Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo
Vocabulary Answers
1. Ether – colorless liquid used to put people to sleep before surgery
2. Last Days of Pompeii – novel about the destruction of the city of Pompeii by a volcano
3. Entombed – to be placed in a tomb or covered
4. Unchristly - cowardly
5. Dugouts – large holes in the ground where men could hide and rest
6. Ebbing – falling back or away
7. Courting – to attempt to gain the love and affections of someone (dating)
8. Monopoly – control by one group to produce or sell products
9. Dope fiend – drug addict
10. Mackinaw – city in Illinois
11. May Day – May1st is a day of political demonstrations and celebrations by workers
12. Metropolis – any large, busy city
13. Squaw – derogatory word for a Native American woman
14. Bulldogged – to throw a calf or horse down by grabbing the horns and twisting the head
15. Democracy – form of government that promotes freedom and equality for all people
16. Mick – derogatory word for Irish people
17. Drafted – to be selected for military service
18. Bohunk – derogatory word for an unskilled foreign-born worker
19. Flivver – cheap car
20. Bureau – a chest of drawers
21. Socialist – a person who believes profit should be publically owned, not privately
22. Bunting – patriotic decorations
23. Fourflusher – a person who makes false claims
24. Decency - proper, appropriate
25. Highfalutin – arrogant, pompous
26. Bewildered - confused
27. D.A.R. – Daughters of the American Revolution
28. Barbarity – brutal or cruel
29. Prohibitionists – people who favored the prohibition of alcohol
30. Limey – derogatory word for a British person
31. Heinie – derogatory word for a German soldier
32. Lazarus – biblical character raised from the dead by Jesus
33. Subaltern – lower in rank
34. Morse Code – clicks, pauses, or series of tappings to represent the alphabet
35. Clap – STD: Gonorrhea
36. Arse – rear end
37. Doughboy – American soldier of WWI
38. Doily – decorative mat or napkin
39. Tommy – bread given to troops
40. Poilu – French soldier
41. Delirium – mental disorder characterized by fevers, excitement, and restlessness
42. Speil – to climb
43. Shellshock – posttraumatic stress disorder occurring in soldiers
44. Tramp - homeless, bum
45. Yanks – Yankee: U.S. soldier
46. Bedraggled – to make soiled with rain and dirt
47. Thistles – prickly thorns of a plant
48. Alkali – mixture of salts that prevent crops from growing
49. Festered - rotting
50. Impetuous – impulsive, moving with great force
51. Palate – sense of taste; roof of the mouth
52. Chauffeur – a person hired to drive a private car or limousine
53. Larruping – very, exceedingly
54. Ungallant – cowardly, afraid
55. Cremated – to reduce a dead body to ashes
56. Benefactor – supporter, sponsor, protector
57. Queer - strange
58. Tottering – to shake, collapse, unsteady
59. Conscientious – careful, honest, faithful
60. Spick – derogatory word for a Spanish-American
61. Ingratitude – ungrateful, unthankful
62. Gangrene – rotting skin or tissue
63. Oblivion – state of forgetting or being forgotten or ignored/overlooked
64. Extravagance – excessive expenditure of money
65. Liberty - freedom
66. Gay - happy
67. Buoyant – perky, bouncy