English I Course Syllabus

Lanier High School 2015-2016

Alison Eike

Office Hours: By Appointment – Room 202

Phone: (512)-414-2514


This course focuses on the TEKS objectives necessary for academic success in English. In this class, we will focus on skills in both reading and writing. We will read multiple genres, including but not limited to novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and expository texts. When reading these different genres, it’s important to understand the historical and cultural contexts which surround each text. We will discuss these contexts and their importance. In addition to this, we will focus on developing writing skills through a process called Writer’s Workshop in which students will write daily in their personal writer’s notebook. This process will help facilitate writing as a life-style rather than teaching writing as merely a “school subject” to be taught in a classroom.

Conference Period

At Lanier, each teacher is given an off period designated to meeting with parents or students. These conference periods can be scheduled by calling the teacher at the number above and making an appointment with him or her. My conference period is on:

Wednesdays at 3:00 PM


The Lanier English Department will use a weighted grading policy. Daily grades will count as one grade. Quizzes and minor projects will count as two grades. Essays, major grades, and tests will count as three grades. All teachers will follow this protocol to ensure consistency throughout the campus.


It is the student’s responsibility to check for make-up work with their teacher on the day they return to school.


A student who fails to turn in an assignment by the required due date is given 3 additional days to turn in the assignment for a maximum of 70% credit. If the student does not turn in an assignment by the 3rd day, the student will receive a zero for the assignment (Lanier policy).

CLASS MATERIALS (Bring these items to class daily. Failure to do so may result in lowered grade.)

·  Pencils

·  Interactive Notebook (stays in class)

·  Personal Writing Journal (goes home with student)


Assessments, including tests, essays, and projects, will give the students an opportunity to demonstrate mastery and guide further study. ELA I students will be taking the STAAR test.


Tutoring hours are Tuesday & Thursday from 4:20 – 5:00 pm. I am also available by appointment.


In my classroom is a collection of books that I have personally collected over my years of teaching. The books in this collection contain many different subjects on life, history, society. I do not censor books in my classroom and some books do contain possibly offensive topics and language. If you have a concern over the book your student is reading or what books are in my collection, please contact me. If a student checks out a book from my classroom library, the student will be held financially responsible for that material if it is not returned.


1.  Come to class prepared and on time in order to complete your work.

2.  Please respect EVERYONE and EVERYTHING so that we have a safe environment.

3.  No music players, cell phones, or other electronic devices are allowed so that you stay focused.

4.  Makeup and late work are YOUR responsibility. Your success is in your hands.

5.  Always assume a positive attitude and give your best effort.


You commit plagiarism if…

…you fail to acknowledge the sources of any information in your paper which is not either common knowledge or personal knowledge.

…you fail to acknowledge direct quotation either by using quotation marks (short passages) or indentation (longer passages).

…you too closely paraphrase the original words of your source.

…you borrow the ideas, examples, or structure of your source without acknowledging it.

…you take, buy, or receive a paper written by someone else and present it as your own.

…you use one paper for two different courses, or re-use a paper previously submitted for credit, without the prior approval of both instructors.

…you write a paper together with another student who has the same assignment, and both papers are identical in part, paraphrase one another, or are substantially similar in their ideas, examples, or structure.

You commit collusion if you…

…you allow someone else to write your paper.

…you write a paper together with another student who has the same assignment, and both papers are identical in part, paraphrase one another, or are substantially similar in their ideas, examples, or structure.

The minimum penalty in any case of plagiarism or collusion is a zero for the assignment and parental notification.

The information on the attached sheet will help me stay in contact with you during the semester. Signatures on this sheet will let me know that you and your child have read and understood the policies and procedures for English II. If the sheet is not signed and returned, your child will still be held accountable for all policies and procedures.

I look forward to working with your son or daughter in English II. This is a demanding course, and I know that you will be interested in your child's progress.

La información en la hoja adjunta le ayudará a mantenerme en contacto con usted durante el semestre. Firmas en esta hoja se me hizo saber que usted y su hijo hayan leído y entendido las políticas y procedimientos de Inglés II. Si la hoja no está firmado y devuelto, su hijo todavía tendrá que rendir cuentas de todas las políticas y procedimientos.

Espero con interés trabajar con su hijo o hija en Inglés II. Se trata de un recorrido exigente, y sé que va a estar interesado en el progreso de su hijo.


Alison Eike

Student Name/Nombre de Estudiante: ______

(please print)

Name of Parent or Guardian/ Nombre del padre o tutor: ______

(please print)

Home Phone/Teléfono de casa: ______Work Phone/ Teléfono del trabajo: ______

Cell Phone/Celular: ______Other Phone/Otro Teléfono: ______

Address/Domicilio: ______

Student email address/ Dirección de correo electrónico del estudiante: ______

Parent/Guardian email address/Dirección de correo electrónico de los padres: ______

Do you speak any other language besides English? YES NO

If yes, what language(s)? ______

What language does your parent or guardian speak at home? ______

Do you have computer access at home? YES NO

Do you have internet access at home? YES NO

Please sign below to indicate that both you and your child understand our class policies, especially those regarding the penalties for plagiarism, collusion, and unexcused late work.

Signature of Parent or Guardian: ______Date ______

Signature of Student: ______Date ______


Periodically students will view films/clips that may have an R rating but have academic value.

Please circle ONLY ONE of the following statements:

“I give permission for my child to watch R-rated movies that are relevant to the course content.”


Please return this page to Ms. Eike ASAP for a grade!