The Snowball Stand
a t E m m o r t o n
Application for Employment
Thank you for your interest in working at Emmorton Snowballs & Ice Cream, Inc. Please complete the following information, put this form in an envelope, and drop it off next time you visit. Be sure to fill out both sides of this form.
Name: ______Age: ______
Last Middle First
Address: ______Date of Birth: _____/_____/______
Street Address
City State Zip
Phone: (______)______-______(______)______-______
Home Cell
E-mail Address: ______
In case of emergency, contact: ______
Name Relation
Phone: (______)______-______(______)______-______
Home Cell
Are you a U.S. Citizen or otherwise legally permitted to work in the U.S.? Yes No
Describe your availability, including after school, summer, and weekends. Attach an extra page if you need more space.
Current or Most Recently Attended School: ______
Currently Enrolled? Yes No Current Grade/Year: ______
Degree Program or Area of Study: ______
Sports or Extracurricular Activities: ______
Most Recent Employment:
If you do not have any formal employment history, please skip to the Other Work History section.
Company Name: ______
Address: ______
Street City State Zip
Supervisor: ______Phone: (_____)______-______
Position: ______Dates Worked: From ______To ______
Reason for Leaving: ______
Do we have your permission to contact this employer? Yes No
If No, please explain: ______
Other Work History:
Please list previous work history and volunteer work here; or if you do not have formal employment history, list any responsibilities you have had, such as babysitting or lawn care for friends or clients, or even chores you are responsible for at home. Be sure to include names and phone numbers of persons you have worked for other than your immediate family. Attach an extra page if you need more space.
Please list three adults as references. Do not list family members. Some possibilities include teachers, neighbors, coaches, or youth group leaders. Include how you know each reference.
Name Phone How Known
Name Phone How Known
Name Phone How Known
In Your Own Words:
In this space, please tell us more about yourself. What activities do you enjoy and what are you good at? Are you involved with any organizations or clubs? What qualities would make you good for this job? Why did you decide to apply here? If you are still in school, what are your plans after graduating? Attach an extra page if you need more space.
In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of an employee’s responsibilities here at Emmorton Snowballs?
By signing below, I agree that owners or representatives of Emmorton Snowballs, Inc may make reasonable efforts to confirm the information I have provided, and may contact references and inquire on my character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living. I authorize the persons and organizations listed on this form to provide this information to Emmorton Snowballs, Inc and its owners or representatives. I certify that the information provided on this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that providing false or misleading information may be grounds for dismissal.
Applicant Signature Date