Writing 8 Lesson Plans

Day of Week / Monday- Sept. 19 (Explore test will be during 2nd Period)
I Can Statement / L 8.1 I can identify misspelled words and use resources to assist me in spelling correctly.
Bell ringer / Correct the grammar mistakes on the ActivBoard camera in your notebook
Method/Activities / Discuss the grammar mistakes found and correct any skill missed in class.
Pass out Unit 1 Review words for spelling test on Friday.
Using blog on teacher’s web page to use spelling words in creating Alphabetwise sentences. Spelling Resource book p.28.
Vocabulary / Discussion of spelling word parts used in Unit 1.
Assessment / Using blogging on computers.
Modifications / ECE using computers for blogging with spelling words.
Day of Week / Tuesday – Sept. 20 (Explore test will be 1st – 3rd Periods)
I Can Statement / L 8.1 I can identify misspelled words and use resources to assist me in spelling correctly.
Bell ringer / Correct the grammar mistakes on the ActivBoard camera in your notebook
Method/Activities / Review spelling words by playing the game Password on the ActivBoard.
Vocabulary / Discussion of spelling word parts used in Unit 1.
Assessment / Observation of students’ clues for playing Password.
Modifications / ECE working with peers on Password.
Day of Week / Wednesday – Sept. 21
I Can Statement / W 8.1 I can identify a topic that causes a debate in society.
Bell ringer / Correct the grammar mistakes on the ActivBoard camera in your notebook
Method/Activities / Discuss the grammar mistakes found and correct any skill missed in class.
Introduce the topic of smoking and share ideas/feelings on the topic.
Read the article from Scope magazine America’s Bad Habit on p. 19-21.
List textual evidence about smoking.
Vocabulary / Textural evidence, argument, claim, counterclaim
Assessment / Observation and discussion of textual evidence found from the reading.
Modifications / ECE using graphic organizer for evidence and working with teacher.
Day of Week / Thursday – Sept. 22
I Can Statement / W 8.1 I can support my argument with textual evidence in writing an essay.
Bell ringer / Correct the grammar mistakes on the ActivBoard camera in your notebook
Method/Activities / Review the previous reading of America’s Bad Habit to use in completing an essay in Scope magazine.
Make connection with the essay to the 5 paragraphs used in writing an On Demand piece.
Vocabulary / Credible source
Assessment / Completion of essay from Scope magazine.
Modifications / ECE using graphic organizer to complete essay.
Day of Week / Friday Sept. 23
I Can Statement / L 8.1 I can identify misspelled words on a test.
Bell ringer / Study silently for spelling test.
Method/Activities / Take test in class and grade.
Discuss answers.
Assessment / Unit 1 Spelling test
Modifications / ECE modified Unit 1 spelling test.