Newsletter No. 14 autumn 2016

Our focus value for our Collective Worship this half term is Friendship.

Thank you to Mr and Mrs Martineau for making us feel so welcome last week – Christmas has arrived early at Barningham CEVC Primary school!

A warm welcome to Ms McDonnell, who will be teaching our Owl Class from January 2017. An experienced class teacher and maths specialist, I am certain that Ms McDonnell will quickly settle into the Barningham Team.

House Points:

Blue 149 Green 147 Yellow 113 Red 149

Achievement Awards awarded this week – 12.12.16:

Rabbit – For his super participation in the Christmas production

Squirrel – For his fabulous listening and choices in class

Badger – For his great behaviour

Owl – For her wonderful writing for Miss Samms.

This week each class will be:

The Rabbits are getting covered in glitter.

In Squirrel class we are being festive in literacy.

This week Badger Class will be getting mathematical with Santa.

Owl Class Y6 are making origami Christmas decorations.

Welcome to Breakfast Club, which opens at 7.45 every morning and costs just £3 per session, payable when you drop off please. Claire and Oscar

After School Club is open for five nights a week until 5:30. Join us as we have fun with different festive activities each week. Jo, Paige, Oscar & Anna

Lunch and Key Dates for your diary:

12.12.16 – Christmas Productions – Dress Rehearsals (grandparents and pre-school children) 9:15: EYFS & KS1 and 2:00: KS2

14.12.16 – Christmas Productions 9:15: KS2 and 2:30: EYFS & KS1

15.12.16 – Christmas Productions 9:15: EYFS & KS1 and 2:00: KS2

15.12.16 – Christmas lunch

19.12.16 – Homework assembly at 9:05

19.12.16 – Class Christmas parties pm

20.12.16 – Christmas Service at St Andrews Church, Barningham, at 9:15

20.12.16 – Barningham has Got Talent Show, at 2:00.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Share project: The Long Journey. The staff were thrilled by the prayers, responses and craft which were created through the morning.

Don’t forget to join us at St Andrew’s Church – Christmas Celebration Family Service – Sunday 18 December, starting at 4:30.

School photos are due for collection next Friday 16 December!

LOTS of unwanted school uniform in the Lost Property Box waiting to be claimed!

PE kits are going home to be washed. Please check that the kit is complete and still fits! Every child should have a PE kit in school every day.

The Friends are pleased to announce that after costs, the Christmas Fair on Saturday 10 December raised about £1000 which is an incredible amount. Thanks to the Friends team and to everybody who supported the Fair. The Friends are currently raising money for our raised beds project. The Recipe Books are now ready – and a bargain at only £2 each. A perfect stocking filler. You can buy copies of the book and raffle tickets from the school office.

The Christmas Card Box is now in the school entrance area. Please check that your child has written the class name on the envelope – and please note that some children share the same first name! Thank you for all the cards for staff and volunteers.

If your child was born between 01 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 you must apply for a full-time school place by Sunday 15 January 2017. Please ask Dawn in the office for details on how to apply.

School Christmas Productions are on all week. Tickets are available from Dawn.

Our Christmas Lunch will be on Thursday 15 December and we are inviting children and adults to wear a Christmas Jumper in aid of SOS Children’s Villages for a donation of £1.

We update our school website ( ) – so please look at the pages on a regular basis.

Advance notice that Splat! will be running after the New Year.

Frances Parr

Head Teacher

To learn, aspire, believe and hope through our Christian faith.

Barningham CEVC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children.

The Designated Senior Leader is Mrs Parr; the Alternate Designated Person is Mrs Pipe

and the Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding is Mrs Hall.

The Online Safety Lead is Mrs Parr and the Governor with Responsibility for Online Safety is Mr Gilroy.

The Prevent (Radicalisation) Lead is Mrs Parr and the Governor with Responsibility for Prevent is Mrs Mitchinson.