Central Zone meeting held on Tuesday, 2nd October 2007

at Ross Watts Children’s Hall, Station St., New Gisborne

Meeting opened at 9.00 pm by Sharyn Green, Central Zone President

Executive Present:

Zone President:Sharyn Green Zone Treasurer: Liz Turner

Zone Vice-Pres:Deirdre Krausgrill Zone Vice- Pres: Sue Hollins

Zone Secretary: Moreen DaintyZone Representative: Leonie Lang

Other Zone Officials:

Zone Chief Instructor:Wendy AbeyZone Exam. Secretary:Jenny Graham

Clubs and Others Representedas per Annual General Meeting

Clubs Not Representedas per Annual General Meeting

Apologies: as per Annual General Meeting

New Members:as per Annual General Meeting

Minutes of previous meeting amended.

Item # 8.1 Gisborne PC has a cross-country course built by the world class, FEI accredited cross-

country designer, Ewen Kellett.

Moved: Doug Bailey, Toolern Vale

Seconded: Barb Richards, Toolern ValeAccepted/carried.

Business Arising From Previous Minutes:

3. 14 (out of 23 clubs) were cited in the Zone rep’s report as having issues with their Rules of Incorporation. Glenlyon, Tullamarine and Werribee PC’s were asked to submit their rules of incorporation but nothing has been received as yet.

Since that meeting, Bullengarook, Kilmore, Oaklands, Trentham, Truganina Braybrook and Werribee PCs have confirmed that their club secretary now also holds the position of public officer. As previously advised, clubs must ensure that any change to a public officer must also be confirmed with Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Zone has not heard from Broadford, Gisborne, Glenlyon, Kyneton, Melton, Toolern Vale and Williamstown pony clubs as to whether the required changes have been made. Action: If a delegate from any of these clubs felt this was incorrect, the secretary asked that any supporting documents be resent to her as soon as possible. The President also requested that delegates go back to their committees and impress upon them the importance of complying with zone’s requests.

1. Inward Correspondence:

1.1 Northern Zone, August Minutes

1.2Midland Zone, July Minutes & Minutes of August AGM.

1.3Barwon Zone, August Minutes

1.4Change of address for Tullamarine PC, 20th August.

1.5Letter from Judy Peake expressing disappointment at PCAV State Council’s response regarding first aid treatment from St John’s at Glenlyon Horse Trials earlier this year.

1.6Ross Watts Hall – notification of change of booking officer & notification that zone chairs can be left at Ross Watts Hall, at our own risk.

1.7Making a Difference (MAD) PCAV magazine, September issue: contains EI biosecurity guidelines for clubs; formation of a working group to review declining numbers within PCAV movement and request for input from clubs and zones on reasons for this; the release of a new ‘C’ certificate kit for riders; notification of changes to PCAV event dates for 07-08; extension of PCAV dressage DVD discount offer to 30 November.

1.8PCAV History competition and entry forms. Individual riders, adult supporters, pony clubs and zones can enter. Competition closes March 2008.

1.9PCAV Annual Report, 2006-7.

1.10PCAV Dressage & Show Jumping Championships event program.

1.11PCAV Prince Philip & Senior Games State Championships, October 28, 2007.

1.12PCAV letter explaining state level assistance to zones for events hosted in 2008.

1.13Nominaton of Marita Baker as Alternate Delegate for Oaklands PC.

1.14Notification from Werribee PC of cancellation of September HT’s

1.15Notification from Riddells Creek PC of cancellation of Candlebark HTs.

1.16Receipt of PCAV Dressage DVD set for CZ.

1a Outward Correspondence

1a.1PCAV member card (for J. Simpson) sent to Woodend Club Secretary, Ros Brooks.

1a.2Minutes of August 7th Central Zone meeting distributed by email to all clubs on 10th August and in hard copy, 13th Sept.

1a.3Minutes of August 2nd DCI/ZA panel meeting distributed to panel members, 10th August.

1a.4Email notice to club DCs and secretaries, regarding appointment of Jenny Graham as ZES.

