Here are lots of practice questions for the Hacker part of Test 1 (Thursday, July 11)

For full credit you need to 1) correct the sentence; 2) identify the page in A Writer’s Reference that explains the correction; 3) explain the rule in your own words.

From W1, Glossary of Usage:

  1. Jerrellwas ready for affection, but his date was all ready asleep.
  2. Eddie’s grandmother is still angry at him for getting that serpent tattoo.
  3. In hindsight, Pam felt badly about unplugging Grandpa’s heart monitor.
  4. Favad’s parents immigrated from Pakistan.
  5. Tamikashould of known better than to mess with Big Mama.
  6. T-Bone, please bring this package to Athena, but do not open it.
  7. Sarah told Dominique that she could hurt him and inferred that she had organized crime connections.
  8. Students with less than 16 credits need to enroll in a freshman seminar.
  9. Five hundred milligrams of morphine had no affect on Matt Higgins’ ill mood.
  10. I advice you to stay on Cassandra’s good side; she might turn on you.
  11. Amywill talk sweetly to you one minute and slit you’re throat the next.
  12. Darius said he wanted to fight the public nudity charges as a matter of principal.
  13. Can I go to bathroom, Mr. Combover?
  14. Bryan could care less if you don’t like his new fur coat.
  15. Hailey’s room is neater then Jawaad’s.
  16. Allan was perplexed by the recent failure of his usual pick-up line, “Hey, whose your daddy?”
  17. Nina, who we all love, is leaving college to go on tour with Eminem.
  18. Ace felt badly about hurting his dad’s feelings.
  19. Jose wishes his high school principle could see him now.

From W2, Wordy Sentences

  1. If we all cooperate together, we can get this project finished by sundown.
  1. Favad very hurriedly ran to class.
  1. Brianna, in the event that Andrea has too much to drink, please call a cab.
  1. Pam likes dogs because of the fact that they are loyal.
  1. If questions are had by you, don't hesitate to thrust upward the extremity located at the furthest point on your arm.

From W3, Active Verbs

  1. Many houses on the Jersey Shore were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy.
  1. Buying handguns on the street would be in violation of New Jersey gun laws.

From W4, Appropriate language

  1. Please endeavor to facilitate assisting one another as you commence studying for the examination.
  1. Every surgeon in America knows to wash his hands before going into surgery.

From W5, Exact language

  1. Pam was pretty angry at Sparkle for coming late that one day.
  1. Jeida’sproblems with the law are all water under the bridge now.
  1. Pam wants her students to avoid clichés like the plague.

From P1 – P10 Punctuation and Mechanics

  1. Joseadmitted cutting the brake cables on Nina’s pick-up truck, however, he said it was accidental.
  2. In hindsight, it was wrong to let Doc Higgins a man with a lengthy criminal record have a key to my house.
  3. Madonna and I are around the same age but she looks better.
  4. Both students lockers were vandalized.
  5. I wonder if Jerrell really kissed Beyonce, he says he did.
  6. Sarah wants to catch up on her sleep after EOF, and then perhaps go to the beach.
  7. Pam’s day started off well but it ended sadly when the Mets lost again.
  8. When Hailey thinks back on how often she cursed in high school she feels embarrassed.
  9. Cassandra loves the EOF program; however she wishes the days began at noon.
  10. If I have to scold you again Allan you will regret the day you were born!
  11. When Tamika was a young girl she dreamed of being as famous as Beyoncé.
  12. Sparkle’s hobbies include bird watching snowboarding and dancing like no one’s watching.
  13. Pam’s meth lab was shut down, after Jerrell called the police.
  14. Jose the drummer for the Nice Fellas has a dramatic stage presence.
  15. Pam told Marylin to watch:Amy, Jeida, and Nina.
  16. Sparkle signaled to Darius that Christa was coming, then they hid their cell phones.
  17. Sarahmade her list for the supermarket; rice, muffin mix, and olive oil.
  18. Brianna and Athena’s boyfriends are both good guys.
  19. Allan asked Andrea to “give him a little sugar on his cheek.”
  20. Pam realized she said hi to the wrong stranger, when she realized he wasn’t wearing pants.
  21. Jawaad’s favorite artists include: 50 Cent, Eminem, and Bruce Springsteen.