Amesbury Housing Authority

Minutes of the Annual Board Meeting

Mansion 2nd floor, Boardroom and Offices at 180 Main Street

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 8:30 AM

VOTED and APPROVED on 10/17/2017

ARegular Board meeting of the Amesbury Housing Authority was held on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 8:30 AM in the Boardroom and Offices located at 180 Main Street, Amesbury, Massachusetts. A quorum being present the meeting was called to order by the Chair Noonat 8:30 A.M. with the following members present:

Commissioners Present:Ralph Noon

Philip Dandurant

Donald Roy

Kendra Amaral


Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Roy, it was unanimously

Voted:To approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2017 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Roy, it was unanimously

Voted:To approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2017 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.


Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy, it was unanimously

VOTED: To review and approve the monthly bills for Vendor payments issued Check Number #20713-20817for the period from 7/19/2017-9/19/2017 for a total amount of $127,155.62 and ACH Debits for July and August 2017 in the amount of $17,227.78 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Royit was unanimously

VOTED: To review and approve the payroll issued for the months of July and August 2017 for the period July 1, 2017 – 8/31/2017 for a total amount of $59,447.14 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.


Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Royand seconded by Mr. Dandurantit was unanimously

VOTED: To distribute monthlyfinancial statements period ending 7/31/2017 for Board’s review as presented and placed on file.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.


Executive Director forwarded the Board the email response from Amy Stitely, DHCD, dated August 4, 2017 in reference to the Board’s request for a meeting with DHCD.

Executive Director indicated that she had also inquired about a partial budget approval whereas the Authority is at year end and will be unable to comply with submittal of year end reports due to an unapproved budget. Amy Stitely indicated that they cannot approve a partial budget and advised the authority to holding off until FY 18 Budget Guidelines are released and then do a revision of FY 2017 Budget for approval. No Budget Guidelines have been released as of yet.


  • DHCD correspondence regarding Extraordinary Expense Funds

Executive Director indicated thatthis correspondence from DHCD regarding the Non Routine/FY 2017 Extraordinary Maintenance funds were originally in the Budget FY 2017 Guidelines as an allowable operational expense for all Housing Authorities, allowing $200 per unit extraordinary maintenance expense. DHCD has now decided to make this funding available through the Capital Funds instead of Budget Operational expenses. Therefore, they have created a FISH number to these funds. (FISH 007062).

  • Management & Occupancy Report from DHCD for Macy Terrace, Multi-family

The Authority received an above average overall rating for the Management and Occupancy Review for the Section 8 New Construction Program (Macy Terrace). Although the rating was above average there were some findings and recommendations as indicated on the report to include but not limited

toimplementation of HUD Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan, Enterprise Information Verification (EIV) System Policy and Procedures and EIV Security System Security Policy.

Ms. Amaral and Mr. Noon congratulated the Executive Director on the above overall rating considering this program has not been reviewed by DHCD for approximately ten years. Executive Director indicated that the all of the recommendations have been implemented by the appropriate staff and the policies and plan are on the agenda for approval.

  • HUD Approval Letter 2017 Section 8 Annual Public Housing Agency Plan

HUD has approved the Section 8 Annual Public Housing Agency Plan for FY 2017.


Executive Director reviewed and updated the board of the status of the Financial Information System for Housing (FISH) projects.

Quarterly Consolidated Modernization Cost Report

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: To distribute quarterly consolidated modernization cost report for period ending 6/30/2017 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Meadows Construction Company- CIP #007043

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve Change Order #1 for Meadows Construction Company in the amount of $22,220.00 for Replacement of existing structural columns at Heritage Vale, CIP 007043 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve Certificate of Substantial Completion for Meadows Construction Company for Replacement of existing structural columns at Heritage Vale, CIP 007043 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve Certificate of Final Completion for Meadows Construction Company for Replacement of existing structural columns at Heritage Vale, CIP 007043 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve Application and Certificate for Final Payment for Meadows Construction Company in the amount of $47,015.00 for Replacement of existing structural columns at Heritage Vale, CIP 007043 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Glionna Plumbing & Heating CIP #007061

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: Approval of Glionna Plumbing & Heating in the amount of $19,448.00 for Replacement of low flow toilets and shower heads for Macy Terrace and Orchard Park, CIP 007061 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Capital Improvement Plan FY 2018

Executive Director reviewed the Capital Improvement Plan FY 2018 with the Board.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve the Amesbury Housing Authority Capital Improvement Plan FY 2018 as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

HUD –Update

Housing Choice Vouchers

76Housing Choice Vouchers are currently leased.

The Elms

The Elms/SRO Program currently has 18 vouchers out of 24 leased. Authority continues to work with the Vendor to fill the vacant units.

Executive Director explained to the Board of the conversation currently with Housing Support Inc. regarding The Elms/SRO Program of conversion to the RAD program. The Authority currently provides 24 SRO Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) at their property located on Friend Street. Housing Support Inc. owns the building, the Housing Authority provides the tenant selection, provides the vouchers and rents for these units. The Housing Authority receives administrative funds in the amount of approximately $117.00 per occupied unit per month to administer these vouchers.

Housing Support Inc is in need of substantial funds for many capital improvements that are needed to preserve the building. With the current program and yearly contract, lenders shy away from approving loans for these programs. Therefore, Housing Support Inc. has submitted an interest to HUD to convert these SRO HCV to Project Based Vouchers (PBV) through the RAD program.

RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration) - This program will assist Housing Support Inc to preserve the building by allowing access to new financing, long term Section 8 HAP Contract, align rents comparable to rent reasonableness and to meet any tenant needs by re-designing/reconfiguring the units.

Executive Director has met with Paula Newcomb, Director for Housing Support Inc., and she has provided a draft copy of the re-designing and budget for the building to the authority.

Housing Support Inc. has already done some improvements. Housing Support Inc has purchased all new beds, common area furniture, and rehabilitation of the vacant units and is in the process of replacing all the bureaus.

By converting to the RAD program, the Housing Authority will need to amend the Section 8 Administrative Plan to include the RAD program requirements and attend tenant meeting with Housing Support Inc. The Housing Authority would also have to submit an application to request an additional 24 HCV project based vouchers.

Housing Support Inc has sent in a preliminary application to HUD. Housing Support Inc is currently working on the financial plan of the application and applying for funding through different lenders. The turnover time for the conversion is unknown but the Executive Director indicated that hopefully it would be completed by next year.

Executive Director indicated that Housing Support Inc has good intentions and that by converting to the RAD program would benefit to provide funding to preserve the building.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Roy and seconded by Mr. Dandurant it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve the Executive Director to pursue discussion with Housing Support Inc. regarding conversion of SRO Mod. Rehab Vouchers to Project Based Vouchers of the RAD Program and to retain a consultant for assistance if required.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.




CORI Policy

Ms. Amaral recommended some inclusions and exclusions on the proposed CORI Policy.

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Dandurant it was unanimously

VOTED: To table the CORI Policy consideration and approval until amendments are complete.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

AFHMP for Multifamily Housing Program

Executive Director indicated that the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan was one of recommendations of the Management and Occupancy Review. This Plan outlines how the Authority will market the Macy Terrace units upon a vacancy.

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Dandurant it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan for Multifamily Housing Program, Macy Terrace, as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Dandurant it was unanimously

EIV (Earned Income Verification) System Policy and Procedures

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Dandurant it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve the EIV System Policy and Procedures for Multifamily Housing Program and Federal programs with corrections.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

EIV (Earned Income Verification) Security Policy

Upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Dandurant it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve the EIV Security Policy for Multifamily Housing Program and Federal programs as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Deferred Maintenance Policy

Executive Director indicated that as discussed before and as per Public Housing Notice 2016-36, DHCD has launched a Performance Management Review (PMR).

AHA PMR review is expected to be in the month of December. Tommy Lee, Housing Specialist from DHCD and a DHCD Facilities Specialist will review all of the areas that are in the Public Housing Notice.

The first year will be a planning year. Executive Director provided the Public Housing Notice 2016-36 for the boards review.

A large portion of the PMR is Maintenance performance including but not limited to work orders, repairs and vacancy turnover. The Board voted to adopt a Maintenance Plan to include a Preventative Maintenance Plan, Work Order Policy and Vacancy Procedure earlier in the year. As per the Public Housing Notice and part of the review, the Authority must alsohave a Deferred Maintenance Policy.

The Executive Director indicated that although there are still areas of improvement in the Maintenance Performance relating to work orders, inspection generated work orders, preventative maintenance and vacancy turnover, improvement has been made in these areas in the last few years.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Amaral and seconded by Mr. Dandurant it was unanimously

VOTED: To approve the Deferred Maintenance Policy as presented.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.




Vacancy Updates- two–one bedroom units, 1 two-bedroom unit and 1-three bedroom unit.

Provident Bank Signature Cards- Board needs to sign updated Provident Bank Signature cards for all accounts.

Regulation regarding Website and Board Member Contract Information- Executive Director explained the new regulation for a website and contact information for all board members. Board members all agreed to have their email listed on the AHA website for contact.

Office Hours- Executive Director indicated that the new office hours are working out very well. The office is open and available to residents and clients more than in the past. The new hours work out great for clients and residents that cannot get into the office during the day hours due to work or other commitments. Executive Director recommended to continue with the current office hours.

Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Dandurant and seconded by Mr. Roy it was unanimously

VOTED: To extend the current office hours permanently or until a need to be revised.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

No Smoking Policy- implemented September 1, 2017. Going well so far. A few residents were sent reminder notices.

Administrative Staff- Katelynn Lemieux joined AHA on July 31, 2017 as the Housing Manager. Mary Beth Damon has settled into her new position as Financial Assistant very well. Executive Director indicated that the office atmosphere has improved and everyone is working very well together.

  • Chair Noon requested that the yellow curb side stones in front of Heritage Towers be replaced and/or repaired, re-aligned and re-painted.
  • Chair Noon commented on the exceptional cleaning of the elevators. Executive Director indicated that employee Dan Dupuis is responsible for the cleaning of elevators. Chair Noon requested the Executive Director acknowledge Mr. Dupuis on his exceptional work.
  • Mr. Dandurant requested that the shrubs by the handrail in front of the Heritage Towers be trimmed.
  • Mr. Roy requested that the piece of concrete and rebar be removed from the roof by the 6th floor corridor.


There being no further business before the Board and upon a motion duly made by Ms. Amaraland seconded by Mr. Dandurantit was unanimously voted to adjourn at9:45am.

The Chairman then declared said motion carried and said vote in effect.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Bibeau, Secretary

and Executive Director