Learning Object Creator (LOC)Planning Sheet
Write the title of your learning object hereIntroduction (editable heading)
Write your introduction to the learning point or topic here.Objectives (editable heading)
Write the learning objectives or learning outcomes here.Image
(OPTIONAL) Insert details of chosen image hereif required, with details of image provider for later referencing or Creative Commons licence if applicableImage caption
Insert image caption hereALT text
Insert ALT text for image hereCopy the box below for each activityto be included and edit as required.
Activity 1: / Write the title of your activity here(OPTIONAL) Write a lead-in to your activity here if needed
Write the instruction to your activity here.
(OPTIONAL) Insert additional text etc here if forming basis for the whole activity. This could be a short piece of original text (with reference details as appropriate, to be added using LOC referencing tool – see References section at bottom of page); or details of audio clip etc to be used
(OPTIONAL) Insert any help text for the activity here, for example, a hint or an example.
Interactive task 1
If using a set of questions - write the firstquestion item here with 3-4 multiple-choice answer options if appropriate; or an open ended question etc. Note your choice of the interactive task item here too (radio buttons, dropdown list, text box, gapfill, checkbox, or tick/cross list)
Write your feedback below if individual feedback required for each question item
Insert your feedback here. This should be a correct/ suggested answer (or set of answers) AND comment or explanation to aid student’s understanding.
Interactive task 2
Write next question item here
Insert your feedback here. This should be a correct/ suggested answer AND comment or explanation to aid student’s understanding.
Interactive task 3 – Copy the box to add more
Write next question item here
Insert your feedback here. This should be a correct/ suggested answer AND comment or explanation to aid student’s understanding.
Continue by copying and pasting task item box until up to 6 question items have been produced
(OPTIONAL) Write a sentence linking any dependent resource to the main activity here, making it clear what the purpose of the resource is.
Then insert a link to your extra resource here and indicate the file type and size e.g. Transcript ( pdf 30KB).
Dependent resources that you might wish to consider including are: a Word doc for the learner to complete; a transcript of an audio or a text for offline reading in pdf format.
(OPTIONAL) Insert a review or summary of the main learning points here to reinforce them and some weblinks for further practice if appropriate.References
The full reference details for any original text used as part of an activity, will appear here once a shortened reference (author and year) has been inserted above using the LOC referencing tool© Insert name of LO developer / institution / and any copyright details here. Include Creative Commons licence type if applicable and ‘Image courtesy of …’ if applicable.
© University of Southampton, 2009. LOC tool workshop