Guidelines for Evaluation Team

FCIS Mission

The Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) is a nonprofit professional association of elementary and secondary schools throughout the state of Florida. Through its evaluation and accreditation program, the association strives to assure that each member school maintains high standards and independence.

Evaluation Process

Service on an evaluation team is a valuable and engaging professional experience. There is much useful professional interchange that goes on among members of a team, and between them and their counter parts at the school. It is challenging, rewarding work!

The main purpose of an evaluation team is to evaluate the school in terms of its own stated purposes and objectives, as well as in terms of the standards of the Florida Council of Independent Schools. Do not think of the school in terms of your own institution or philosophy. During an evaluation visit, all FCIS/FKC Standards must be met in order to ensure continued accreditation. You will be assigned areas to review in written form as well as standards to be checked to ensure compliance. Team members should NOT accept any assignment where a conflict of interest may exist.

Guidelines for team members

The deliberations of the evaluation team are confidential and professional. On the first day of the visit, you will meet with the Chair of your committee and meet other team members. There will also be a tour of the school to become familiar with the campus. Remember not to make criticisms or give suggestions to members of the school staff. Suggestions and recommendations should be discussed by the Committee Team, reported to the faculty and administration at the discretion of the Chair, and then placed in the Final Report.

Familiarize yourself with the web site and self-study of the school before the visit begins. If this is a joint visit with other organizations (FKC, SAIS, AdvancED), please remember to review and check the standards in your area to ensure compliance with all organizations. Standards for both FCIS and FKC have been revised and are available at The Chair will assign areas of responsibilities and standards during the conference call, one week prior to the visit.

Schools provide extensive materials for review by the visiting committee; please spend time reviewing these materials (curriculum, handbooks, etc.). The evaluation should be based on the mission, philosophy and objectives of the school rather than in terms of your own institution. Although you are assigned to specific areas, it is important that you see the total picture of the school so that it may be discussed by the entire committee.

Always remember to review the school and the programs with BIG eyes. Our intent is to affirm that the school is following its mission, ensure compliance with all standards and to offer ways to improve their program.

Listed below are topics/questions to assist you during your visit.

F  What are classrooms like in terms of class size, room atmosphere, and classroom materials?

F  Do you observe positive interactions between teachers and students?

F  Are the teachers qualified to be teaching the subjects they are assigned to teach?

F  Is the teacher aware of the needs of the students?

F  Does the overall program seem cohesive and unified under one philosophy?

F  Are remedial programs available?

F  Check curriculum development. Do the faculty members work together on curriculum or are the teachers working independently of each other?

F  Converse with teachers regarding any part of the curriculum which you are unable to observe in that particular classroom.

F  Do not hesitate to ask faculty members to explain any part of their program.

F  Conduct conferences with the students if appropriate.

F  Check the availability and use of the library facilities for your area.

F  Check for the integration of technology into the curriculum.

F  Is the safety and welfare of the children evident?

F  Is there adequate supervision in your area?

F  Check proper fire exit signs in your area.

F  What is your overall impression of the school?

Although you are assigned to specific areas, it is important that you see the total picture of the school so that it may be discussed by the entire committee.

Team member responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each team member to read the information sent prior to the evaluation including self-study, school web site, standards and other materials on the FCIS website. During the evaluation, in addition to classroom visits, there will be meetings scheduled with administrators, faculty, parents, students and governing board members. Attendance will be required only if that is your designated responsibility. Team members are responsible for checking standards compliance in their area and writing a report on their area. The final written report should be presented to the Chair of the Committee before you leave the school at the end of the evaluation visit. Team members are expected to attend the exit interview, unless there is an extenuating circumstance.

Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Traditionally, the school being visited is not particularly interested in how you do things at your school. However, if somebody wants to know and they ask, feel free to enter into a collegial discussion. FCIS team members are not experts, but rather experienced colleagues with a fresh perspective.


The school being evaluated is responsible for expenses incurred during an evaluation visit. Schools make hotel accommodations for team members and will arrange for all meals during the visit. Any car rentals or flights must be approved by the FCIS Office. Team members will complete a travel voucher at the conclusion of the visit (even those with $0.00) and will be reimbursed for all travel expenses.

Sample Schedule for FCIS/FKC Full Accreditation Visit

Day 1 (typically Sunday or Wednesday) – times are approximate:

3:00 p.m. Meet with FCIS/FKC team in hotel meeting room

4:00 Team arrives on campus for tour and reviews documents, schedules in conference room

5:00 Reception with faculty, staff, parents, trustees (school preference)

6:00 Dinner with team, school administrators, Steering Committee

8:00 Return to hotel, team begins to plan for visit

Day 2

7:00 a.m. Team meets for breakfast in hotel or at school

7:30 Team observes arrival of students

8:00 – 12:00 Team observes classes, meets with faculty, trustees, parents

12:00 Team meets with student representatives

1:00 Team meets for working lunch

2:00 Observations continue

3:00 Team observes dismissal and after-school activities; meet with teachers

4:00 Team meeting

6:00 Team dinner, work on individual reports

Day 3

7:00 a.m. Team breakfast, check-out of hotel, arrive on campus

8:00 – noon Finalize observations, meetings, fire drill

12:00 Team lunch – discuss special commendations and recommendations

2:00 Chairs meet with Head of School, team finalizes reports; all reports are submitted to Chair

3:00 Exit Interview with team and school

Areas to be covered in Full Evaluation report; areas will be assigned by Chair during conference call prior to the evaluation visit.

FCIS-FKC Full Evaluation Report

Executive Summary

Finance and Business Operations

Records (include standardized testing)

Academic Organization, Faculty and Administration

Faculty Teaching Conditions and Professional Development

Student Discipline, Morale and Attitudes

Student Admissions and Qualifications for Program

Academic Program

Early Childhood


Middle School

Upper School

Health, Safety and Facility

Library/Media Center


Extracurricular Activities, including Athletics

Student Services


Food Services


Academic Support

Boarding Program (if applicable)

Special Education Program (if applicable)

College Placement (if applicable)

Governing Board, Advisory Board, Parent Organization, Alumni Organization

Development and Marketing

Disposition of Previous Recommendations

Special Commendations

Special Recommendations

The evaluation team does not accredit the school. The team chair submits a recommendation to the Accreditation Commission based on information and insights gathered during the visit, which enables the commission to make an informed and appropriate recommendation regarding accreditation to the FCIS Board of Directors.

Thank you for your willingness to serve on an evaluation team. As an educator from an FCIS school, your involvement in the accreditation process is of paramount importance. It has the dual advantage of benefitting not only the school undergoing evaluation, but also contributing to your growth as an educator.

For more information, contact:

Melissa Alton, Director of Accreditation
