World History Questions Name: ______

Chapter 13, Section 1: Marching Toward War

1.  What were the names given to the two sides in WWI? (see tiny box on 405) / 405
2.  What countries belonged to the Allied Powers (marked in green on this map)? / 405
3.  What countries belonged to the Central Powers (marked in purple on this map)? / 405
4.  Which side in WWI had to fight on two fronts (an eastern and a western front)? / 405
5.  By 1900 (turn of the 20th century), how long had Europe been at peace? / 407
6.  Define: Nationalism / 407
7.  What effect can nationalism have within a country? / 407
8.  What effect can nationalism have between countries? / 407
9.  What territory did France resent losing to Germany in the Franco Prussian war of 1870? / 407
10.  What two countries both tried to control the Balkans (the area to the west of the Black Sea on the map on page 405)? / 407
11.  On what two continents were European countries competing for colonies? / 407
12.  How did competition for overseas empires (imperialism) effect relations between European countries? / 407
13.  What did European powers in the early 1900’s believe they needed in order to be great? / 408
14.  Define: militarism / 408
15.  Using the bold terms in questions 6, 12, and 14 above, name the three “-isms” that set the stage for WWI in Europe. / 407-408 / 1.
16.  What three countries formed the Triple Alliance in 1881? / 408
17.  Who forced Bismarck to resign and took power in Germany in 1898? / 408
18.  Kaiser Wilhelm let Germany’s treaty with Russia lapse in 1890. Who did Russia then form an alliance with? / 409
19.  Why was a French-Russian alliance Germany’s biggest fear? / 409
20.  Kaiser Wilhelm built up his navy to compete with what country’s navy? / 409
21.  The rise of Germany’s navy caused Britain to form an alliance called the Triple Entente. Who were the three countries in this alliance? / 409
22.  What did people hope the alliance system would do? On the other hand, what was the danger of the alliance system? / 409
23.  What part of Europe was known as the “powder keg” of Europe (=could blow up at any moment)? / 409
24.  What five new countries formed as the Ottoman Empire retreated southward? / 409
25.  What was Serbia’s goal in the early 20th century? (What did it hope to do?) / 409
26.  Who was Serbia’s biggest and most powerful supporter? / 409
27.  Why did Austria-Hungary fear Serbia’s effort create a large Slavic state in the Balkans? / 409
28.  What action by Austria-Hungary outraged (mad really mad) Serbian leaders? / 409
29.  Archduke France Ferdinand was the heir to the thrown of Austria-Hungary. What does that mean? / 410
30.  What country was behind the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand? / 410
31.  After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia. What is an ultimatum? / 410
32.  What did Austria-Hungary do on July 28th, 1914? What did Russia do on the same day? / 410
33.  Armenians living within Turkish territory supported Turkey’s enemies in WWI. How did Turkey respond? How many Armenians died as a result? / 410