Life Cycle WebQuest

Please visit the following website to complete the assignment:

Click on the “Home” page if you are not already there, and answer the questions below:

1. How are stars like humans?

Click on the “Introduction” page and answer the questions below:

2. What is most of the universe made of?

3. What is the name of our nearest star that we can study?(hint: it also will give you burn if spend to much time outside on a clear day)

Click on the “Task” page and answer the questions below:


4. What kind of writing assignment did your teacher give you?

5. In your writing, assignment, what specific things are you required to write about?

Click on the “Research Process” page and answer the questions below:

6. What is a star and what two gases make up a star?

7. As you watched the Youtube clip, what kinds of colors did the various stars have?

8. As you watched the Youtube clip, how big was our sun compared to the other stars?

9. Explain the relationship between star color and temperature: What color stars are the hottest in space? What color stars are the coolest?

10. Explain the relationship between star size and true brightness: Which size stars are the brightest???? Which size stars dim and not as bright????

11. List another term scientist’s use to describe the true brightness of a star:

12. What do all stars form in?

13. What is a nebula?

14. What is the cycle or phase a star will spend most of its life in?

15. If our sun is currently 5 billion years old, how much longer will the sun shine brightly for before it runs out of fuel to burn?

16. After our Sun runs our of Hydrogen fuel, what kind of star will it become?

17. What is the name of the hot glowing star inside a planetary nebula?

18. Do massive blue stars live longer or shorter lives than stars like our Sun??? How long do blue stars live for?

19. What is the term scientist’s use for an exploding star?

20. What two objects can form as a result of an exploding star?

Click on the “Writing Process” page and begin writing the article below in the spaces provided.

Feel free to type the article if you have access to a word processor or computer and attach the printed article to the handout.

