A Dopasuj do siebie wyrazy z obu kolumn. Następnie użyj nowo powstałych wyrażeń, aby uzupełnić zdania poniżej. Pamiętaj, aby użyć czasowników we właściwym czasie.

1 go

2 surf

3 sit

4 get into

5 send

6 learn

7 hang out with

a trouble

b friends

c a text message

d the Net

e foreign languages

f shopping

g still

1 Simon usually ...... to find information.

2 Mary always ...... when she doesn’t listen to her parents.

3 Do you often ...... for clothes?

4 Most teenagers enjoy ...... after school.

5 Some children can never ...... They enjoy being active.

6 Students can ...... by studying and playing grammar and vocabulary games.

7 Can you ...... to Jane and ask her to come to the cinema with us?

B Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami.

● afraid ● solves ● ghost ● curly ● mall ● busy ● subject

1 Peter and John go to the local ...... to hang out.

2 Mary’s face is pale and frightened. She looks like she has seen a ......

3 Are you ...... this afternoon? Would you like to help us clean the house?

4 Simon has lovely ...... hair.

5 Our teacher ...... a crossword everyday. It helps her improve her vocabulary.

6 Which ...... do you enjoy the most at school?

7 I am ...... I can’t find your jacket.

C W poniższych zdaniach zastąp podkreślone słowa ich synonimami z listy.

● friendly ● sporty ● elegant ● clumsy ● silly ● funny

1 Peter is very athletic. He loves playing football. ………......

2 She always wears beautiful clothes. ………......

3 His movements are so awkward that he is always breaking something. ………......

4 The Baileys are a very entertaining couple. They are always telling jokes. ………......

5 Our neighbours are welcoming. They often assist people who have just
moved to our street. ………......

6 Peter was sent to the principal because of his foolish behaviour in class. ………......

D Uzupełnij wyrażenia podanymi czasownikami.

● mop ● go ● set ● tidy ● make ● water ● do ● wash

1 ...... the living room.

2 ...... the dishes.

3 ...... the plants.

4 ...... the floor.

5 ...... the laundry.

6 ...... the bed.

7 ...... shopping.

8 ...... the dinner table.

E Uzupełnij dialogi podanymi wyrażeniami.

● How about ● Hang on a minute ● Sounds great ● Yeah, I’d love to ● Are you free

Emily: Hello?

Victoria: Hi. It’s Victoria.

Emily: What’s up, Victoria?

Victoria: 1) ...... this Friday afternoon?

Emily: I think so. I haven’t planned
anything yet.

Victoria: 2) ...... going to the shopping centre for a coffee?

Emily: 3) ...... come. It’d be

Victoria: Do you want to meet around six?

Emily: 4) ...... I’ve just
remembered. I have to help my

mum with some chores. What

about catching up at seven


Victoria: 5) ...... ! I’ll meet you then. Don’t forget!


A Wpisz podane czasowniki w 3 os. liczby pojedynczej w odpowiedniej kolumnie poniższej

● like ● go ● study ● play ● eat ● watch ● fix ● try ● wear ● cry

● do ● solve ● miss ● fly ● apply

-s / -es / -ies

B Podkreśl właściwą formę czasownika.

1 Jamie like/likes basketball.

2 The children goes/go to school every day.

3 He doesn’t/don’t play the piano.

4 Tonia wear/wears beautiful clothes.

5 Simon watch/watches TV after school.

6 Alex doesn’t paints/paint very often.

7 Mark studies/study after school.

8 Karen doesn’t/isn’t French.

9 My teacher speak/speaks many

10 Tom and Sue don’t/doesn’t read many

C Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w czasie present simple.

Hi, I’m Betty and this is my friend Frank. We 1) ...... (live) in San Diego, California,
in the USA. We 2) ...... (be) both fifteen years old and we 3) ...... (go) to high school. Even though we 4) ...... (be) best friends, we 5) ...... (not/have) the same interests. In my free time, I usually 6) ...... (read) a good book or 7) ...... (surf) the Net. Frank 8) ...... (hate) anything that has to do with books or computers.
He 9) ...... (play) football or 10) ...... (watch) old films. I 11) ...... (not/understand) why he 12) ...... (enjoy) these activities, but I 13) ...... (guess) he 14) ...... (feel) the same about mine. People always 15) ...... (ask) us how we can be so different and still be such good friends. We simply 16) ...... (say) “Opposites attract”!

D Z podanych wyrażeń utwórz pytania. Następnie odpowiedz na nie zgodnie z sugestią
w nawiasie.

1 Sam/walk to school/every day? (No)



2 the children/play tennis/at school? (Yes)



3 you/eat breakfast/every morning? (Yes)



4 David/surf the Net/every night? (No)



5 Yvette/speak/Japanese? (Yes)



6 your mum/work/on Saturdays? (No)

