Summit Hockey Annual Membership Meeting
June 24, 2015
Call to order:
Members in attendance: Brad Dickerson, Kevin Neuamaier, Doug Gurlea, Jason Grant, Blake Davis, Dick Carleton, Andrew Ash, Jim Schlegel, Sue Rodgers
Parents/support staff in attendance: KoryDeKoevend, Heather Gard, Wren Arbuthnot, Chris Miller
Approval of May Minutes: Approved as written
Financial Overview (Blake):
- Year End budget reviewed.
- New budget proposed motion made and passed to approve budget as amended.
- Suggested fees discussion-motion made and passed to approve 2015/2016 rates as amended.
- Line item questions discussed.
- Profit and loss Discussed.
- Coaches’ certification and expenses were discussed.
- Grant opportunities for coaches’ supplies was covered on a brief discussion.
Hockey Director’s Report:
- Summer programs
- The Midget Mondays is close to covering the facility cost, we should be able to at least break even.
- Chris and Wren are making calls to each group to encourage people to register.
- Registration calls are directed towards each group by week of participation
- We are low in every group except the girls group.
- Coaches are working on their schedules to make sure we have everything covered.
- Kory has spoken with Billy Barto, Head Coach of the Summit Tigers, to get some of the high school athletes involved with the camps.
- Even though we sent out flyers to the other directors, we have not seen any players registered for the summer camps.
- Player forecast 2015/2016
- Kory is comfortable with the projected numbers for this upcoming season.
- When Chris and Wren speak with parents about the summer camps they will be asking about next season participation. We will be able to have a more accurate count by July’s Meeting.
- As we all know the numbers only matter if they register
- Team declarations for DNHL are September 1st
- Team declarations for CDYHL will be July 23rd
- Coaching update
- Email to be sent out to all coaches to see if they will return for next season
- Kory has been in negotiations with Patrick Fitzgerald about being the Mites Coordinator.
- Patrick is great with kids and will bring a great organized program with him
- Majority of coaches have said they would like to coach again this upcoming season when spoke with then after the season.
- Organizing the coaches meeting and upcoming season
- The plan is to have no parent coaches above the Squirt level.
- A coaching Mentors program to involve the older athletes in a positive environment is being planned.
- Coaches are dependent on schedule. That should be determined fairly quickly.
- Head coaches should be set and named for registration opening.
- DNHL Meeting update from 6/22/15
- New this season, the league is going to a tiering system for each age group
- Tiers to be broken up into three groups, Red, White, Blue
- September 1st team declarations
- September 8th at 10:00 am a meeting will take place at the Promenade to schedule games
- Squirts will have games starting the weekend of October 10th
- The rest of the age groups games will start September 19th
- December 31st will be roster deadlines for the DNHL
- Midgets will play all teams but will be split up into two brackets as playoffs
- The DNHL has a new website they asked that we add a link to their site.
- Christmas break will be December 20th- January 9th games will start again this weekend.
- February 27th will be the last regular season games
- Playoffs will be the weekend of March 5th-6th
- 18 games per team regular season
- League fees were $350.00 last season and they want it to stay the same but with the new website it might go up a little bit
- The league will declare playoff host meeting in December
- The league is deciding on doing a different approach to the checking rules at Bantams and Midgets.
- They are thinking of doing a no check for the lower level tier blue because of beginners starting to play hockey at these age groups.
- Checking to start after December so the kids have time to adjust to the game
Director of Operations Report:
- Email system errors and plan for corrections were disccussed. Chris proposed a Goggle business group with information postedon the Goggle drive and Board email set up. Working on a go between with Goggle and Sportngin.
- Stick and Puck sessions. Schedule an hour time during the stick and puck with coaches present for individual 15 minute work sessions. Work is occurring to make sure that the Town is alright with the idea.
- Annual calendar is in rough draft and will and shared in Goggle Drive.
- Five year plan for Summit Hockey is being drafted
- Year 1
- Successful 2016 Summer Camp Program
- Marketing starts in December
- Town of Breckenridge Partnership
- BOEC involvement
- Possible Lodging partnership with out of town players
- 2015-2016 Mountain Militia Squirt, Peewee and Bantam Fall and Spring Tournament Teams
- Cooperation with Mountain Hockey Organization
- Part of the two tier offering
- 200 Registered Players for the 2015-2016 season
- Summer camp demonstrations and marketing
- School demonstrations and marketing
- Heavy emphasis on “Play hockey for the Day”
- Maximize communication with prospective parents.
- “Out of State” Tournament with HPHL Militia Team.
Director of Goal Tending Report:
- 2014-2015 Fantastic Season last year, several goalies either led their respective leagues or were in the top 3 in various statistical categories including the big ones, SV%, GAA, Wins, Saves, and Minutes played: Osteen (U19), Bierbaum (U14), Konecny (SQC), Edstrom (SQB) and Mallory (PWA)
- Many ready to move up!!
- 2015-2016 Situation
- The Good- These groups are in very good way in terms of goaltending
- Midgets
- The strongest current situation with 4 goaltenders who can potentially play next year
- Bantams – 2 goalies for next year Mallory, Schwier
- PeeWee - 3 goalies Godard, Edstrom, Ebbinghaus
- U14 – 2 Goalies Bierbaum (can probably play U19 if needed) Grieser
- The not so good
- Squirts- lack of goaltenders
- 1 Goalie
- U19, U12-
- No returning U19 goalie unless Rachel plays
- U12 no returning goalie
- Mite
- No goaltenders as of now
- Needs for this year
- Continue development of established goalies
- Increased goalie interest in Mites and girls new kids EVERY practice
- New Squirts goalies (preferably 2-3) who can play on a rotating basis
- Preseason/midseason clinic, Enhanced help at goalie ice during the season and slight changes
Administrator’s Report:
- Summer Camp Registration numbers
- Midget Mondays at 10 player
- Week long camps total at 23: Midgets 2, Bantams 2, Peewees 5, Squirts 1, Mites 2 and Girls 11
- 2015-2016 Registration build out reviewed for details
- Summer Scholarship awarded reviewed
- Registrar Information
- Thank You’s to Brad for signatures
- Master Calendar Draft Completed and given to Chris for build out
- Election review, total of 40 members voted
- CAHA Annual Meeting Scheduled for August 1
- Mid-August the CAHA organization paperwork is due.
Election Results: Results were Motioned and Approved.
- Re-elected Sue Rodgers, Kevin Neumaier, Brad Dickerson, and Margaret Carlson new to the board Andrew Ash
- Officer elections- motion made and passed to accept the following officers
- President – Dick Carleton
- Vice President- Doug Gurlea
- Treasurer - Blake Davis
- Secretary – Kevin Neumaier/ Sue Rodgers as back up
Other Business:
- Uniform discussion occurred- Motion made to purchase practice jerseys as a coaches tool out of Summit Hockey Budget and to allow coaches and managers to conduct a team election to purchase breezer covers at the team level as a parent expense. Motion passed. A request to get back unused jerseys to bolster inventory will be sent out to cover for this year. Inventory will be presented for this season by next meeting.
- Roof the outdoor rink is still pending approval with hopes of completion in 2017.
- Locker room monitoring and SafeSport- a brief discussion occurred based on off season talks with other associations. A formal discussion to occur at the next meeting.
- Militia discussion has occurred and a motion made and passed to have the Hockey Committee continue to pursue the issue with a face to face discussion. Final decisions to be brought to a board vote.
Set next meeting Wednesday, July 15 at 6pm. Held at Stephen C. West Ice Rink upstairs meeting room.