1a.5Request on Sept. 7th by Zone Rep. that clubs check their details on the zone website

directory as well as those posted on the PCAV website.

1a.6Email notice 9th Sept. by ZCI to club DCs and Sec’s of cancellation of zone events (boys’

camp at Trentham and Show Jumping clinic at Riddells Creek).

1a.7Email notice of zone AGM, sent to club secretaries, September 6th.

1a.8Reimbursement of $42.69 for Sue Hollins, Zone Events Committee.

1a.9Payment of PCAV invoice for $294.50

1a.10Australia Post, stamps July, $100.

1a.11Payment to Tullamarine PC of $395 for hosting of Lowden Shield event, 29 July.

1a.12Pennant Products – invoice payment $111.71

1a.13Ross Watts Childrens Hall rental hire, for August @ $25.00.

1a.14Photocopying invoice from Country Press for $106.44 (June).

1a.15Reimbursement of expenses for Wendy Abey, $160.00.

1a.16Sue Leslie Clinic, teaching expenses @ $325.

1a.17 Brenda Mitton Clinic, $180.

1a.18Alan Mitchell, Show Jumping clinic @ $325

1a.19Moreen Dainty, reimbursements for copying/postage (August) $208.40

1a.20Jenny Walker, travel expenses $56.80.

1a.212008 calendar Event Request forms emailed to all clubs 20th August.

1a.22Letter of thanks to Karen Butler from zone for service as ZES.

1.Motion that Inwards correspondence be received. Motion that Outward correspondence be approved.

Moved: Jenny Graham, Gisborne

Seconded: Barb Richards, Toolern ValeAccepted/Carried

1.aBusiness Arising from Correspondence

1.5The Secretary drew delegates’ attention to Rule 22 of the PCAV Handbook of By-Laws

(July, 2007) which describes the minimum First Aid and Equipment requirements for

clubs and zones organising PCAV events and activities. In particular, clubs should be

aware of rule 22.2 a which applies to large competitions or activities;

‘Club, zone or state: For activities or competitions with more than 200

participants, a doctor should attend.’

2. Treasurer’s Report:see attached.

Accounts for ratification

Motion that Accounts for Ratification be accepted as presented;

Moved: Liz Turner, Broadford

Seconded:Doug Bailey, Toolern ValeAccepted/Carried

3. Zone Rep’s Report: see attached.

4.ZCI Report: as per AGM

5.ZES Report: as per AGM.

6.President’s Report: none.

7.Junior Committee: (in recess)

8.General Business with Notice

8.1Zone Calendar, 2008. Event request forms have been received from the majority of clubs. A draft calendar will be reviewed by the executive in October.

8.2Lisa Young, our most recently appointed, Deputy Chief Instructor is going to be getting in touch with clubs to update the DCI/ZA panel’s list of dressage judges. Lisa would also like to hear from clubs about the judges they currently use.

9.General Business without Notice

9.1Zone Secretary’s expenses

Motion: To give the Secretary $200 petty cash to cover secretarial expenses incurred between zone meetings rather than wait for these to be ratified at each zone meeting.

Moved: Liz Turner, Broadford

Seconded:Chris Stuckey, BullengarookAccepted/Carried

Meeting Closed:10.15 pm.

Next meeting: Tuesday, December 4th, at Ross Watts Hall. Mel. Ref. 197 G2

Zone Rep’s Report

I attended the PCAV State Council meeting, held on August 28, 2007 prior to the AGM, as an observer. Norm Glenn was still our Zone Rep at that stage. The full minutes are printed in the Making A Difference magazine but the Special State council meeting today (October 2nd) has superseded a lot of the issues.

For example, various dates and venues for State events were advised, but these are being progressively modified or cancelled due the shutdown of activities due to the EI virus for the rest of this year. The PCAV State Council is very much aware of how much clubs are hurting as a result of this potential threat.I will pass on any information when it becomes available, but it is imperative that you monitor the PCAV website for the latest information. As you saw at the beginning of the EI outbreak, information from PCAV can change rapidly, so it is best to rely directly on the website as a resource rather than filter it through me. The situation as of today is that the Polocrosse and the National Games have been cancelled and the State Dressage and SJ championships have been moved forward by a month. The only possible alternative date for Northern Zone to hold these Champs at Swan Hill was Sunday March 30. Entries close on Wednesday March 12. This presumes that we are able to run Zone Qualifiers before then. If the EI virus situation persists beyond January, then the State champs will be cancelled for 2008. Nevertheless, Central Zone should try to find a provisional date to run Dressage and SJ Qualifiers before March 30.

At the PCAV AGM in August, it was decided to award all riders a mounted rally in lieu of the cancelled September rally. Today, State Council decided to extend this to October. For November and December, riders will be able to be credited with a mounted rally, provided they actually attend a club unmounted activity. This could be conventional unmounted rally activities, such as certificate theory and horsemastership, or fun social gatherings that are not necessarily horse related, but are organized by the club in lieu of a rally. However, these nominated “mounted” rallies cannot be used for grading purposes for a new horse. As a temporary process during the EI shutdown, DCs will be able to grade a new horse by visiting the combination individually and observing appropriate exercises, on two occasions. If there is a concern about how the horse will behave in company, the DC should try to make relevant enquiries and use discretion.

With respect to holding an unmounted rally, certain Biosecurity Guidelines should still be followed. Clare Lewin will have these posted on the PCAV website as soon as possible. Basically, they are the instructions for coaches or vets etc. and advise showering and changing clothes between touching a horse and attending any horse venue.

The State Council are very aware of the inconvenience, and in some cases, financial hardship, the voluntary shutdown is causing to clubs but urge us to continue to cooperate for the hoped for long-term gain. The issue that was repeatedly emphasized was the need to BE PREPARED if a virus outbreak does occur in Victoria. Register your horses with the Australian Horse Industry Council, and know the Biosecurity Guidelines. Keep up to date through the PCAV, DPI and AHIC websites. This is what I will be doing.

Other Issues

The overall decline in PCAV membership over the last 2 years was discussed in detail. A table showing Rider Membership by Zone is published in the Annual Report. A working group will be formed to identify the main reasons, and to develop strategies to reverse the trend. Zone Reps will be able to have input at the November State Council meeting, but clubs or zones can also send in direct submissions. Norm Glenn commented in his report that since June 30 Central Zone numbers have increased again, but we should discuss how this issue affects our zone, and consider whether a submission is needed.

The contents of the new C Certificate kit were displayed and there was detailed discussion on how it should be distributed. Ideally, each rider who has finished their D* should have access to it. It has been decided that it can be ordered through the PCAV shop, to be posted out to individuals, at a cost of $22. However, Zone Reps and ZCIs will also be able to collect a bundle at their various meetings, to distribute to clubs at Zone meetings. Zones will be invoiced at $15/kit. Currently, 100 have been printed, and each ZCI will be able to take up to 10 at the Chief Instructors Panel meeting on Saturday, October 6. You will need to coordinate with Jenny Graham and Wendy Abey, preferably tonight, or at least before Saturday, if your club wants to take advantage of this.

The rule about needing to have a C Certificate to compete in State Competitions will be relaxed a little to the extent that riders will only have to pass the written test and the Horsemastership section, which can be tested orally, to be allowed to compete. The ridden element can be deferred until its practical to have it examined.

Kammy Cordner Hunt has set up a committee that is keen to record the history of the Pony Club movement in Victoria. To this end, a competition has been devised, where members, past or present, clubs or zones are invited to submit a presentation relating to PC experience. This can be in a wide variety of formats. A letter will be sent to all clubs with the details (including prizes), and information is also on the PCAV website. Kammy has asked for a representative from each zone to belong to the committee. Is there anyone in the Zone interested in this venture? If so, please let me know. Otherwise, I will join the committee.

I look forward to working with clubs and their zone delegates. Zone delegates play an important role and I would encourage every club to ensure its delegates attend and feed back important information to your committees. Tonight, we are running a door prize. The winners of this prize will be announced in the zone minutes (so you will have to read them) and the prizes handed out at the next meeting (so you will have to come back!)

Leonie Lang, Zone Rep.